• No. Iodine is a chemical element (symbol I / atomic number 53). Naturally-occurring iodine is a single isotope with 74 neutrons. Iodine is the least reactive of the halogens, and rare in the Earth's crust. It is available in trace quantities in all animal life and many plants. Learn more here ...
  • No, here's what my dictionary says:
  • iodine is not ametal is a halogen belong to group 7
  • Over 70% of the elements are metals in their solid state. The only non-metals lie on the right hand side of the Periodic Table. However there is no sharp division between the two. On the borderline between the two types of element we have materials that can act as metals and non-metals, particularly lower down the Periodic Table. For example Ge and As, Sb and Te, Po and At. These borderline cases can behave as semiconductors and used to make transistors etc. There is no sharp division between borderline cases and definitely non-metals, or definitely metals, either. So some of the properties we associate with metals can also be exhibited by borderline non-metallic neighbours auch as Se and I (there is even a "metallic" version (allotrope) of P, and note how the graphite structure of Carbon conducts electricity). By contrast Tin (Sn) has a non-metallic form. One of the problems of storing tin artifacts in museums for example is that metallic tin changes into non metallic tin particularly at lower temperatures. If improperly stored it will turn into "gray" tin and crumble into a non-metallic powder. What characterises a metal is the way in which the valence electrons are not isolated to locations between any two atoms in the crystal structure. They spread right across the entire structure. This makes metals flexible and shiny and able to conduct electricity. The more "valence" electrons you have, and the easier they are to remove, the more trans crystal metallic bonds you can form. So metals in the middle of the metallic block tend to be the hardest metals, although different crystal structures also play a role. Back to Iodine. It is next door to Te, which (see above) is a borderline case. Iodine forms shiny crystals, just like a metal would but it doesn't have any other properties that would class it as a metal. So all the other given answers are correct, but it is a very good question because it does highlight the fact that although humans make sharp divisions, nature doesn't.
  • No its not a metal.Its a amorphous powder.

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