• I support it, simply because I think that all people are created equal, and should have rights, even if they are gay, straight, bisexual, etc. However, everyone's entitled to an opinion, so whatever works for you. :D
  • you are a very predjudice person, on topics like this i think its best to keep our thoughts to ourselves
  • What's wrong with it? It doesn't affect anyone negatively, so there is absolutely no valid reason to oppose it. Anyone who does is simply projecting their own prejudices and/or trying to impose their own sense of morality on others.
  • Anybody who wishes to be happy with 'any' partner has my vote :o)
  • i don't support it
  • Meh, I think if gay people want to get married, let them get married. It has no negative effect on me.
  • I do support marriage for anybody that is of age and wants to enter into the legal agreement that it is. If you do not believe that it is effectively a contract look at what happens in a divorce court. The religious aspects of marriage are an individuals choice and so are entirely superfluous to the effective and legally enforceable aspects of marriage. Sexual preference has been clearly demonstrated to originate in structural variations in the human brain. It is therefore not a choice. Therefore to not allow someone to marry based on sex differences is discrimination based on a biological trait such as having a specific color of skin or hair color for instance, thus is unconstitutional. That is why the higher courts are prone to throw out such limitations when shown the biological reality of sexual preference determination.
  • I don't support gay marriage. I don't support any kind of marriage. It's an outdated custom.
  • This is something that should not be voted on. It should just be...two people, whether of the same sex or opposite sex, should be allowed to be married. It is none of my business and I should not be allowed to vote whether or not they commit to a married relationship.
  • I support it.
  • I am FOR marriage. Any two adults that wish to make a lifetime commitment to each other before God and their loved ones should be able to. I am very Catholic, but I find it hard to believe that God would not bless all unions formed from love. You feel it's "wrong"...please tell me why and also, please tell me where to find words from Jesus telling us we should judge our brother. Honestly, I think we should ALL have the FREEDOM to love and marry whomever we CHOOSE.
  • Intelligent people who believe in equality and are against discrimination support gay marriage. Close-minded individuals who don't care when a group is systematically discriminated against agree with you. Many of them are Bible thumpers.
  • According to the US Constitution gay marriage should be allowed in the eyes of the statue of liberty according to GOD this is a different topic completely.
  • I do and I don't understand why people feel the need to be all up in their business! If it doesn't pertain to you just ignore it and get on with your life. Why should ANYONE have the right to tell anyone else what they can and cannot do. As long as it doesn't harm others - LET THEM BE.
  • Marriage is old and irrelevant. Two pieces of metal and a sheet of paper shouldn't hold so much significance. By all means, any form of marriage should be allowed.
  • Whether you support or not makes no difference to me. Allowing two committed adults who wish to marry, whether they are the same gender or not in no way harms you. It's a matter of equal rights. Most people who post questions like this are only trying to stir things up and start arguments. Have you nothing better to do?
  • I support it, it's not the governments job to tell us who we can or cannot marry. I mean they allow shows like the bachelor, marriage is a joke to most people. Not to me, but most people.
  • I support it. So therefore I DO NOT agree with you.
  • You think it's wrong. I'm thinking you should consider a career in professional debating. Your masterful maneuvering of language to come upon the desired result with the precise amount of weight is impeccable. Why do you think it's wrong?
  • I support it, and I think you need to get off of your religious/homophobic bandwagon and think for yourself. :D
  • I have no problem with same-sex couples getting married. Same name, same ceremony (if they desire), same rights. I am interested to hear why you don't like it.
  • I dont really care. As long as it is not forced on me:)
  • So I guess you agree with slavery, and paying women less money than men also? These are also examples of unequal civil rights. ALL citizens should have the same rights. THE SAME ONES.
  • I don't mind the marriage, but I don't support same sex intercourse
  • I counted, and the ayes have it by a wide margin.
  • Why not let them marry? How will it affect you?
