• Yes because we are fantastic tippers. We give about 9/10 th of our bill and sometimes we tip more than our bill.
  • No, they're only human. I only downrate if they are rude.
  • No. I've been a waiting tables for the past 8 years. I know mistakes happen. I only lower my tip, if I get the feeling that she doesn't care about her level of service, or if she's rude.
  • No. I only do if they're rude, they hardly come to the table or gratuity is added to the bill, and even then I leave a little.
  • well it depends on the mistake if she gives my plate to someone else its no big deal but if they forget to place the oorder in for everybody and im waitin for 2 hours for food they wont recieve any tip well a penny just so they no i was no pleased
  • no I just give 20% other wise if everything is good, I over tip
  • If they have a rude attitude, yes I would. But normally we tip more than the average percentage.
  • No. we are not all perfect and their job is hard enough as it is. Their bad personality would be the only "tip" factor.
  • Not usually, everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes they're so busy a mistake is apt to happen, or maybe she is new and just learning. I tend to overlook them, usually very minor mistakes.
  • I seldom lower my tip below 20%
  • No, because I don't tip in the first place. Where do waiters/waitresses get the idea that they are entitled to extra money over and above their regular pay just because they work in a restaurant? They are employed to do a job to the best of their ability, and receive a pre-arranged level of pay in return; i.e. the same as any other employed person. There are plenty of people in service industries who neither expect nor receive tips. Why should the food industry be a special case?
  • No, its tuff being a server i've been there, everyone makes their mistakes
  • For an honest mistake I do not down-rate as long as they try to fix it, and I am usually a very generous tipper .... If they are rude or I get the feeling that they just don't care , they will get the crappiest tip in history.
  • not when they make mistakes. everyone makes mistakes. its all about their attitude and their willingness to help
  • No, mistakes can be corrected and forgiven. But rudeness and unnecessarily poor to bad service will get them an equally reduced, bad tip.
  • Simple. unintentional mistakes are no reason to down-grade a tip, but if a waiter/waitress is surly or rude or if they stand around shooting the shit with co-workers while their diner's needs go unmet, I'll guarantee that the tip I leave will be much, much less than the twenty percent they're expecting.
  • If i see that it's a blatant "i don't care attitude" i won't leave much. But If it is just a Mistake, or someones having some stress, or maybe they're swamped or if i see they're flustered, i'll probably leave more and a verbal thank you.
  • Not for a mistake no, but I won't tip bad service!
  • I read the answers and most people don't down-rate for mistakes, only attitude. That's the way I feel too. What disturbs me is the guy that doesn't leave any tip. Most servers in restaurants are paid a token salary like $1.25/hour so the only thing they take home is tip money. If the guy is that uncaring, he should eat at home or go to McDonald's. The people at McDonald's salary is much more than the average server's salary. The other guy that worries me is the one that over-tips "sometimes more than the bill". Either he's lying or he's making the rest of us look cheap.
  • Sumtyme if it seems obveous the made the mistake on purpose. But usally no I tip everyone.
  • An honest mistake? Never yo...
  • I take 10% off the bill.
  • no we all make mistakes
  • No, I usually don't down-rate it period. You never know what someone may be going through. They may make a mistake because they are going through a very hard time & still having to & trying to work. So all make mistakes.
  • Not mistakes, but will-full inattention or lack of customer service.
  • So, I do normally tip well. However one time I went to a place that was way over priced. Add a few drinks on that, this girl was walking away with like a 40 dollar tip she had no business getting and the service was shitty. I have friends that work in the restaurant business that can bring in 150-250 bucks a night. I work longer than people in restaurants and don't make half that it's horseshit is what it is. It just seems to me that "most" people that work in restaurants think they're owed something, and have a bad attitude, when really I dunno what's so meaningful about their jobs that they need to get tipped. If they are getting like the 1.25 thing plus tips that's bullshit but most people I know are at least getting min wage.
  • not for an honest mistake, no. But my tip does depend on the overall service. If the person makes a lot of mistakes, yes.
  • NO, but I have given more if I think we have been pains in the ass somehow.
  • The size of tip I leave is entirely based on the quality of service I recieve. If they're rubbish then it's no tip!
  • No, not normally. Often, the mistakes are due to reasons beyond their control, e.g., kitchen problem, assigned too many table because another waitstaff member didn't show up for work, etc. The only time I'm likely to lower my normally excessive tip (25%...sometimes more), is when the waitstaffer has an unpleasant attitude towards my party and/or me, which would be highly unusual...because I'm very considerate of waitstaff and I make certain that my party is, as well.
  • LOL LOL.... MY husband's uncle was so funny. He'd walk into a restaurant and determine what he was going to eat and drink, figure out the total cost of meal, then calculate the tip. He'd then put the amount of the tip on the table. As he got service, depending on the service, he would subtract from the calculated tip amount. If the service deserved more money, he'd add it. But he definitely would subtract more than he added. A couple of times, while my husband & I were out with him, we actually saw a waitperson 'understand' what they were seeing happen to the 'tip'. Cognition is a wonderful tool (and on AB, a good friend LOL LOL).
  • If it's a mistake, no. If it's not good service, yes.
  • No. I only down-rate or not tip for rudeness. Waitresses have to pay tax on orders even when they are not tipped, because the govt asssumes they will be tipped. I almost always tip something, even for poor service. I got a waitress fired for her extreme rudeness.
  • Only if they are rude. If they make an honest mistake and take the blame and apologize, their tip will not suffer.
  • It depends on how they handle making the mistakes. If they seem like it's not their problem and are rude about it then yes, but if it is just a mistake and they apologize and try to corect it then of course not!! I don't usually if the food takes a long time either because that is generally the kitchens fault not the server. From working in restaurants and bars I know how shitty it is to get bad tips all night because the kitchen sucked and then still have to tip out to them.
  • since i work in taht field they would have to be really rotten for me to downrate. im an overtipper.
  • No. Anyone can make a mistake. I only lower the tip if they ignore me, particulary those who come and take the order, send someone else out with the food, and then show up with the check fifteen minutes after I have finished eating. It makes me mad every time.
  • No I don't. I will down-rate it if they are rude, do not do their job properly or are unhelpful. Making mistakes is ok by me =)
  • I give them 10-15% instead of my usual 20%.
  • I may give only 15% rather than 18-20%.
  • Yes. I usually give 20% Bad service get you about 10%😊😊😊
  • That would depend on the nature of the mistake. Bad service - yes. Bad food - yes. *** For example: I remember one restaurant I visited. While we waited to be seated (we were the only ones waiting) the waitress was talking on her cell phone and filing her nails. No, that's not from TV. This really happened. Once she finished her telephone conversation with her friend she seated us. That's bad service. She ended up being our waitress.

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