I'm from NJ. So the Jersey Devil of course....
That was the first one I thought of as well being from Pennsylvania
There is a nearby cemetary where a chapel used to sit and then burned down that is suppose to be famously haunted. Its called "Posey Chapel" I think. When I was at college the urban legend there was the Chapel of the Ressurection was sinking. (This is a common theme on college campuses and it usually involves the Library sinking because the engineers forgot to condier the weight of all the books, its rarely if ever true)
There once was a man who lived. Then one day he died. THE END! cool huh?
The Alien Base in Dulce, New Mexico...This is a great legend and has alot of truth to it. There was an alien underground base at the Jicarilla Apache Nation lands near Archuleta Mesa. The Gov't knew all about the aliens and allowed then to harvest a certain amount of the local population. As part of the Plowshare Program, nuclear bombs were detonated at two sites near Rifle, Colorado one at Rulison and the other at Rio Blanco, southwest of Dulce, New Mexico. Project Gasbuggy as it was called were designed to stimulate the production of natural gas in tight sandstone formations. As far as I know nuclear explosions consume and burn all the natural gasses. Anyway, the aliens and the US guards got into it and many of the humans were killed as a result of this confrontation. This resulted in the detonation and termination of the aliens at the underground base. You can visit the site in Dulce that marks the detonation with a plaque. Check it out: I could go on, but, I will let you read my book when I publish it...
The Charles Manson was born nearby, and that his grandma will invite you in for cookies, then try to kill you. Not good,...but funny.
Big Foot. He does exist. We in the NW keep his secret. He is, unfortunately, running for president on the Democratic ticket. Clinton/Big Foot '08. I have the bumpersticker available for a modest donation to his campaign of $50.
Robin Hood, he stole from the rich to give to the poor, tho I'm still waiting..
The legend of the melon heads and Dr. Crow. Some very scary stuff. Me and my friends would go to the woods at night to scare ourselves, and to see if we would find anything!
Well, there's this urban legend about this house on Long Island. I think its in Belmore, Long Island. An old lady used to live in this house, I think, and then she died, and then there were rumors about the house being haunted by the old lady. People would hear strange noised coming from this house at night. So, a few years ago, these 3 teenage boys went to the house to see if they could sneak in. Two of the boys were scared, so the dared the 3rd boy to go inside of the house. Well, he went in, but didn't come out after a long time. The two other boys got worried, so they went into the house to look for him. The boys went into the house, and while they were in there, the house literally started to sink into the ground, and the couldn't get out. The doors locked themselves, the windows locked themselves, they died in the house. Now, no one goes near that house because of that urban legend. I don't know if its true or not, but all I know is that some say it happened, some say it didn't(more say it did happen...)
The Ogopogo in Okanagan Lake. I believe it too. Some people think it's just Tourist Bull$hit.
bigfoot The legend goes that in the mountains there live ape - human hybrids who fish & hunt in the woods & mountains. There are other sotrys of a Indian sqaw who haunts 'Pike Place Market'... THere are other storys of ghosts & other Indian spirits in other areas too...
Resurrection Mary
I used to live in Key Largo where there was some really weird urban legends about the forest just behind the elementary/middle school. Some kids said an evil family of clowns lived there, some said it was a witch, others said it was where all the hobos held their secret meetings to overthrow the government. A friend and I got curious one day and went in the woods to see what really lived in there. We found an upsidedown trailer home, a bunch of abandoned tents, garbage everywhere, some stray cats, and empty bullet shells (which I kept as surveneirs to show-off to my brothers). So, we concluded that it's definately creepy back there, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't inhabited by any clowns. We did hear some people in there though, and I remember there was some man yelling at someone (when we heard him we ran away as fast as we could), but we never actually saw anyone.
