• Fast food and no excercise. Lack of motivation.
  • our society....the foods we eat, the way we live, the drugs we take, air pollution, bad genes, natural selection no longer really exists thanks to medical technology....who really knows. but i think these are the reasons why cancer, diabetes, and other medical issues are becoming worse and worse in the last 75 years as a whole.
  • poor diet
  • What with many cancers being cured the large pharmaceuticals need a new cause to bleed the people out of their money,there isn't more diabetes just more companies looking to make money.
  • I can think of three reasons: 1. The rising unemployment rate and poor economy means that people are no longer able to afford healthy foods like produce, which can get quite expensive for a low income family. Unhealthy, carb-laden process foods are cheaper. Don't believe me? Look at the McDonalds menu. 2. Sedentary lifestyles--Partly due to long hours at work, but some people have a lack of inclination to exercise like they should. 3. Doctors are more likely to recognize and diagnose the condition than they were in the past.
  • the dramatic rise in obesity
  • The morbid obesity disease in the United States :(
  • im not sure, but i know unhealthy food does not help. being over weight does not help also
  • insulin problems.
  • Parents!
  • Obesity, too much junk food, lack of exercise...
  • Lifestyle..Unhealthy eating..a rise in obesity, and decline in the physical activity. Too many tv's video games and one goes out to play anymore. :)
  • Sodapop/carbo drink has become mandatory drinks?
  • Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates coupled with insufficient energy expenditure.
  • I've noticed that most of the foods contain sugar. Just look on any packages you'll see. Even in medecine! It's crazy! I'm sure that has a role to do with the raise of diabetes.
  • My wife is type two unfortunately
  • People are willing to gamble with their health nowadays for some reason. Maybe they feel the apocalypse coming. Maybe I do. I just had a ton of wine, four Red bulls, and a giant Hershey Bar.
  • obesity
  • Obesity. Sugar/simple carb consumption..lack of exercise..couch potato lives. :(
  • Richard Simmons.
  • lazy fast food culture addicted to highly processed junk foods; fast & junk foods are often cheaper than healthy foods; too much microwaving, not enough cooking or raw foods; high fructose corn syrup are ubiquitous in processed foods; lots of high sugar/refined carb diets; too much soda ~ not enough water; overall nutrient poor diets ~ lacking in fruits, vegetables & whole grains; lack of proper nutritional education in schools; lack of exercise; rise in obesity rates; and lastly, diabetes awareness improving. whats really sad is that some of the wealthiest industrialized nations like america spend the least amount of money per capita on food.
  • high fructose corn syrup
  • obesity
  • Fast food and less exercise causing obesity.
  • Diabetes has raised 90% of what? Are you saying that the incidence of diabetes has risen 90%? In response to the cause-to be in sync with many ABers I'd have to say the Democrats?
  • Poor diet, not enough exercize,overweight, sedentary lifestyle, chemicals in food. I'm a Diabetic, and I was never overweight, but my mom, both grandmothers and great grandmothers had it, so I'm sure it came on down the line. Of course, I was never going to get it....denial, denial, denial!
  • You need to distinguish between the two types of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, the type that comes later in life, is linked with obesity. The less common type 1, the more severe form that tends to start when you are young doesn't have a known cause. I know a few years back there was a theory that it was caused by a reaction of the immune system to an otherwise harmless cold virus, but I don't know whether that theory is still current.
  • High Frutcose Corn Syrup. It's in just about everything.
  • Diet. I know a friend who abused alcohol and drugs so much he now has a severe case. Lots of sugar in alcohol.
  • Mostly fast food. But most ingredients in snack foods have lowered in quality. Also Americans tend to be lazy and out of shape. Instead of a snickers bar they should try Godiva.
  • diet-diet-diet! (maybe a tiny amount of that from better diagnosis, but apart from that...)
  • poor eating habits and lack of activity
  • Increasingly sedentary lifestyles, a cultural shift towards instant gratification, and dietary excess and irresponsibility.
  • Obesity.
  •'s simple - look at the ingredients of most food you eat! Hardly anything is sugar free! Also, carbs are sugars (simple, complex) and once again, alot of our feed is CARB-ED! So, in effect, Type 2 Diabetes will be pretty rampant!
