Biologically, and surprisingly, not much at all. They do medical tests on pigs before they do it on humans because our DNA structure is so similar. They are also one of the top 4 smartest animals. It goes; us, elephants, dolphins, pigs. If you happen to have meant psychologically, grow up, all men are different and none of them are pigs.
Men say "Yes Ma'am and pig say oink oink! ☺ (wink)
pigs seem to be more smarter. :)
Pigs is pigs and men is men.
Pigs aren't as horny.
Depends on who is asking the question. I would that there is not a fine line between the two, however some people feel that they are simililar.
Some pigs can be smart like some men. And, some men can act like pigs.
2 legs
Pig's are useful. (bacon,ham etc)
Well, you're all close. The difference between Men and Pigs is.... that Pigs don't act like Men, when they are drunk. :)
pigs taste better.
The same as the difference between women and chipmunks ...and the answer to each will vary with the person who responds! Happy Sunday! :)
men are not as salty
I think pigs make poor bed partners!
Pigs do not buy their Sows Jewellery Houses Cars Holidays and Meals and Clothes.....
Pigs squeal... Men grunt....... hahahahaha........
You mean there *is* a difference? ;-)
a pig can be a girl and a man cant
Pigs dont act like men, when theyre drunk!
Pigs are more educated?
Lipstick? (Sorry...I couldn't refuse...!)
i wouldnt bed a pig.
Pigs tend to be cleaner? ;)
They sleep in different beds.
You can hire someone to kill your pig, but not your man...well, you can, but there might be consequences.
im still trying to find a differennce +5
Men are taller
Ice man
That too. good answer.
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