Die Hard.
Jesus Loves us All.
"the bible" because he knows how it ends.
Weekend At Bernie's
The Ten Commandments.
"King of Kings"
Monty Pythons search for the Holy Grail.
"Jesus Christ, Superstar"
Fight Club.
???? i think HE might would have liked "Gone with the Wind?" or "Slingblade" or "Steel Magnolia's" etc...He knows human nature and HE is very tolerant..
This documentary called: The Fog Of War. I know that doesn't make much sense but that's what it is.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Good Burger
"Spaceballs," no question.
Star Wars, naturally.
"Sister Mary Elephant" with Cheek and Chong
All Dogs Go to Heaven
A modern-day Jesus may well enjoy 'Far From Heaven,' though it does have a gay man in it.... maybe not then.
It would be cool if he likes/liked Psycho. We could chill on the couch and watch it.
Interesting question. I would say that judging by what and Who Jesus is, He wouldn't watch 99.9% of the movies that vomit out of Hollywood today. Other than that, I couldn't say.
we are dough 68
What about the other 11.1 % ?
I thought The Jerk was very funny. Um I mean Jesus did. Yea, him. Not me. *blink* *runs away fastly*
Jesus Gonzales loves to watch "Deep Throat" on DVD.
we are dough 68
probably any movie thats about him
The Ten Commandments (1956) is among the best religious films ever produced. Jesus spoke of God's Law. Matthew 5:18 "For truly, I say to you, until Heaven and Earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished."
"Death of a Salesman".😖 "Silent Spring" lol
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