As an ex-Mormon, it is my informed opinion that the whole religion is just a pyramid scheme, more or less. Going to a mormon service is like watching a really long, boring, and repetitive infomercial, and all Mormons who want to talk to you about their religion are salesmen. It's what they were raised to do, so they don't even realize it, but seriously, check out some ex-mormon forums and read people's stories about why they don't believe in that church and it'll become pretty obvious pretty darn quick just what is going on in Utah.
Personally i think they are a kind of cult, First they don't want to be called Christians then all of a sudden when they figure if they aren't considered Christians no one in there right mind would join. But like i stated to all those who don't agree its my personal opinion. If you are looking for a church you could always just go to a couple of different services like i did and go from there but Mormons think of them selves and there church only not other ppl, like true Christians. Hope this Helps
I have only read the History of Mormonism - I have a lot of question regarding that...but on the whole Mormons are more peacable people than a lot of religious adherents, and I like that about them..
Linda Joy
I think they are terribly misguided, and that much of what they believe is bizarre. That said, for the most part, the adherents live good, admirable lives.
Great place!! But then, I'm a member of said church! ... converted from other faiths at 17. What a way to go! Other faiths were basically, dead. But have thorough;y enjoyed serving 2 missions for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and married in God's temple for eternity, with 7 children. Again: What a way to go!
Sillier than some religions (standard Judeo-Christain). About as silly as others (Jehovah's Witnesses, Islam). And not as silly as some (Scientology). On the Silly Scale I'd give it a 5 out of ten. On the Wholesomeness Scale I'd give it a 8.5 out of ten. On the Self-serving scale (a measure of how a religion cares for itself more than for it's practitioners) it gets a 9 out of ten. On the Annoying scale it only gets a 6 out of 10. Disclaimer: All scale measurements, and the scales themselves, are the personal feelings of the respondent and are not to be misquoted and/or distorted without the express permission of said author (unless you really, really, really want to). Hope this helps.
My OPINION... is that it is yet another religion that was put into place to control a certain group of people using a self proclaimed prophet as its catalyist. Personally.. I cant honestly believe he got that many people to agree with him... It boggles the mind! I dont believe it, and I can't see how it even makes any kind of sense in relation to anything else either.
My opinion, which is what was asked for, is that LDS is a little dafter than most religions, and a little less daft than Scientology. I am completely atheist, so my opinion of all religions is that they're at least a little daft. Before you down rate me for this, please note that I am merely expressing my opinion, as asked. You are welcome to disagree and I accept that people hold many different views, of which mine is one.
I don't really mind any Church unless they do something that interferes with my life. I think the LDS controls the Boy Scouts....they did the last time I checked. They are the ones that started the discrimination against homosexuals and atheists, and since the BSA is a public organization still, we have to fund that discrimination with taxes. That's the one thing I can think of that I really don't like about that particular Church.
Their beliefs make no more or less sense than any other denomination of Christianity. I disagree with all denominations of Christianity. For that matter, I disagree with all forms of the Abrahamic tradition.
I don't think it allows its adherents enough freedom of thought, and feel that this restriction makes them a bit intellectually dishonest. The people are nice but I don't equate being "nice" with being "good", it makes them pretty much "harmless". Is this what God wants? I also feel that that church places too much emphasis on social respectability and conformity....and that makes me nervous. I would respect them more if they showed a little rebellion once in awhile. None of this makes Mormonism untrue however.
GREAT people, friendly, polite, community-conscious, just not my choice for religion.
All religions are bogus and sheer ignorance, this one believed black people were inferior until 1965. The founder of the religion was a charlatan
They are on the right track with the preaching activity but it should not be discontinued after a certain time, should be a focal point of their activity for the long term.
I don't have great opinion of the Church itself, though I have really enjoyed its people. Its based on a false history that cannot be realistically supported and it falls flat when compared to early Christian history. The Great Apostasy is nowhere to be found in the history of the Church. That being said, the theology of the Church, completely removed from outside evidence, makes sense in and of itself... in other words, if I started as a Mormon and was never encouraged to examine a different worldview I am sure that I would die a Mormon. The philosophies of Mormonism are consistent enough that I think this would be true for anyone no matter how intelligent. No offense meant to anyone, I am just being open about my true thoughts on the subject.
A counterfeit of Christianity; made in the dungeons of a freemasonry lodge. My 2 cents.
My overriding memory of them is being woken up on far too many Sunday mornings by Mormons calling at the front door trying to convert me. This was never going to be a successful approach, as I like my Sunday morning lie-ins.
I think that it is no better than any other religion. I do like that they take care of their own and encourage a healthy life style, like not smoking, drinking, eating too much sugar, things like that. I don't like rules, but encouragement is good.
It is one of the most vile cults ever created by man, because it so closely parallels Christianity, you can hardly tell it is a non Christian church.
in terms of how creditable, more than scientology, less than all other religions. It all seems a little far fetched to me........but then again all theism does, it's just mormonism is a little tooo out there.
