If women want to propose, they should
Whatever works!
I don't think so- it means that the women wants to make all the choices and that kinda shows that she might be a control freak
I proposed to my ex-husband. Maybe that's where it went wrong? In all seriousness, why not? Unless you and/or your beau are strict traditionalists it won't be out of line. I'd think you would know the man well enough to be sure he wouldn't feel like his thunder was somehow stolen before you contemplate proposing to him.
I believe, and I do not know if this is something that most people conform to, agree to...but it is a man's esteemed priviledge to ask a women he loves to grace his life with her presence...forever. There are somethings in life that should be the way they of them is a man proposing a woman... :)
Only if they want to marry one.
I really do not see why not, except that I've been socialized to expect that a man will propose to me. I'm not sure how I'd react to that not happening. I might wonder if he really wanted to marry me or not.
I would not propose to man. It's sort of like Ralph Kramden telling Alice that she is nothing and he is the king, which would mean he is the king of nothing. When a man get's frustrated at a woman he can always think back and say to himself "I asked for this".
Sure! why not? ... its a nice thing, I would be flattered.
Sure if they want to.
If a woman has the inclination and is in love, why not?
I think that if they love each other either of them could propose.
Yes why not,i would if i felt that strongly :)
If you want to then do it. there are no set rules, well only in our heads. if it feels wrong then dont its what your confortable with doing.
Is that wrong? I wouldn't mind watching a girl on one knee with a ring.
if they want to they should, but if I was to get married I want the bended knee man telling me how much he loves me and presenting with not an expensive ring but a ring that he knows represents me. my x didnt he just said will you mary me and then we went and picked out the ring his mom wanted me to have and I payed for it. yay how romantic NOT!!!!!
No because women like to be courted and to feel desired, wanted and pursued.
I do not think women should propose to men. It is a man's position in my eyes to do that. The man has certain responsibilities over his family, that a women does not have. That does not mean a women should be looked down at, but should be treated in a very respectful way. Yes men and women are equal, but we all play a different role.
I only have one problem with this scenerio. a woman proposing sets up a whole new set of ground rules, when and if the marriage fails. who pays the ailimony? which one supports the other, if children are involved. Its like a clock running backwards. It looks good on the surface, but the timing is wrong.
Why shouldnt they be able to propose? I see no reason why they can't or should not be able to be the one proposing.
Every situation is different. If it seems approrpiate and it doesn't bother the woman, then I say propose. Personally I want to be proposed to by my significant other. That is complete flattery to me to know he wants to spend the rest of his life with me.
if they feel that they are ready to. it doesn't matter who does it its just usually the guy who does but it honestly does not make a difference
Some men are too shy and will never propose. They need to be pushed or motivated by women. So, yes, the woman should propose in a case like that.
RIght, and what would women give to men? An engagement socket set. Does this reverse the roles and the man plans the wedding? You may be opening a big can of worms, something that would tear apart the fabric of the universe. May heaven help us all.
usually men do that.
Yes if women really want to always be held on a equal level as men then women need to start acting like it. That means that they need to start making marriage proposals and asking guys out and taking a more active role in the relationship. I have nothing against traditionalism and I have nothing against women doing things that where previously only resevered for men. But my problem is that I think we need to have a concensious as to where this leads. If we want to be equal I say include women in the draft, women should take active roles in relationships too. If women want to remain passive then they have no right to complain that they arn't getting treated equally. In a sense you have to act equal to be equal.
No reason why they should not, women want equality so the chance of acceptance or rejection should not all fall apon the male
They could and often do. Proposals are nice as a formality, but most good marraiages emerge out of a mutual discussion between both parites.
I guess.
Definitely. I screwed up my face when i saw this question - is that even questioned in everyday life?! I thought it was normal..