  • Check the ingredients of a simple loaf of sliced bread and ask that again. Vitamin water can't help either. 33 grams of sugar in a single bottle and it's "good for you"? The increasing production of corn, only possible through government subsidies, has lowered the price of high fructose corn syrup, creating pressure to find new outlets for the stuff. It's not that it's worse than sugar, it's just that it's in a lot of places you wouldn't expect. This is scary when coupled with the consideration that a mere one soda a day is believed to double your risk for developing type-2 diabetes. Sweet drinks are #1 source of daily American caloric intake. In summary: read labels, don't eat much fast food (including Subway), drink water. Not Red Bull, Gatorade, Vitamin water, Caramel Machiattos, Arizona Green Tea. Drink water.
  • In type 1 it is genetic. Type 2 is lifestyle. Type 1.5 is anybodies guess. I'm diabetic and the child of a type 1 and type 2. I'm type 1.5.
  • Overweight maybe.
  • Poor eating habits and glutony which lead to obesity which, in turn, lead to diabetis
  • IMHO, diet and lack of exercise. There are too many sugars in processed and prepared foods and drinks along with too many fats. Both contribute to a diabetic tendency. Also, for an additional 50 cents let me supersize you, I mean your meal. Too much overstuffing of your mouth is also a factor. Walking instead of riding, stairs instead of escalator or elevator. Everything should be in moderation, however that should include moderation. Once in a (great) while it's good for the soul to limit moderation...
  • High fat and high sugar diets, lack of exercise, and worthless parents.
  • Fat Americans
  • because people are felling lonely and depress for so they try to fulfill this need by eating.
  • Can I just add - as well as all the comments on diet, fast foods, lack of exercise, etc we should think about portion sizes? Last time I was in USA, it was half way through the second week of my visit before I managed to finish a meal. I could not believe the quantities of food that were placed in front of me - I found myself ordering "lunch portions" at dinner, or "child's portions" - and I am generally a big eater! Obviously on vacation you have to eat out all the time, so you are reliant on restaurants for every meal - but my goodness!
  • According to what I read, the reason I am NOT diabetic like my mother was is probably the fact that for the last ten years I have only missed flossing my teeth once or twice a year. The germs that live between your teeth build little castles for themselves unless you break those castles up with dental floss every day, and once they're safe inside their little castles they start pouring out toxins and loose bacteria that settle in your coronaries and heart valves and play hob with the rest of your system. My dentist had a sign on his wall that said "I'll believe how often you say you floss if you'll believe me about the one that got away." That's when I stopped saying I flossed daily and started doing it.
  • Mickey D's
  • Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and a virus. Type 2 is caused by poor diet and lack of exercise.
  • prepared food products with too much sugar in them. AND too many carbs at the table... too large of portions at meals. not enough exercise. aging hormones and body organs. I know, been there and had to deal with it. Lost 30#, got busy on the bike, and cut my food intact (and sugar). good as new. (sort of).
  • Overworking the pancreas with garbage food, junk food, too much fat and too much simple carbohydrates without enough exercise and work.
  • eating too much food. just because the food is cheap and readily available does`t mean we should try to eat it all at one meal.
  • I think diabetics are directly responsible;)
  • Obesity due to not giving a sh** about themselves.
  • Diabetes has raised due to poor diet,obese ,alcohol and last which may surprise you is the emotional stress.
  • fat america
  • obesity and processed foods.
  • Obesity, poor diets, lack of exercise and Wilford Brimley
  • The way our society thinks about food... portion control, dieting, the stuff in our food... even when we try to fix it we tend to mess up.
  • For whatever reason, we seem to be consuming a lot more pre-packaged food nowadays (presumably because we're too busy doing other things to be able to cook fresh food). If you look at the packaging for pre-packaged food, even things you wouldn't expect (like tomato sauces), there is a ton of sugar in it. And, as in the case with allergies, if you expose yourself enough to a certain food, it can make your body reject that food. Just an idea.
  • Obesity is a factor.
  • I'd say all that sugar floating, around in your blood stream. It can even lead to heart and kidney problems. That is why it is so important, to get your blood sugar normalized.
  • people are getting fatter
  • Obviously...obesity. One of the leading causes of diabetes.

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