• I don't think they do really, i think they can usually sense when it is coming annd find shelter.
  • They don't. They seek cover or get hit.
  • phew!!!... thtz a veryyy sientifik Qn yu askd... k... lemme try n xplain... birdz hav theez smal-tiny receptorz on each of the hair of each feathr of their body... theze receptorz r temperature sensitiv... whn evr the temp rizes.... they go 'red'.. n bird seez al theze red 'signalz' n calcualtes the temp acordin 2 the intensity of the 'red-ness'... n whn the temp drops... they go 'green'... n az usual.. the bird calculatez the temp by intensity of the 'green-ness'... but whn it iz regardin rain/snow/hail... it iz a difurent story al togethr... theze receptorz wil short-cirket if da bird fliez in water (any form of it...)... so to avoid the 'shock'... theze recepturz fuze thm selvez... al-in-one-go... n the bird senses tht ALL r 'fuzed'... so it wil knw it iz goin to rain/snow... and wil abort itz flight asap... sumtimz whn it cant... it calz for emergency servicez... or help... wich iz realy realy realy hard to get thru... az they are very buzy at tht timez... so many a timez yu see birdz on street wich r hurt or woundd... people think they were hurt by other humanz... but it iz the rain/snow in actuality... anywayz... the receptorz are a high-maintainance thingz... n thatz y humanz dont have them... cauze it will be too costly for humans to maitain thm... and specialy if there iz recession... thn the situation would be wurse... thatz why humans are receptor-free... and humans use umbrellas/raincoats... and go out in rain without any problem... poor birdz.... they cant do tht... sad na???... :(... peace!!!
  • By staying out of the air.
  • Most if not all animals have an instinct for bad weather and will normally seek proper shelter whenever they can. Not to say they are always quicker than the weather as many animals every year are killed due to storms but rarely seen as a problem because other animals will drag them off to be consumed.
  • They wear helmets.
  • The take cover, birds generally avoid flying in any kind of precipitation
  • they use batteries of patriot missiles.
  • oops my bad
  • They don't. Many are killed by them. +5
  • stealth ! !
  • All flights are canceled during hailstorms...even birds have brains and seek shelter

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