I want to propose to my boyfriend. I don't know if it's a matter of whether I SHOULD or not, but I definitely WANT to. It wouldn't matter to me either way whether he proposed to me or I to him, as long as I'm able to see him smile everyday with me by his side.
yes. if they want to, they should. i think a guy would find that flattering.
whoever wants to propose should propose
Sure. Why not?
hey its a free world...why not
I'm a traditionalist and I don't have a huge problem with this if they want to propose. Although it does bring into question who buys the rings.
Yeah, I think they should. A man would be flattered by it. In one African country that is what is done. The woman pick the man, and the divorce rate is almost nonexsistant. Maybe they have the right idea.
I think that they are just too lazy to do it. But they should...
No, I absolutely think women should not propose to men. If you are a woman, and you want to propose, then just drop the hint to your man that you want him to ask you to marry him or just flat out tell him, "I want you to ask me to marry you." I am old fashioned. I think it is the man who should ask the woman to marry him. By asking the man to marry you, I think you are taking away the man's manliness. Yes, some men might like it, but if you really look at it. Do you want to take away that dream of being proposed to? Even if you want to be proposed to, let the man take his time to show you. Don't rush him or else he will back off. He doesn't want to be predictable with the day he proposes, even though he might be with everything else. I hope this helps.
Only after looking at the bank book.
Why not? If she's as much in love with him as he is with her, why not? Set a new trend, be original...
I would love it if a woman proposed to me. I just have a question though, does that mean I'd have to wear a big diamond engagement ring, or would she still? I think it would be amazing if more women proposed to men, why is it that men get to choose when to propose and when they get married?
I think that yes the woman should propose to the man insted of geting mad at the man for taking so long to propose to them
sure they's my opinion that men sometimes don't even know how much you care for them till you tell them! LOLOL
Of course women should propose to men. advise : invide your boyfriend to a romantic dinner and tell him you love him the most in the world and you want to spend the rest of your life with him,than ask will you be my husband. actually according to a survey i read lately 10% of the proposals are from women to men.
according to a survey i read lately 10% of the proposals are from women to men
I proposed to my husband.
OMG no!! it's just not done that way!! plus its less romantic
If they shouldn't, than I doubt I'll ever marry. That makes me sound like a "playa' fo' life", but the honest reason is quite the opposite. I'm very shy, and would be afraid that suggesting such commitment might scare my lady off. (Heck, I'd probably be scared off myself.)
i proposed to my husband and we are coming up to our 20th wedding anniversary this year,i know how to pick em lol.
Tradition usually tells us that the man proposes but I'd be blown away if a lady proposed to me. It would be just as meaningful.
If you want to, go ahead.
If they want to, go ahead...just don't rule out denials.
Why not? Some men are shy and would be delighted to be asked.
I don't see any reason why they shouldn't.
I believe the person in power (financial) should be the one to propose, otherwise motives might cloud things. This should not mean less respect.
I think women should be able to propose or ask guys out. I don't see anything wrong with it. That would help guys like me out who will probably never have the courage to ask a girl out much less propose to one.
why not!
if she likes him why not?
Is it ever okay for a woman to propose to a man? If you've been dating him seriously for six months or more, and you want to get married, it's certainly advisable to find out where he stands on the subject. The right way to do this is to casually say, "We've been spending a lot of time together. Where do you see this going?" Then wait for an answer. The guy may say, "I've been thinking the same thing. What do you say we get married?" Or he could say, "I have no intention of ever getting married," or something else. The key is to accept his answer and act accordingly. If he says he wants to finish grad school (or bungie jump off the Grand Canyon, or finish putting his kids through college, or whatever) before he walks down the aisle, it's up to you to decide whether it's worth your while to wait around. If you decide to wait, do it with dignity. Don't talk about engagement rings, or anything else that has to do with wedding plans. Forget about it. Enjoy a full life. Pursue new interests and spend time with your friends. Be open to the possibility that your boyfriend has done you a favor. If you've been dating him exclusively (and, if you've discussed marriage, you probably have), remain faithful but keep your options open. Remember: You're not married. You're not even engaged. It's possible you'll meet someone who's even better for you. If that happens, end your current relationship and move along.
