no way. would you sell your soul?
For a cool G? Sure. Could I say it multiple times and get paid again, or add more adjectives to up the ante?
duh, heck, id do it for $1.
Why not? It's not like anything will actually come of it.
Hell yeah, since there's no danger of that ever actually happening.
No but I think your finger has a stuttering problem.
cheque or cash?
Of course. it is like saying "monsters are under my bed" for $1000.
Hell, I'll do it for $900. I'll underbid Special and Quack!!
damn right i would!! i dont believe in all that about the devil and stuff so to me its just words. words for money! woop! :)
American, Canadian, or Australian dollars?
Yes. I would also say bloody Mary in the mirror 3 times too.
I'd do it for free. I hope that Satan and evil spirits posses [sic] my body.
Sure would, but when I said it I wouldn't mean it. I do not believe in superstitions.
Sure, and then I would donate the money to my favourite charity. And I would not care whether it was American, Australian or Canadian dollars.
I'd do it for free!
Not for a million dollars would I say that
Not for any money in the world!!!!! It's straight from your mouth to God's ears, or the Devil's!!!! No THANK YOU!!!!
Certainly -- it would be the easiest 1K I ever made. I have no supernatural beliefs. But first, show me $1000...
no way. Pick your master!
Sure. I'd even say I hoped to have pixie dust blown up my nose and a unicorn horn up my . . . As for payment, a certified check or money order will be fine.
Yeah, it's bad luck to be superstitious.
Sure why not..hell I'll stand in the middle of a pentagram butt naked covered in goats blood and say it..give the money to :)
Of course, I'm not at all religious. Hey, and if I'm wrong then I doubt i'd know much different if Satan possessess (I'm sure thats not how you spell it, too many s's) my body
Yes. I'd do it for way cheaper.
Sure, since I don't believe in Satan I'd say it's easy money.
I would do it for $1. I am underpaid.
No. Im with Jesus on that subject. I don't believe in tempting things like that for no good reason. (Not that there ever is one) Sometimes... Even when you don't believe in something. They can come anyway. *Only you'll just think its a plain old headache, a sore butt, and a bad case of Jock itch?
I hope satan and evil spirits posses my body. Now give me my money!
Heck no I wouldnt do it for 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00
Nah! No, thank you. I am with Jesus Christ. It is not funny. Don't give me negative points...I ask you: POSSESSION "And Jesus rebuked him, and the devil went out of him, and the child was cured from that hour. Then came the disciples to Jesus secretly, and said: Why could not we cast him out? Jesus said to them: Because of your unbelief.... But this kind is not cast out but by prayer and fasting." - St. Matthew 17:17-20
Hell no.
Show me the money first.
Yes, and lick his sack
I am a man 'without a price'. I have a strong sense of 'honor' in all things and I do not 'sell out' my ideologies at any price. Further I am not a 'material' type person. I am satisfied with 'little'. I do not compete with the neighbors for material stuff, house, car, electronics. And I do not see money as overtly important in the attainment of contentment and those brief moments of 'happiness' that we are blessed with in life. I do not measure the worth of an individual against what they own.
Heck yes, for $1000, I'd easily do that. Satans and spirits aren't real, so I have nothing to fear, and I make an easy grand.
no, i dont want thenn around nne
NO! I am a child of Jesus Christ and have nothing to do with Satan except to command him to leave!
That is a dangerous question to even read
Show me the money!
I would say it for free. Satans and spirits have no convincing evidence for their existence.
Jenny The Great ⭐
The convicting evidence is found in exorcisms. One does not have to be religious to accept demonic forces. Being possessed by demons involves psychological issues.
No can do. $1000.00 dollars is peanuts to me.
I would if I knew I'd get paid.😏
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