Er, prepare to die!
Die, most likely.
Bend over, put your head between your legs, and kiss your ass goodbye.
Try and swim through the sky until you can grab a plane or a (really big) bird
Use the air resistance and try to move towards a waterbody to cushion the landing. This will work only for those who know swimming.
Enjoy the rush... it will be your last.
wake myself up from the dream
Leave it, the plane will be too heavy for you to try to save anyway...What a hero....
It happens to me all the time. What I do is open my eyes and wake up.
Pray for a 'life of Brian'-esque event, and hope to land in a UFO
You have seconds to live (most likely), so I would get right with my maker, then get ready for a very sudden stop!
whip it out and start jackin. might as well die happy.
I'd be thinking about Megadeth - High Speed Dirt. "I'm a dirt torpedo" :)
embrace a religion that believes in afterlife REAL QUICK!
I don't think I could do anything but I would be praying to God for my love one's.
Pray for Superman to come by and rescue me
Try to touch my lips to my ass cause I'd better kiss it good bye! +5
Enjoy the view...... it's the last one you'll ever have!
try steal the guy next to yous parachute
I've actually thought of this in the past.... -flips -twirls -somersaults -spins ...and ultimately, I'd pick an object on the ground and try by best to land right on it. The likelihood that someone would live is astronomical. I'd just accept my fate and have a little fun with it.
actually it is possable to survive and there are a few things you can do to give yourself a better chance at surviving. Mind you you have to do all these things while screaming and flailing about like a maniac. heres the link of the how to
Close your eyes and try to remember: By the time you have recalled that article - it could be too late!
Cry a bit, probably crap my pants, but the odds of me being in an airplane with no parachute are almost nil. A jet, maybe, but not an airplane unless I'm in handcuffs or shackles. Did I mention screaming?
Enjoy the view and the thrill! Good news is, you'll never feel the impact. ..... That being said, terminal velocity's about 200-300 mph. If you're super lucky, maybe a glancing blow in deep powder on a very steep Rocky Mountain slope might just give you an actual snowball's chance in hell. ..... Also, rumor/urban legend has it though that a WWII aviator fell out of his bomber without a shoot from over 15000 feet, hit the ground, bounced, and walked away. It supposedly had something to do with a peculiar type of spongey sediment with a lot of soft & loose brush and dentritis on top. ... But the fact remains that even an impact at as little as 35 mph against something hard, solid, and comparatively unmovable will rip your aorta apart.
see if you will beat a luggy to the ground
Try to find a giant inflatable castle to land on.
Spread out so air resistance will slow you down just a bit. People have survived from those falls before, though it's extremely rare.
Grab hold of someone falling out of the plane with a parachute.
Drink a Red Bull and hope it gives you wings.
See if you can kiss your own arse goodbye before you hit the ground.
Aim for the steepest hill. People have fallen from planes onto hills and lived - I forgot if they got slowed down by some tree branches and stuff, but lived nonedaless. A nice steep muddy hillside should do the trick. Ask someone to water it down real good before you do it though.
start to pray, then write my will, write a good bye letter, call my relatives, assuming its a long fall
Hope and pray I die of a heart attack or pass out before hitting the ground.
read "War and Peace"
Spread your wings and enjoy your last minute or so on earth flying.
Kiss your ass goodbye
Relax enjoy the view and be prepared to make quite a BIG impact! And may god help those poor people who are gonna have to clean up your sorry carcass! :) +5
pray to your
Hope no one is actualy taking that article seriously. The "how to survive a long fall" article was written as a joke. Your body position on impact from terminal velocity will make no difference whatsoever, besides the fact that a "feet first" freefall position is very difficult to achieve.
Try and maneuverer nearer to a tree canopy to slow down your fall, only people I know to survive, are those who hit trees.
Don't look down. If possible, eat a piece of chicken. If you don't have chicken, you should come more prepared the next time.
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