Once you're my friend, there's no going back!
Yes, I would stand by you, if you needed me to. I love this song. Thanx for asking Ice man.
Ray Charles - "Hit the Road, Jack" (Sure,just kidding! Couldn't resist.:))
Sure I will!!!! :)
This is a fabulous song, i will always stand by a friend ;0)
Sure would.. Loved The video, it was different and cool!
I will always stand by you my friend. Love the song thanks for sharing! :)
You BET I will ! Great song, great guy, how could I go wrong? Thanks for the video!!!
absolutely!! i stand by my friends ~ im not a fair weather friend. always loved this song ~ great version! thanks for the clip ice man!!
Absolutely, Ice! Beautiful video
Sure! Dude, that's a great vid. Sincerely, thanks for that. I really enjoyed it. The dude from the Netherlands should have a recording contract. You have a great day Ice Man. Well done.
Ice Man, I would stand proudly by you my friend. Great video too!
Yes, no farting!
Wow.......that was soooooooooo awesome, OMG. sooo very good, thanks!!!
Of course i would, anytime : )
I sure would
Ice man
You are digging deep. Too bad you weren't around when the rest of these people were - you would fit right in. For the benefit of anyone who would like to see the video that stirred such emotions of so many good people .... -
Linda Joy
I was around I just wasn't on answerbag. Actually I was on MSN Q&A a long time ago. That's where I met Karen -
Ice man
Ah, okay then ... Karen & Dieter have been friends of mine for years too. It's a small world. -
Linda Joy
I don't know Dieter very well I've heard her speak of him. Q&A closed in 2009.
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