Well, there's the burger bar that supposedly serves up 'sperm-burgers'. And in Invercargill there's the legend of Minnie Dean. She was supposedly a 'baby farmer' - a woman who offered to take babies from unwed mothers and adopt them out in exchange for money, and also offered abortive procedures. Apparently, these babies never got adopted out though as the remains of several babies were found in her garden. Minnie insisted that these were naturally occuring infant mortalities (it was the 1800s after all). Public rumours produced at the time of her trial and hanging came up with the idea that she stabbed babies in the eyes with hatpins to kill them. There's now this Urban Legend that if you're in a certain place at a certain time of night, 'Minnie Dean'll get you' - get your eyes. Other legends, there's the ghosts of Larnach Castle, the 'Grey Lady' of the hospital and the YHC hauntings.
We had a statue of a women (who everyone thought was a witch) in cemetery around here that was made of marble, it was suppose to have turned black the following day after it was placed on her grave. People swear that "Black Aggie" roamed the cemetery and a lot of them use to go at night to see if she did. It got so bad they had to remove the statue. They say she's still comes out and curses the people that show up there.
I lived in very small town, we had a road called hook mans road, it was scary even in the day time. Legend has it that a young couple ran out of gas on that road the boy went for gas, he locked his girlfriend inside the car, when she woke up her boyfriend was dead and a arm with a hook was still on the door handle. She of course died in a mental institute.
The legend of Auntie EM, who rides the interstate doing good deeds and stopping evil by throwing pumpkins at them.
In our sm town there was Belle Gunness, she was said to have poisoned at least 25 borders, and kept their checks every month. She buried them in her back yard. Her house burned to the ground, the remains of a small framed female were found inside, Belle was a big women. Who knows what really happened to good ole Belle.
Old Pali Road on Oahu. Legend says that anyone carrying raw pork driving on Old Pali Road will have their car stall if the pork is not thrown out of the car as an offering to the spirits. Some say that it is the Menehune that crave pork and stop cars. It was also said that before cars, horses drawing carriages would suddenly come to a halt and not move unless the pork was thrown out. Almost all local people know of this and most believe it.
Mothman.... Point Pleasants, WV. I heard about this my whole life and my grandma even thinks she saw it. Most people have seen the movie now. I don't think the locals find the movie to be ENTIRELY accurate as far as the nature of "creature" or its purpose. Who knows.
Gravity Hill. You stop your car at a particular place on a road whose name I forget. Then you put the car in neutral and it rolls uphill. Or so it seems. Although scientists have shown there is a strong iron deposit underneath the area, it's more an illusion due to the road's path through fields and woods. Someone did actually measure the slope and it is downhill very slightly and perhaps the iron accelerates the gravity effect.
The best urban legend of all time is that government is for the people. that has been proven false and continues to be false.
Here's a Cincinnati Urban Legend. I've also included pics: Spring Grove Cemetery is home to perhaps one of the strangest legends in Ohio history. As the story goes, one of the tombstones in Spring Grove Cemetery bears the bust in the likeness of the gentleman buried below. What makes this bust unique is that legend states that after the man died, his eyes were placed in the sockets of the bust. Even more, the bust's eyes are said to always keep watch over the grave and will follow you throughout the cemetery. No matter where you stand in the cemetery, if you can see the bust, it will appear as though it is watching you. In some variations of the story, the statue literally comes to life and will turn its entire head in order to see you better. And in one version, it will even speak to you. In all honesty, seeing the bust for the first time is a bit eerie, as from afar the eyes do appear to be real. However, on closer inspection, it is quite easy to tell that they are clearly glass. One only has to imagine the unsettling results if someone placed human eyes in a statue and left them exposed to the elements for decades.
Where I live there is this place called Cry Baby Bridge...As the story is told, a woman and her baby were in a bad accident and died there...and supposedly if you cross the bridge and don't say "Bitch get out of the car!" over and over again until you're over the bridge...she sits in the back seat and i dont know...haha...but also along with that you CAN hear a baby crying I've heard it before, when we stopped to pee while's really creepy...but I don't know if she really does sit in the back of the car when you don't say it...because I always say it...because I'm normally drunk...haha
that Brian Mulroney is not a crook!