  • Well in my opinion it's wrong 'cause afterall, what are women for?
  • I support it. I support all forms of equality.
  • Feel free to downrate me for not giving a shit that you this question is a downrate trap. I support gay marriage because I can't think of any reason why I should discriminate against people because of something that is none of my business or because some idiots decided to cherrypick the bible in order to justify their own hate. The same type of biblical misapplication was used to justify many atrocities in history and it saddens me that people are still doing so.
  • I honestly dont think its right that the government has the say to whether same sex couples can or cannot get married. do i support same sex couples? i think im still on the fence about it. on one hand it doesnt really affect me or my life so have atter, on the other, i dont know how comfortable i would be seeing it displayed in public.. i know some people who are gay..a cousin..a friend ..i dont necessarily support them but i dont criticize it either
  • I do NOT agree with you! I support gay marriages. I think they have every right to happiness that you and I do!
  • I believe that it is unfair and in fact contrary to the Constitution and values that America is founded on to give one group of people more rights than another group. All the legal and social benefits that a heterosexual couple can enjoy by marrying should be available to homosexual couples as well. I'm married and have been for 32 years. I live in Massachusetts. Gay marriage being allowed here didn't cause my marriage to explode. I don't know of a single heterosexual couple who suddenly turned gay because gay marriage became legal here. It hasn't done any of the wild fear-mongering things that opponents use as arguments in favor of maintaining discriminatory laws. Look back a few years, and many states used the exact same arguments to defend their laws against interracial marriage. They even had an ugly word for it -- miscegenation.
  • I don't agree with you..why is it wrong for a gay couple to get married..two people that choose to spend their lives together should be able to. The govt needs to stay out of it..All are supposed to be equal according to the constitution correct? I would say that banning gay marriage is completely against the constitutional rights of gay individuals. :)
  • I don't like two guys being together. That said, there are a lot of financial issues so I would say yes. That goes for lesbians too, although I don't mind watching them together. It's a guy thing.
  • i see no problem with it
  • are you so closed minded about other things too. What about women's right to vote? Slavery? Does the term bigot mean anything to you?
  • I don't agree, because I don't think the government should have any say in how people unify themselves unless it's pedophilia or incest. You can't oppress people this privately, because it's only going to cause social upheavals, at least, in a society as apparently knowing and broad minded as ours. (Pedophilia, or bestiality scientifically categorized as psychological problems, are a lot more abnormal than homosexuality is perceived to be, and therefore not subject to mass rebellion, but am certainly not trying to establish my free thinking approach, oh no. >_>) This also includes fines and jail time for adultery-makes me sick. Should I also wipe my ass a certain way? Also, The Bible can take a hike as far as I'm concerned, whatever role it had in fashioning the modern world is now over, all it does now is keep Nazis and KKK members and other primitively minded individuals active. That church and government have been separated should underline the point that the psychological mindframe of spirituality has long transcended to everyday social levels, despite this being the disposition of Christianity before. I wouldn't say that, and would indeed consider non religious reasons to disallow this, even though I'm sure I wouldn't agree, but most of what perpetuates anti gay marriage is always based on God.
  • If some couple wishes to "marry" I have no problem with that. If they are gay, lesbian or straight, I believe anyone who walks up to a license counter should be allowed to buy a license to remain within the law of non descrimination of race, creed, age or sexual orintation. The government must obey their own laws or get out of issuing licences to marry.
  • How other people choose to live their lives is none of my business. As long as they are not a danger to me, themselves or anyone else ... live and let live. This is another one of those debates that will remain unresolved. There will always be those for, and those against; just as there is in the debates about abortion and religious beliefs. Nobody will ever get everyone in the world to agree on any subject.
  • I don't like the idea of gays marrying but people should all have equal rights, that's all I'll say.
  • I am gay and legally it's obviously okay with me...If you don't like it then don't marry someone gay:)
  • Wow, I'm so sick of homophobic people.
