I live in Canada...its snowed like a foot in the last day....and was -33 this Id have to laugh and say hell-NO!!!!
Probably not. I don't particularly like the cold.
why not, I wouldn't mind checking it out.
No. I'd rather sell it to someone who wants to go and pocket the cash. Hello, T!
No i would rather stay here in the UK
Yes so I could see the glaciers before they are gone.
sure! i wouldn't be able to work on my tan, but at least i could say that i've been to Antartica!
no even though i practically hate ny,id rather stay here.
Hell Yeah! I'd love to see the south pole and be a member of the 300 club. Penguins, meteorites, and fossils. Not everyone gets to the last down under.
If I have the proper attire, sure, its an experience of a lifetime!
I'd love to see what it looks like. Also when I get there they will give me an igloo and nothing but snowy ground.
I'd love to go, in a heartbeat. I've read many books about it, the early explorations, the geography, because I've always found it to be a fascinating place. If it could also include a trip to South Georgia Islands, too, I'd be super happy.
No way! :) Northern Oregon is too cold for me, Antarctica makes me want to die just thinking about it.
No . Say hawaii and I am always ready ;)
Yes. I would very much like to avail of the opportunity to visit Antarctica.
I would love to go.
Sure. It's paid for, right? I'd hate to have to try to find a restaurant for breakfast and dinner.
Yes. Not many people can say they have been there :-)
Can I take a penguin home with me?
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