Oral Roberts and his family's antics - they are our local urban legend LOL
Back in 1982, a man set a bomb in his garage that was intened to kill his wife. Well the wife & the daughter went shopping & the bomb detonated in the garage killing them both. The father was sent to prison & was executed. When the father went to prison, the son & only survivor went to live with his grandparents. A year after the father was executed, the son & both grandparents were killed in a car accident. The house goes up for rent every six months or so because the renters claim that the house is haunted. In the 6 yrs folling, there were about 15 different people that moved in the house for rent, & none of them styaed in the house for longer than 3 or 4 months.
Bet you didn't know that in Florida we have our very own Loch Ness Monster! In Lake Zephyr, there have been numerous "sightings" of this creature (lemme see if I can find the pictures). Oddly enough, it happens to show up just around the corner from the annual Celtic Heritage Festival and Highland Games. They believe she comes to Lake Zephyr through an underground waterway connected to Crystal Springs (and THIS is the real reason WHY that area of Crystal Springs was shut down years ago) As the theory goes, the owners, not knowing the disposition of the creature, could not allow continued swimming in the springs. They also knew that announcing their reasons would be met with scorn and ridicule at best and flocks of thrill-seeking tourists and exploitation at worst thus they never announced the actual cause for closing the swimming area.
Here in Sacramento there are suppose to be two pythons loose in Old Sacramento. Supposedly a women purchased them from a reptile show and while showing them to people down there they slipped down a storm drain. Nobody knows the lady in question, and nobody has come forwars with seeing the event, but some people still are freaked out about the idea of two pythons roaming the hallowed old west streets of Old Sacramento. People have seen too many snake movies I think.
The legend that new gang members are initiated by killing the drivers of cars who flash their headlights at them. This has been proven to be false, but it has been dug up and recirculated since the early 1980's. I know two people that I can not convince that this is a hoax.
Manitoba - Selkirk - There is a church called St. Andrew's on the Red, with a graveyard in the back. It is said that if you are there during the night you see a man in black, a women in white, a ghost car coming out of nowhere, and two little red eyes following you. Also after you have been there during the night you start to have nightmares and dreams with the church’s gates rattling.
i reckon its the one about the local pool. There was some fat kid that was at the pool with his school and they were giving him hard time cause he fat. and that day they had the 10m board open so as it goes he jumped off commiting suicide in a belly flop and his stomach bust covering the whole pool in his guts and blood ect...
what was the Klinger Factory - even now, most people do not know what it made - this even goes back to my Mum's generation (she's 73 and says nobody knew when she was young either). Some people thought it made underwear, most people thought it made plastic bags. It is still standing despite being an eyesore because some idiot made it a listed building so it cannot be knocked down. It looks like some sort of Victorian sweatshop where people died. None of that is true of course, in actual fact it made engineering parts and closed down due to liquidation.
The story goes that a manager who worked at our local KFC, went to work early to switch all of the appliances on so that he could start cooking the whole chickens that were on offer that month. When another member of staff turned up for work, they caught him having sex with one of the raw chickens. He was fired straight away and envirinmental health investigaed but they didn't close the place down.
Lake Superior never gives up its victims. Once lost at sea, always lost at sea.
Were I live some bad Civil War battles were faught, and some people especially those that live on Old Military Road claim they see wondering soldiers. If they get close to them they disappear. This has been an urban legend where I live for years and years, there is even a book about urban legends (cant remember the name) but this legend is in there.
the famous "Wisconsin Dogman" coined when German immigrant's claimed to see "vanishing wolves", which was an omen of death. this "dogman" has been seen in the town of Frankfort (ten miles west of me).
There's always a house in every town that,"Years ago a man killed his family, then himself.
There is the Villisca Axe Murder House in Iowa... not exactly an urban legend, since a whole family WAS murdered with an axe, but it's SAID that the house is haunted. Pay the owner $30 and you can spend the night there! Fun, fun, fun...
The curse of the billy goat, of course. Also, Resurrection Mary.
There's a pretty well travelled one about a gang initiation rite. Someone will rearend you while you're driving and when you get out to exchange info you get shot to death. The cops here in Buffalo believe it and have told people to stay in their cars if this happens. Not sure if it's actually true.
