i think jim would be too starstruck to be funny
Robin Williams. I don't find Jim Carey that funny.
I think Robin would have Jim laughing more than the reverse. As for who could make the general public laugh more, I just don't know. Robin is probably better at improvising.
Jim Carey I'm not a fan of either really.
I think Robin Williams is funnier than Jim Carey, and better at impromptu comedy... not to mention Williams' humor is a little more high brow than Carey.
Oh that is a nightmare scenario i don't find either one funny
Neither do I!
Robin Williams, hands down!!! I don't think Jim Carey is very funny, just does rediculous things. Williams is a funny guy:D
Robin Williams! He is my favorite anyway. Never been a fan of Carey's.
they r both hilaious i like them both!
I detest both of them, so neither is funny in my opinion.
not sure since i dont know them
I don't think either man is very funny. I just don't like them.
not sure since ive never seen any of them
The one that is alive.
Frankly, I never cared for either of them. Those are probably my two least-favorite popular comedic actors. Their movies are typically crashing bores. I'd expect they'd crash even more together.
JIm Carey used to be funny, but now he's not funny anymore. Has to be Robin Williams.
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