Love it, especially the zinger tower meal.
I like their Potato Wedges & Popcorn Chicken
It makes me queezy after eating it.
I love it, I would much rather have a KFC than a McDonalds :-)
I love it but haven't eaten it for years because of all the fat and carbs. I don't think it's very good for us.
i love kfc
I don't surprisingly enough.
They have a lot of locations. I'd imagine someone other than you likes it or you have a really big appetite and a lot of time to travel;)
I've never eaten there because I hate their commercials.
My wife and I both like it but we prefer Pollo Loco.
I love it. It's awesome.
I do. But it's not as good as it used to be. Back then they used real butter and honey. They were not "sauces".
zinger tower burger please!
I do... however I will never forgot how the chickens are prepared.
Extra Crispy, And their Cole Slaw is to die for.
sure, i love the mashed potatoes.
I seriously doubt you are the sole reason they have over 20,000 locations and do over 23 billion in Revenue. There's got to be a lot of people loving that finger lickin chicken!
I like KFC but we have not had one here where I live for a few years.
To me it isn't the matter of taste. It tastes good yes, BUT their coating is loaded with MSG a very dangerous taste additive that is bad for health in many ways. If you wonder just Google MSG and learn.
Linda Joy
Not to mention all the fat and salt!
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