Kit Kat use to be my favorite. But now when I'm at the store and glance at one by the checkout. I can't get that damn song out of my mind. So I just avoid them.
Don't know about hate, but I never acquired a taste for Butterfinger.
Hershey Almonds
I dont think I ever came across a candy bar i hated.
Any thing with granola or that is supposed to be healthy. Just takes all the fun right out of it for me.
Almond Joy. YUCK!!!!
3 Musketeers, it is just bland..what is with that icky muck in the middle?
I don't hate it, but 3 Musketeers is my least favorite
Anything with nuts or coconut in it.
Are Charleston Chews considered popular? If so, I absolutely hate Charleston Chews!
I never really liked any of these for some reason:
Reese's peanut butter cups...I loathe them....Anything with peanut butter.
I'm like trouble,,, anything that is healthy.
I can tolerate almond joy but i hate 3 musketeers, anything in dark chocolate and milky way, and that chunky thing with the raisins in it
I take every opportunity to shove candy in my face. I don't know if there is one that i don't like.
Kit Kat. All wafer and so little chocolate. Those coconut filled bars are the pits also. No sweets in the middle and so little chocolate.
3 Musketeers and Sweet Tarts.
Snickers. No, really. I don't like Snickers at all. I hope you all will still be my friend.
Payday....too salty
There used to be a chocolate bar called Big Turk, it was absolutely disgusting. Besides that I find 3 Musketteers not so much hateful but just such a boring chocolate bar, it is so bland.
I don't like Oh Henry or Mars Bar, I hate those chocolate bars full of nuts and caramel and crap and it gets stuck in your teeth and everything.
Snickers is on the bottom of my list but push come to shove....I'm eating it.
Its hard to hate any candybar but I could live without a Charleston Chew
Anything with nuts in. I hate nuts.
None of the fruity candy except for Mambas. Ewww to skittles, jolly ranchers, and starbursts!
I would have to say Butterfinger. I might like them if they didn't make me sick. I'm apparently allergic to something in them. They are the ONLY candy bar that makes me feel sick. To the point i throw up actually. It's nothing to do with peanuts. It wasn't a bad bar i had either. I have tried several times to eat one! LOL
have to agree that the 3 Musketeers never did much for me either
Hershey Almonds, and Butterfingers
Mounds and Nestle Crunch bars
I'm not really fond of Butterfingers or Clark bars.
MOUNDS!! I hate coconut!! Yucky-eeww- its like chewing on sand!!! I love the smell of it on a woman though!!!
Anything with coconut. I hate coconut!!!!!
Tie for me too Charleston Chew and 3 Musketteers
the fruity tootsie rolls..
HATE????? NONE. Keep your licorice, though.
Never cared for Snickers.
Those nasty gross Big Turks (eww barf)
Snickers... GROSS!!!
I don't like clark bars either or butterfingers too well.
What blasphemy is this??? It's an oxymoron to me to use "hate" and "candy" in the same context.
I hate Almond Joy and Mounds. Coconut bleck :P I like 3 Mouseketeers tho...
I hate Whoppers.
mallow cups
ummmmmmm. I don't care too much for Krackle.
Any Hershey bar and plain 3 Musketeers. I do like the new mint 3 musketeers.
I dont like all the nutrition Bars--to me they are like eating 2 pieces of cardboard with a little carob thrown in?? You are suppose to feel its chocolate covered. Im not a food chemist.
Hate?..humm..Never found one I hated.
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