  • My belief is this. It is a religious experience. I believe in separation of church and state. Therefore, government should have no say in it whatsoever. It should be up to the individual churches to decide whether they want to perform gay marriages or whether it is against their non-bigoted beliefs. I would expect the gay community to respect each churches choice either way.
  • I'm for it, it's just not for me. It would have no negative effect on me to be allowing people to marry who they wish and who they love. I think it's ridiculous also to claim the word "marriage" should be reserved for those bonds that aren't same sex.
  • what if you couldnt maryy someone you loved??? and how does it affect your life
  • I'm all for it.
  • I support marriage between people who choose to be married. I do not agree that gay marriage is wrong.
  • I don't believe in marriage for anybody. But on the other hand, if gays are dumb enough to want to get married too, I think we should let them.
  • When straight folks start respecting their own marriage vows, then maybe I could agree with you.
  • Let them marry, but make divorce illegal. Here come the downrates... ☺
  • It might be wrong or it might not be wrong. The bottom line is that people should be able to do that if they want to. It's definately wrong to try to control what other people do in their lives.
  • They should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.
  • You're right, it's wrong.
  • Having read through most of the answers given to date it would appear to em that those against gay marriages are against it due to religious reasons. Thats fine, you are entitled to your religious beliefs, however, religion should have no place in the laws of society. If you are going to have the freedom of religion then you must accept that others have freedom of religion or non religion as well. To restrict gay people marrying solely based on religious grounds is denying them their freedom of religion or non religion. This is then denying them their rights. As yet I have not seen one reason other than religious argument why gay people should not be allowed to marry. Marriage is not the property of the churches, it is a joining of two consenting adults in a legal contract. Some do it in their churches some don't, but it is the same thing. I don't beleive churches should be forced to perform gay marriages as any club has a right to its own rules, but, I see no reason why gay people should not be allowed to marry.
  • You will get more pro answers because they are the ones pushing for it to be accepted as law. Those against are still what I'd call the silent majority.
  • If two people are in love why does it matter what you think about it?
  • No! but ask obama lol.
  • I just wish people would quit arguing about if it's right or wrong. Don't support it or like it? Well, then don't get married to someone of the same gender. It's about equal rights. It's never been about "special" rights. Of course I support it. I am a lesbian in a committed, monogamous relationship. I want to get married. It amazes me how many variations of this question I see here and many other places...and the nastiness I see by those who oppose it. My question has always does my getting married "harm" a complete stranger? Why should my personal life be dictated by the government or any religious organization?
  • Of course I support equal marriage rights for ALL citizens of the US. That would include straight, bi, and gay people.
  • Absolutely. Treated the same as any marriage legally.
  • I support civil unions for any who want to bind themselves legaly to eachother regardless of if there is even sexuality involved, and for marriage to be legaly viewed as nothing more than a civil union. however I consider marriage a religious rite, not a secular right and as such the law has no bussiness changing the word.
  • Sure, its not hurting anyone so let them do it. Its not my business
  • I believe that everyone has a right to be happy. I also believe that if you have two people in a commited relationship and want to get married so they both will be able to be covered by necesary benefits (health, life, etc) they should be able too. I'm as straight as they come, but I don't think its fair that the government has a right to tell you who you should be happy with, and I know that God loves EVERYONE no matter what turns them on. So Yes, I support Marriage period. No matter who tries to enter into it.
  • For each their own. Yes.
  • Yes and no. I think people need to realize that this issue isn't so black and white as people think. They're are certainly reasons for why gay marriage is not a good thing. They're also are reasons for why it is a good thing. Someone isn't niave or stupid or violent for not supporting gay marriage, they just see why it isn't so cut and dry of an issue.
  • I say why do people give a shit? im straight and dont give a fuck who gets married to who.
  • It is always the majority picking on the minority everywhere on any topics. I support the weak minority.
  • It's wrong.
  • How can you think it's wrong?
