Both natural.
Nope notta thing! all 4 times
My wife walked into the hospital with the sole intention of having a totally natural birth. She had no pain medication, no epidural, not even an IV in place just in case. She did tear a bit so they gave her something to numb her up for the stitches afterwards and some percocets for the soarness but for the birth nothing.
When me and my wife give birth, we have drugs all the time. Her to forget about the pain and me to forget about her
my wife and i had a short labor (2.5 hours). she nearly broke my hand. she didn't take any drugs. i wondered if drugs might've helped me, but, i just said no.
All natural. Shes a trooper.
I had 2 c-sections and had epidurals with both, but only after the c-section decision was made, both labours were 36+ hours medication free.
Well after 25 hours of painful labor I had an epidural, it only helped for about 30 minutes but that 30 minutes allowed for me to rest some so I could finally give birth! Thats all the drugs I had no other pain killers and only motrin afterwards.
I went natural with my 1st because I went to quickly. I never wanted to do that again. My second I had an epidural that only half worked and I felt contractions, but not the ring of fire. On my 3rd I went to a different hospital where the anesthesiologist were sent by god and he had the epi in and working within 2 contractions. My best birth ever!!! I will go there and get the epi again in 2 months when my daughter is born!! PS out of the 3 children I have, the only one with a learning disability is the natural birth. Otherwise they were all very healthy.
I had drugs. After being in labor for 2 1/2 weeks, I needed them.
I had "Twight" with my 1st. An emergency c-section with 2nd. so whatever they used to knock me out. And an epi with the 3rd planned c-section and tube tying. -- I recommend the knock out. without the emergency of course. After I was able to get up from the bed, I felt fine. (All babies are completely healthy)
Yes, & I sure needed it!
had C-section both times so had epidurals +5
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