I like beer, but not too much :) Happy Birthday, TERRYTUKER!!!
You shouldn't buy on your birthday. The first round is on me!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll buy you a round ;)
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ill bring a bottle, whats your poison? Happy birthday!
I'll buy next round
happy birthday, TERRYTUKER!!! Happy 36th b-day! And if you're getting beer, I want some.
Happy Birthday!! Calls for something a bit stronger..drinks are on me :)
I love birthdays and thank you for inviting me! Happy Birthday !! You just sit down and let us take care of you!
Well happy birthday to the only Terry I currently know!!!!
I already told the bartender to put on your drinks on my tab:):):S HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! CHEERS!
As long as it's imported, I'm in!
Happy Birthday Terry!
Happy late Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll stick with water but happy birthday of course it's probably your 37th by now, right?
Linda Joy
where is Iceman? -
He's getting free beer. -
Linda Joy
I did invite him I didn't want him to miss it. Do you drink beer or are you strictly a Pepsi guy? -
Pepsi - but I will indulge in red wine a few times per year. Since I rarely drink I do so to get drunk. I'm an emotional drunk. I love 'ya, man. -
Linda Joy
Do you cry when you get drunk? I learned back when I was in my twenties that there are 2 situations when I should never drink. That's when I'm angry and when I'm depressed because it just makes them worse! I don't drink much anymore. It certainly fueled my dancing and partying daze! -
Sometimes if my emotions turn to nostalgia over what has been lost through the years. -
Linda Joy
When I get drunk everything's funny. But then a lot of the time everything's funny when I'm not drunk too! I try not to think about what I've lost ever. I would rather try and turn it into a positive somehow and see the good in the situation. -
Linda Joy
My bad according the Ice man he's probably 46 by now!
a Double Chai Birthday (18x2)
Wow this is an old question!! I don't like beer, but I'll toast to your birthday!!
Happy Birthday! I'll take a gulp in your honor.
A Double Chai Birthday deserves more than a beer.
Happy Birthday! Is everybody going to get all liquored up and naked to celebrate?
I'd pay for the next round but I never got the first.
Happy Birthday.
Double Chai is very special.
A Double Chai (18x2) Birthday is very special.
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