i'm in a library right now..using their computer..wanna come over? lol
depends who im with
If I'd have the opportunity, you bet!
Well...I have masturbated in libraries, but I'm unsure if that falls under "anything sexual". I would definitely do it again. As for the actual act of sex, I would do it if I had a willing partner.
Well, remember, your typical librarian is an older lady, spending many hours every day indoors doing a job that's incredibly tedious, apart from the fact that it gives you free access to hundreds of cheap romance novels. With that in mind, I'd be willing to bet that the article of the Library Code of Conduct regarding sexual behaviour was something they could've come up with mostly from their own imaginations. To actually answer your question... Probably not. I mean, it's just not polite to interrupt other people's attempts at reading with loud moaning and the knocking over of carts and/or book cases.
Other than looking up research material, no. But you must have some weird news of some sort to ask this question lol!!!
I don't think so. While it sounds exciting it sounds equally if not more uncomfortable yo...
Considering my husband has probably rarely, if ever, even stepped foot in a library...don't think so! lol And even if we were into libraries for reading, I don't think I'd find it all that exciting of a place to be. Now a waterfall in Maui...
Considering libraries are very quiet except for the occasional kissing and in that atmosphere it sounds like two rats in a jelly jar. If it goes beyond kissing well....a ground hog digging in soft dirt.
Are you kidding me? What could be more erotic than the thrill of getting caught with your pants down while surrounded by the wisdom of the ages?
I guess I am behind the times. August 29, 2008 Sex accused banned from library, contact with children A elderly Chinese man has been charged with indecently assaulting and sexually violating a girl at the Shirley Library. The 80-year-old was remanded on a list of strict bail conditions when he appeared before Judge Stephen Erber in the Christchurch District Court today. During his three-week remand he will not be able to go within 100m of the library, which is in Marshland Road, and he will not be allowed any contact with children under the age of 16. Duty solicitor John O’Connell persuaded Judge Erber to grant the man interim name suppression because of possible mental health issues. Police prosecutor Sergeant Mark Berryman said the police did not oppose an interim suppression order being made. Judge Erber granted an interim order which he said would have to supported by medical certificates on September 19 if it was going to be continued. The man entered no pleas to the charges, which allege the offences happened on Monday. Judge Erber imposed seven bail conditions: The man must live at a specified address. He must not go within 100m of the Shirley Library He must not contact the child named in the charges or any police witnesses. He must surrender his passport. He must not apply for any other passport, or tickets. Whenever he is in a public place, he must be accompanied by a family member. He is not to have contact with any child aged under 16. A Chinese interpreter was in court for the man’s appearance in the dock
Considered it, when asked recently...but do it? No.
ive been with some wild librarians.. watch out
Hmm! Never got the opportunity in a library, however at a banks ATM I did!
No never have.
I would not.
I've had sex in a library.
When I was in high school, I had sex in the library.
When my brother says that I tell everyone it was with the priest. the grim reaper from the Aids commercials was posted all over the library when I went to school.
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