There is an apartment complex in the center of town that was once factory buildings. A night watchman died when he fell in an elevator shaft. His ghost still roams the hallways from what many have said, including well-known ghost hunters.
There's the story of the Bell Witch here in Tennessee. It's the basis of the movie An American Haunting.
That the Civella's have bodies buried under the Lexington bridge. Urban legend or TRUE!
There are several versions of a woman that you will find looking for a ride on a dark road. After she gets picked up, she will disappear inside the car, or will ask the driver to take her to a house a few miles away. Once she gets there, she will tell the driver to please wait because she has some important documents for him to deliver as a favor to someone in town. The driver watches her get inside the house and will wait for a while in front of her house for her to return with the documents, but nothing happens. He decides to knock on the door to see why she is taking so long. An old woman will answer the door and will ask what is he looking for. He will explain, but the old lady tells him that she lives there alone and hasn't seen any woman like the one she describes. He notices a picture on a wall of the woman he took to that house and ask the old lady about it....but to his surprise that woman is her niece, who was killed in a car accident five years before.....
The Lady in White Once upon a time, insert whatever relevant date you want for whatever automobile used, a happily married couple left their reception and drove through Branch Brook Park, Newark, New Jersey. They went down the One Way section of the park which was very well tree lined as this would make the winding twisting road very dark. It was especially dark around midnight. That is also the time when the legend is most potent. As the groom was driving through the twisting winding road in the new convertible he had just bought, he lost control and hit the biggest knurliest oak tree you could imagine head on in a dangerous curve. The groom was instantly decapitated as the bride was thrown from the car as she hit that very tree. Or so it was assumed. When the accident was investigated, the body of the groom with his severed head was found, however, the bride had disappeared. That was when one of the investigators noticed something very strange on the oak tree. An image of white had appeared over time and when your headlights hit this death tree just at the right angle, you can make out the figure of a women dressed in white. Of course, the best angle and the best viewing are at midnight on a Friday nights. Especially during the summer months of the 1960’s I first heard this story when I was 5 years old, and that was 47 years ago. The park is changed and the tree cut down in the mid 1970’s I guess the ghost moved on.
Hollis Road--Bremerton,Washington. A woman was killed by a drunk driver the night before her wedding many years ago. Since then, she haunts the road, looking for the guy who did it. People have said they've seen her face staring in at them through their windshield. One guy's car was completely turned over. Other people have been run off the road, and some have had their cars go completely dead..and never start again. Though no one has been killed, these things have only happened when the driver was a male.
There is a haunted mental hospital, also a mary's grave story
In the late 1800's where I live, there was a really bad train wreck off the Bostian Bridge and many many people died. Each anniversary, people camp out below the bridge where they say crazy things happen and people see things.
There's nothing about the local area, but there's urban rumour that Danes are the happiest people in the world. I don't get it..
Well, there's this common belief that if you get hit by the local bus service, you get free tuition. You could probably sue them for that much, but it's not the default settlement, no. There's also supposedly a haunted room up in one of the dorms. It *is* true that a guy died in his room-- our newspaper archives are down, but I looked it up previously and he OD'd on something really stupid like cough syrup. And, yes, it took several days for anyone to notice because he lived in a single. Those parts are all true. The rest of it, I've heard from someone who said they were friends with the CA in the story, but I've got no newspaper to confirm-- That some time after, when the room had been cleaned (no mattress the guy died on or whatever), they tried to put other people in it. The other people would get freaked the hell out and move- request a different room, move off campus, whatever. This happened numerous times, until the CA finally said he was going to put an end to it and took a sleeping bag in with plans to spend the night. Story is, he bailed out at about 3 in the morning and they've bricked the room off entirely. I should go up there some time and see if I can't find a space where there should be a door and there isn't.