It is a man-made religion created by a False Prophet with roots in the Occult and perpetuated by a power structure fueled by self-interest and misguided good intentions.
Mormons give me the heebie jeebies. I don't dislike them per say since they tend not to be as pushy as the evangelist types, but that stepford wife like white shirt on a bike thing is like a b movie. As for their theology, it comes across as downright silly. However, I respect and support their right to believe and worship like anyone else, with the exception of the activity of the fundamentalist branches that deal in pedophilia and forced marriages.
My opinion is that they are free people with the ability to decide their own set of beliefs, and those beliefs are none of my business as long as they don't affect my life.
My "opinion" of the LDS (the religion and its theology, not its adherents/members) is that it is a non-Christian and anti-Biblical heretical cult invented by a known charlatan, and that its claim that it (and it alone) offers "the restored Gospel" is demonstrably false: the distincitives of the LDS's so-called "restored Gospel" in no way resemble ANY teaching of any early Christian sect (even the heretical ones) and there is absolutely no trace or hint of them in the historical record, and a mountain of historical evidence against them ... kind of like the LDS's claims about Precolumbian Hebrew/Mormon America. Mormons, however, are for the most part fairly nice and decent people and good citizens. They also make good commercials.
My opinion of the people is that they are mostly wonderful, moral people with an excellent sense of family and community. The religion is another story. I actually investigated the church a while back when my husband and I were deciding where to take out children to worship. In the end it came down to one question: Was Joseph Smith a prophet or one of the biggest, most famous frauds and philanderers in US history? My instinct is that he was a bad, bad man who used his authority to cheat on his wife, with young girls and married women.
To each his own, I studied that church from top to bottom not my cup of tea. As they say seek and you shall find. I'll keep my money thank you.
its a load of nonsense!
Well, why should Boy Scouts talk about sex? They're teenaged boys, for crying out loud? They talk about it enough without the Scout Master chiming in! Also, if a boy went up to the SM with a question, you can bet he'd answer it. And of all the excess government spending and porktastic bills passed in the Congress each year, I, and I'll bet the majority of Americans, don't mind footing the bill once every four years so that the Boy Scouts can earn their basket weaving merit badge. And exactly how do the Boy Scouts EVER teach discrimination? I've never heard anything- my brother's never heard anything- my FATHER never heard anything, and he was a Boy Scout in West Texas in the 70s, which was not exactly the most PC time or place to be a scout in. Also, while not every American is a Christian, 76.5% of Americans are Christian, 85.9% follow a specific organized religion, and 93% believe in some form of God. Also, atheists are the least likely to have children, and the least likely to marry. Just by playing statistics, you can predict that the vast majority of Boy Scouts are Christian or religious, so should it come as any surprise that the organization reflects some of their values?
My opinion is that Mormonism is not what it portrays itself to be.
Brilliant place ... brilliant place.
My opinion is that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true restored church of God on earth. It is lead by the true prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and contains the true Gospel.
Well, I dont know too much about them, but they do seem somewhat.... comical. I dont mean to be offensive & maybe I've misunderstood something, but there you have it.
They have a community and social network which is more organized and supportive than other religious groups.
I enjoy talking to the nice young people who come to my door; they are polite, clean cut, and seem to mean well. However, I personally find their doctrine to be absurd and find that the young folks they send out can tell their beliefs but are ill equipped to defend them.
As an atheist, I sometimes forget that is is much less than intuitive to most to pick at (what I believe to be) flaws in religions. With LDS, though, the religion is much more new, and therefore the inaccuracies that much more evident (eg twenty historical documents surviving from 50 years ago, as opposed to one ambiguous scratching from 1000 years ago), that I don't understand how more people do not ever read over the origin stories and say "Gee, this reading from a hat thing sounds like something someone could have made up..."
I have no problem with them...or with any religion, for that long as they don't preach/try to convert me.
I wish that they would stop knocking/ringing my door bell.
Having been one. They're dangerous.
I am a member, by my own choice. 'Nuff said.
5-27-2017 Their theology is goofy, and the deeper you get into it, the goofier it gets. But they are absolutely the best neighbors you could hope to find.
Matthew 7:20 says "By their fruits you shall know them" the LDS do more humanitarian work than any other Church. If you want to know the truth about the church go to.
*** The Book of Mormon, reportedly given to Joseph Smith in the United States by an angel called Moroni, is a product of the 19th century. f some of these works are divinely inspired as some assert, then what they offer in terms of religious guidance should not contradict the teachings of the Bible, which is the original inspired source. They should also answer some of mankind
- .................................. ...................................... It is a destructive false religion. Created by an man with a whimsical imagination. A religion filled with murder, hatred, lies, blasphemy, control, manipulation and self worship. There are many sites on the internet that expose this horrific cult. You can find all of the information at Mormon sites as well.
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