  • People are against it mainly because of religious beliefs. But if you can forget about religion for a moment and think about people without labels (homosexual heterosexual) for just a moment... Shouldnt they have the same human right to share their life with someone as we all do? I believe so. I say this with respect to everyones opinion.
  • I could care less a union is a union even if it is "Same Same"
  • I said it before and I'll say it again: Gay people have a RIGHT to be just as miserable in marriage as straight people.
  • its wrong im not agenst gay people but its wrong in a religious way
  • I support gay marriage. The only thing that should be a requirement for marriage is love. Gender should not matter.
  • Sorry. I can't agree with you as to it's being "wrong". It may be wrong in your books and you're welcome to feel that way would be wrong to look down on anyone that opposes your opinion in this regard. I support anyone that takes that step. It's a commitment no matter the sex involved. If you don't respect can you respect marriage period? The procreation thing doesn't wash since a lot of couples (male/female) aren't getting married for the sole purpose of procreation. Only religious institutions and their adherents are following that. Really...disprove that. Does it "cheapen" your relationship with a spouse? No, but if it did, there's counselling. Does it impact you as a person? Probably not but if it did then you're part of a gay union. No, I don't agree with your position and I fully support anyone who decides their other half is the one they want to spend their lives with. Who the hell am I to judge? That's what you're asking. Think about that. Suppose I said "Jack" doesn't belong with "Jill" and they're totally wrong for each other. I wish they couldn't marry. What does that say? What does that say about me? Sorry, I agree we disagree.
  • I think they should make it legal just because I'm sick of these types of questions
  • Personally, I think that it's WRONG, however, I think that everyone has the right to make their OWN decision. To each, his (her) own, as it were!
  • I completely support it! No one can help who they fall in love with and I could not think of any reason why people should be seperated from the rest of society just because they want to spend the rest of their lives with the person they love, who just happens to be of the same gender. I don't even understand the arguments against it. Who does it hurt?? If you have religious or even just personal beliefs that are agianst it then fine, dont' marry someone of the same sex but you shouldn't try to stop other people from expressing their love to each other, just becuase you are close minded.
  • Butterfly_kisses, it's not about expressing love for eachother. People can express their love for eachother without being married. That's not the issue. If they want to spend the rest of their lives together, let them! You don't need to get legally married to show that you love eachother. I heard on talk radio the other day that gay people see it as just a piece of paper (And this was someone from GLAAD talking on behalf of the gay and lesbian community). If they see it as just a piece of paper then why do they need it!?!? It also has to do with religious reasons that I'm not going to get into. I don't hate gay people. In fact I have lots of gay friends that have sided with me on this issue. I am not for gay marriage. They are not a race being discriminated against. It's their sexual preference. You may think I'm wrong and that's fine. But I stand by my opinion. _________________________________ by butterfly_kisses2 on Dec 31, 2008 at 8:46 am Permalink I completely support it! No one can help who they fall in love with and I could not think of any reason why people should be seperated from the rest of society just because they want to spend the rest of their lives with the person they love, who just happens to be of the same gender. I don't even understand the arguments against it. Who does it hurt?? If you have religious or even just personal beliefs that are agianst it then fine, dont' marry someone of the same sex but you shouldn't try to stop other people from expressing their love to each other, just becuase you are close minded.
  • It's not up to us here on answerbag, it's the law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I support marriage between any two people who love each other....
  • I urge you to go to
  • i SUPPORT IT 100%
  • I'm all for gay rights, and the gay community is a vital part of our great country. I'm only against changing the definition of marriage which has always been between a man and a woman-- for the past 5,000 years. Without sounding religious, God created marriage so the human race could procreate. The term, "Same Sex Marriage", is actually an oxymoron. Since the union between a man and a woman is different than the union between two same sex partners, there should be two separate definitions.
  • I fully support HUMAN rights, whether it be for sexual orientation, race, whatever. No one should take away another's rights.

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