The Mothman when I lived in Southern Ohio right on the river across from West Virginia. Now I live in Ellicott City MD. I think everyone knows about the Blair Witch, some have heard about the goat man, crybaby bridge, to name just a few of the legends in these parts but the most well known and the biggest urban legend around here in my town is Hell House in Ellicott City. Many say the place is haunted. Others used talk of satanic altars or drug labs hidden within the cavernous old building. And... people sacrificing goats or children. These are just some of the rumors surrounding the old St. Mary's College in Ilchester, stories passed around among people from all over the region. These rumors, with their focus on the occult and supernatural, have little basis in reality. The real story, however, is almost as unusual: There's the owner, who allegedly splits his time between his home in India and his apartment complex in Savage, no one knows for sure exactly who he is and what he has the property for. There's the property's caretaker, who apparently has lived for years in the shadow of the old buildings with his rottweilers and a shotgun, chasing off troublemakers. And then there are the vandals and trespassers- mostly teenagers who come to test their bravery or their foolhardiness, to make trouble, drink alcohol, and find out if all those rumors are really true. Most times instead of stories of ghosts what people talk about is a much more practical concern: Allen Rufus Hudson, the property's caretaker. Hudson- sometimes called "The Hermit" or "The Hilbilly" is a prominent figure in most of the stories about Hell House. Hudson has acquired a reputation for chasing trespassers off the property with his rottweilers and his shotgun (which according to one account, is filled with rock salt). Then there's the past of Hell house which is not known with any real certainty by anyone. The locals and those that have done what reasearch they can say locals refer to it as Creepy College. St. Mary's College was a school for high society debutantes at the height of the period, it was built as a charm school for Southern girls. When the original owner built it, he was forwarned about the land being drenched in blood. From the civil war. The owner wanted nothing to do with it and waved the warning away. He wanted to build the school for his new bride who was a school teacher. The years quickly passed with out incident and the man and his wife furnished with love a beautiful daughter, named Agatha, also today known as Black Aggie. As Aggie grew with in the school, she was the owners prized possession and with her charm and poise at an early age the wealthy Southerners threw money at the owner to make their daughters as diplomatic. Aggie grew to be a beautiful young woman and at the age of 16, she was about to have her coming out. It was around this time she started to hear voices of malice and malevolence and was startled by what they were saying to her. The owner and his wife were distraught and called the local doctor for fear that she was not sound or had come down with dementia. The doctor gave her a clean bill of health. But the voices didn't stop. The night of the party had finally arrived and the owner's wife went to help Aggie get ready. She was said to have screamed so loud that the local quarry had stopped work. The owner quickly ran up the stairs to Aggie's room only to find that his only daughter was dead. A vanity mirror had crushed her skull. Months dragged on the school was closed and resumed as soon as the owner felt his wife was able to teach again. The owner's wife was said to roam the halls in her sleep looking for her daughter Aggie. The owner was worried and again called for the local doctor. He said that she was suffering from depression and that it would pass as soon as she would stop grieving. The rumors from the girl students were saying that they saw Aggie's ghost. Some were that when the owner's wife was sleep walking they could see Aggie's silhouette walking beside her. The father's of the girl students quickly pulled their daughters and funding. The owner was starting to panic. One night when he noticed his wife wasn't in bed he searched for her. He finally found her in the bell tower, she had hung herself from the rope used to ring the bell. The locals stated that she couldn't had done it herself she needed help. He closed the doors to the school and died shortly of tuberculoses, in his will it was said that he wanted to repent for his sins of not adhering to the warning he was given so many years ago, so he left it to a convent. The convent/seminary was said to have blessed the place thoroughly. Years passed and the Cardinal of the convent/seminary was said to have had lustful desires. He repented, confessed his fantasies, until he was said to have given into them. He molested 5 nuns. This went on for about a decade and his desires had grown more and more erotic and abundant. He too gave into them. One of the molested nuns came forth and confronted the archbishop. The archbishop barred the cardinal, but not with out words. Something like I will be back, no one is safe in this building. God will forsake you all. Something to that effect was said. On halloween night at midnight, it is said that screams were heard through out the building. The nuns and priests came startled out of their beds to find the five molested nuns were hung above an inverted