The one I had for over a month this winter. Feel like a new man since.
Ice man
Thanks, that's encouraging. I've had one for exactly a month now. The first week it crept between throat then sinus then chest. The next week it moved back to my head. I went through 1 & 1/2 big boxes of Kleenex and had to wipe down my computer screen twice. Week 3 went back to my chest and this past week I'm feeling better but I'm still hacking up the odd ball of phlegm, and starting to wonder if this is ever going to end. . -
Lilo Avli
" I went thru 1 & 1/2 big boxes of Kleenex and had to wipe down my computer screen twice". So you found Pornhub, then ? LOL !! -
Ice man
Yes, thank you for the link. lol !! -
Lilo Avli
$5. -
Ice man
Put it on my tab. -
Lilo Avli
Will it fit ? -
Ice man
It's a big tab.... -
Lilo Avli
Being hygienic and smart, I never catch a cold.
Ice man
Don't bring your religious beliefs into this, and I think it might have something to do with the type of music you listen to as well. -
Lilo Avli
If you don't kiss it, you can't catch anything from it. Who have you been kissing ? And where ? -
Ice man
Sorry that would be telling and I don't tell where. -
Lilo Avli
Who do you tell ?
A few days too many!
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