Why not?? why do men have to think of everything?? ;)
call me old fashioned but i dont think so. I dont see why not either
i dont think so. if a man wants to marry his girlfriend, he'll propse when he's ready. i'd be concerned that if a woman asked her boyfriend to marry him, he would say yes just because she had asked him, and not because he actually wants to. women generally get the marriage bug earlier and more often than men, so it would be more significant if a man proposes.
Well i think it's tradtional if the man proposes to the women. "So get down on 1 knee!" Hehe
I can't imagine why not. But should they give them a ring?? That I'm not sure about.
Only if they are in love, and ready for marriage. By that point, both people should have the mind set to commit to each other, at which point it doesn't matter who asks the question, the answer is already there.
i think that if a relationship comes to the point where the two people are seriously discussing long range plans,then at that point it really doesn t make a lot of difference,who does the proposing.
she will look desprate to a boyfriend
Yes, why not. If a couple are close enough to consider marraige then surely it doesn't matter which one proposes it.
Yes, why not. If a couple are close enough to consider marraige then surely it doesn't matter which one proposes it.
Yes, why not. If a couple are close enough to consider marraige then surely it doesn't matter which one proposes it.
Yes, why not. If a couple are close enough to consider marraige then surely it doesn't matter which one proposes it.
Sure all he could do is say yes or no.
If they feel that they really want to marry a person, I don't see why not.
It's a risk, but you should have an idea of the answer you'll receive, whether the woman is proposing to a man or another woman!
I don't see why don't. I say GO FOR IT! Good luck if its you! :)
it doesn't really make a difference. If they really want to do it, then I don't see why not?
Why not? Marraige is a relationship...a serious one. Before beginning such a serious relationship it's certainly a good idea to know what you're getting into. I assume that 95% of the time the person proposing is pretty certain of acceptance. So it's not as though you're facing rejection if you propose, regardless of whether "you" are male or female. Frankly, there are other questions that are more important than who does the proposing...such as financial considerations, etc. Good luck.
It depends on the guy actually, some would love it and others would be taken aback.
of course. theres no reason why a woman can not propose just as theres no reaosn why she cant ask someone out. in a realtionship the man and woman are equals arent they? usually the woman will bring up the idea, but the man will propose. but thats just "tradition" but its the 21st centuary now. woman can do anything a man can.
I would not - but I think it's fine for others to
no,i think its shoyuld be done the proper way,the old and romantic way
by men woops lol
sorry i meant men should propose to women i think its the most romantic way i think the old way is best though dont you?
Equal rights, I would love to kow how it feels like to be proposed to.
never propose to a one of those animal instinct thingies. the man likes to chase. let him chase. if you do his job, he will sooner or later lose respect. me thinks... i, for one, would love to know that he really really really wants to marry me, if i ask, even if he says yes, it wont be the same cos it wasnt him who asked. sense make?
Sure...why not...I like diamonds too!
i know. but i still think that some things just seem to be embedded in a man's brain, such as other themes we were discussing like being good at fixing things, looking at other women etc.. of course that you are obviously sure he will say yes, otherwise you wouldnt be considering it. however, i still would wait for him to propose. i think you would feel much better about it. thats my personal opinion anyway. i have thought of proposing to my boyfriend too, but wont do it.
I like it the way it is now.
sure why not?
i don't think that there's anything wrong with a woman proposing, but i think that the man proposing is just more common, therefore, more socially acceptable in our standards. but either way works, especially with true love
if she wants why not
No, because I would drop down and die if that happened!!!!
I don't see a problem with it!
I think a woman could propose to a man, but it would be best if the guy asked her.
I don't see anything wrong with it so long as the guy is an open minded type who could deal with being proposed to. I know some guys that would be like "Whoa! Too forward" or if done at the wrong time in the relationship they would say "You're going way too fast for me". But if the guy doesn't mind being proposed to then go for it!
Yes! these days and in the old days too.
You should already know his views on this; if not perhaps you don't know him well enough to propose.
Sure! Why not?
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