pentagram. A nun for each point. This legend, has made it so that the local satanist are said to occupy the grounds and have their ceremonies there. By satanist, I mean anti-christian, the reverse of the bible, not Luciferians, or those who believe in the self. It was after the nuns were killed a man hunt for the barred cardinal was launched. He was never found. It is said that his soul even now doesn't rest, but resides with the grounds. He traded his soul to torment those who opposed him. It is said that someone is murdered on Halloween night each year there. Some say the ghost of the cardinal or by the satanists. The bridge is called "Cry Baby Bridge" it is said that infant sacrifices were made there and the bodies were buried in shallow graves either in the cemetary or with in the woods themselves. At midnight you can hear the infant ghost cries, then shortly after you can hear a ghost train, although neither are there. Orbs and spiritual remnants are often sighted there. I have been to the college, and I was in awe. I had goose bumps and the hair on my neck stood on end. In the woods farther back there is a swimming pool. There it looks like time stood still. Water still is in the pool, even though it is algae covered. A new diving board is still completely in tact. The brass railings may have ivy grown over them, but the brass itself is not weathered or has a batina finish to it, rather it looks as if it has been recently polished. The most amazing thing are the angel statues. It is said that if you sleep under them them will crush you in your sleep. Also there is a granite cross there, but it is odd be cause it is completely black. Which is unusual for a Catholic facility to have it. Some say that it was spray painted or weathered, I have seen it with my own eyes. There's also apparently a few tunnels around this area people go party in and such. Not caves, but underground passages. Also I might add that some of the details like the pool are said to be there by some and not by others. Regardless of whether any of the tales be true or not, the place is kinda freaky and the sounds of the dogs the watchmen keeps there howling in the still remains of the buildin is quite a sound. I'm not one to believe in ghosts but this place is pretty creepy even in the day time. I tried to upload pics but the stupid thing keeps saying I cannot load animated gifs even though they are jpegs..anway if it interests you there's lots of photos online.
I was told that someone had been murdered at my old address.510 shrader st. sf, ca. Do you think the ghosts followed me?
It is said here that If You draw "Halo of the Sun" symbol on floar , using virgin bload ( I can use mine, and I`m 21, lol ), on a fogy night,than start Silent Hill 4 , lullaby music theme, untill You fall asleep it will teleport You to real "Silent hill". My cousin did this , he`s goon missing now, but he could still be kidnaped, killed or yust hiding. Follow the link:
Mama Lu's bridge. Near central Arkansas. Many years ago a woman named Lu was driving a horse and cart home with her children. It was a swampy area and late at night. The horse startled at something and ran off a bridge into the swamp. All her kids fell in the water and she tried to get them but everyone drowned. Nowadays, on dark nights in the middle of summer, if you go to the bridge and listen, you can hear her calling for her children. As a teenager, my friends and I used to go hang out in the swamp and would get scared silly at every sound.
I live in NJ, there has been this story in my town that I must have heard a million times since I was little, It goes......On one of our highway exits, where there is residential houses a little girl was playing with her ball, the ball rolled across the highway exit and she was struck by a car when she ran across to retrieve it. The legend is that if you go to the bottom of this exit which is a slight hill at or around midnight the little girl will show up looking for her ball, she will then proceed to pull your car up the hill to the top of the highway exit where she was struck by the of course all of us kids growing up hearing this had to test it out. When we turned 17 there was not a kid in there car at the bottom of the hill to see if it worked. does you roll very slowly and slightly up the hill....I did a little research and it seems that the reason for this is the angle of the exit and slope, gravity naturally rolls your car, which appears to be up hill when in essence because of the slope its actually slightly down hill!! Figures!! LOL
There is a persistent story of a ghost that haunts the Davenport Hotel in Spokane, Washington. A woman, dressed in the fashion of the 1920's, has been sighted by guests. The woman wanders the mezzanine and peers over the railing. The woman appears to be looking for someone in the lobby. A search of newspaper archives revealed that the spirit may be Mrs. Ellen McNamara. Mrs. McNamara fell to her death through the hotel lobby skylights in 1920. She spoke her final words to a physician that night. Her last words were "Where did I go?" People wonder is she is still seeking an answer to that question.
the tanawhai, is a New Zealand urban legend, it is a maori legend, about a monster that is spirit in its realm. Where we live, there is a lot of talk that there is a maori 'slipway' that the deceased spirits come and go from, there are a few strange haunting stories in our village !
