stars the moon the sun (yes i know its also a star) rainbows clouds
Constellation Orion
The folks on my television...
Thinking outside the box! good stuff ALPHA MALE
Rainbows, Sunshine, Stars etc.
What sort of eyes you got!
My s/o.
I can see a million dollars in a movie that I am watching but cannot touch it. :(
this website
A cute derrière
The sun:-)
sometimes i can see into the future (i have many dreams that come true), but i cannot touch it. sometimes i can see jealousy in a person's eyes, but cannot touch it. sometimes i can see myself becoming angry, but i cant touch that either!
Art in the Museum. i tryed once and never going to try again.
A booger in somebody else's nose.
The sky
Clouds, mountain tops, planes in the air, geese flying overhead
My next door neighbor's wife.
Lake Calhoun.
The Sun!
the sun
Fireworks, rainbows, personality, air, distant objects, sounds, light, mona lisa, ceiling of the sistein chapel, pride, joy, sadness, death, arguments, fog, smells, mirages, attitude, radar, microwaves, lidar, cell phone transmission signals, discounts, gravity, love.
People in photographs.
Everything you don't own!
Stormy Daniels?
the moon
The ceiling and the lights on it.
The amazingly wonderful high fog that has rolled in yet again today. Pure bliss.
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