Oh those darn aliens again.I caught one taking a jar of cheese wiz out of the frig last night to use as a glue for a cracked internal flux core capacitor.
A minority of people around here beleive in an invisible superman in the sky called god
4 guys raped a guy in the shower cadillac
I live in a town in ny their is a cemetary clled pinewoods it was concider to be one of the most haunted cemetarys in America google pinewoods cemtary and you will find out more.
One that is very known here is the Lizard Man which is half man and half lizard of coarse!!
black aggie..... there's this huge statue of a powerful looking woman in a nearby cemetary carved out of black marble.... supposedly her name was aggie and she went blind and insane after her fiance left her on their wedding night and now her ghost is still there and hates men.... supposedly in the 1800s a group of teenage boys came to the cemetary and one of them was dared to spend the night with black aggie and so he sat on her lap as the others left. When they came back in the morning, he heard them coming and looks up, and his eyes were milky white- black aggie had struck him blind. Also when they reached him, he said "she wouldn't let me go. she wouldn't let me go." again and again, and lifted up his arm. On his upper arm there were five black bruises from huge marble fingers. He went to the sanitorium and was locked up there for the rest of his life- he just sat there staring at the walls saying "she wouldn't let me go." that was all he could say for 80 years. I don't think its exactly true but thats the ghost story thats been passed around for generations.
That people from the South are friendly, nice people and that its a great place to live and raise a family.
The Elusive Jackelope.
we have a urban legend in Utah about this lady who threw her children off of a bridge that crosses the Jordan river, she is supposed to haunt this area, and she is supposed to be seen crying at the bridge for her children to come home. I have yet to see her, but.............
Here in north Georgia,in Ballgrownd,it might be spelled wrong, There's this old, one story, white house that sits atop a hill with a long driveway; trees on either side. Its haunted by evil sprits. At on time a preacher entered the house was instantly attected by an,unseen, spirit. two, also ivivsible, large strong hands picked him up by the neck and nerly strangeled the preacher to death. He ended upin a local hospital with neck injuries. Here's one from Russelville kY. I used to live near there. There's the Sexton family house, a one-story, white, version of Bate's house from psycho, that has the lighting etched image of a young girl on one of the windows. Dad, who was born-n-raised there, said that a girl was getting ready for prom when a nasty storm came upand canceled it. She pissed at the lord for doing that. So, she went up into the tower and cussed him out. Lightning struck the window closest to her electrocuted her. it killed her and left a pefect image of her last facail expression on the glass. The family took the glass out and replaced it but, the image appeared on the new one. They took that one out and replaced it again. The her image reappeared so They painted that window,and the others, over with white paint.
I live near the rio grande river and itz supposed to be where la llarona(idk how 2 spell it)drowned her kids and now she is heard crying for her children and she would take kids who walk by there at night and drown them
If your from Texas. You have probably heard of several Urban Legands. One of which I actually believe. Its called McDodowells Hole. Its a bridge out in the country. I used to live about 8 miles down from it on that same dirt road. We used to go there all the time. The ledgend is that a mother and her two children can be seen roaming around the river. How it began: The children were out playing on the bridge and one of them fell in. The other child jumped in to save him/her and they both drowned. The mother came to find them and when she discovered they were dead, she hung herself off a tree by the river. It is believed that if you go to the river at night you will see the lantern she was carrying move closer to you and will hear the kids crying and calling for help. It is also believed that the children are protected by a huge wolf to keep the mother from finding her children. My highschool teacher and abunch of classmates went on a trip there one night and took a ton of pictures. In several pictures you could see the light and in one particular picture behind my teacher you can see on the ground a huge shaddow of the wolf standing on its hind legs. Freaked us all out.
One is about "Donkey Lady". You can look that up. I'm in TX. I won't go into explaining it all. But there was what was rumored about Donkey Lady, & then the stuff said about what was REALLY true.
That the outlaw, Sam Bass, was killed in a shootout here in Round Rock, Texas, in the 1870's, after robbing the bank. The truth is, though, that there was NOT a shootout, and that Sam was shot in the back as he fled the scene.
Something about a literal dying and resurrecting god-man.
MONTREAL - Be wary of letting your children into ball-filled playgrounds, as the rooms containing the plastic balls are rarely cleaned. Vomit, food, feces and used syringes have been found on their floors. Heard that one? It’s bogus, but many Montrealers believe it. In response to that and other urban myths, the Sûreté du Québec has launched a website dedicated to debunking such legends. The SQ was receiving several emails a week from people asking if lunatics were really placing needles contaminated with the HIV virus on movie theatre seats, or whether flashing your high beams at an oncoming car is a gang signal that might incite a violent reaction, Sgt. Joyce Kemp said. “With the Internet and email, urban legends can travel very fast around the world,” she said. The SQ lists 13 common urban myths on its website and urges people to consult it before panicking or sending a mass email. “I think people love to be scared,” said George Noory, host of the syndicated overnight radio show Coast to Coast A.M., which focuses on the paranormal and conspiracies and is broadcast in Montreal on 940AM. The urban myth is like a campfire story people tell one another for excitement, he said. “What is so fascinating about these legends is that there is some truth to them,” Noory said. “You’ve got to weave through them all to see which ones are true.” Noory said he particularly enjoys stories that focus on the unexplained, like reports of ghosts that appear at intersections where an accident occurred, or the Jersey Devil, a creature that supposedly shows up before a major catastrophe. John Robert Colombo, a Toronto-based writer who has authored more than 200 books about folklore, said an urban legend has three basic criteria: It is constantly being repeated, it varies and adapts from region to region, and it is said to be true. Colombo said few urban legends appear to have originated in Quebec, where conspiracy theories and political anecdotes are favoured over other tall tales. Other urban legends on the SQ’s list include the story of a girl named Ashley Flores, who is reported to have vanished. No such missing persons case exists. Another one claims thieves give your licence plate number to car dealerships to score an extra set of your car keys – which has never happened. If someone still can’t confirm that a story is a hoax after checking the SQ’s site and doing other research, the SQ will gladly look into it, Kemp said.
I vaguely recall one about a girl coming out of a hospital and entering a taxi. She gave the driver an address of course. When the driver reached that address, he turned around and saw no one in the taxi with him. He went to the door of the place he had been told to go and knocked. An older woman answered, and he saw a photo of his passenger on the wall. He told the woman that girl had asked him to take her from the hospital to that address. The woman informed him that the photo was of her daughter who had died at that hospital five years ago that very day. There are older versions of that "Vanishing Hitchhiker" urban legend dating back to medieval days. It appears in all nations in various forms.
There's a version of the Vanishing Hitchhiker tale not too far from where I live. People say that on a rainy night while they're driving down a hill just before they reach the city, they see a girl in a party dress standing by the road. They stop, invite her to ride with them in the back seat and ask where she's headed. She gives an address in the city. She says nothing during the ride. When they reach the address she gave, she has disappeared. They go to the door, and a woman in the house comes and tells them her daughter was killed in a car wreck while going to a party 5 years ago on that date.
dont know of any
I have lived several places that have variations of :The Vanishing Hitchhiker". In them, a man is driving at night and sees a girl standing beside the road. He stops and says he will take her home. She gets in the back seat and gives him an address. She is quiet all the way these. When he arrives at the address she gave him, she is not in the car.He goes to the house and knocks on the door. A middle-aged woman answers his knock, and he tells what happens. I some versions, he sees a photo of the girl on the wall or mantel. The woman tells him that is her daughter who died in a car wreck a few years ago. Such tales are found in several nations.
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