You're stirring the pot with this one. I believe it is.
I think it is a bit extreme statement. I personally would never agree to an abortion unless the mother was in danger of losing her life. But being male I feel I do not have much to say about what a woman does or doesn't do with the life growing inside her.
If so, then God certainly commits a lot of 'murders'...:-P... .
Is abortion murder? Murder is defined as "illegal killing with malice aforethought." Abortion fails this definition for two reasons. First, abortion is not illegal, and second, there is no evidence to suggest that expecting mothers feel malice towards their own flesh and blood. Not all killing is murder, of course. Murder is actually a small subset of all killing, which includes accidental homicide, killing in self-defense, suicide, euthanasia, etc. When pro-life activists call abortion "murder," they are suggesting that abortion fits the definition of murder, namely, "illegal killing with malice aforethought." However, abortion fails this definition for two reasons. First, abortion is not illegal, and second, mothers hardly feel malice towards their own unborn children.
I agree.
I agree with it, but not to the point where I would call someone a murderer for getting one. That may not make much sense, but it is a personal issue and my opinions are my own, others feel differently and that is their right. I choose not to debate the issue because it's such a "hot" topic. I do not believe in abortion, except in rare cases..others do..simple as that. They have just as much right to their feelings as I do to mine and it is not my place to tell them they are wrong or to argue that I am right. It is simply wrong for me.
It's a bit of a stretch and over dramatization imo anyway.
I think, like most generalisations, it is utterly inaccurate and gives no thought to the issue.
That's a tough call. When is a fetus an individual? Hard to say. I don't think I'd get an abortion If I were a pregnant female but I, in no way, would interfere or look down on someone who would. I really wish though that people would be more careful so we wouldn't have to deal with this issue. How much does a condom cost?
Once again, I don't believe it is, so let the d/ring begin.
Simple, it is not. It is what it is and nothing more
I think that is an extreme statement. While I certainly don't condone abortion as an alternative to birth control (oops! Forgot the birth control, now I'm pregnant!), I still feel that women should have access to a safe abortion....when it's a matter of rape/incest or the mother or child's life is endangered.
I think the statement is a narrow minded one, stated by a person who tends to think in politically conservative terms. Premeditated murder is defined as the clearly thought out purposeful act of killing a human being by another human being. Now, the fundamental disagreement between the opposing sides on the abortion issue is the determination of what constitutes as a human being. One who believes that a person is a human being at the moment of conception would of course interpret abortion as murder. Someone who does not would perceive abortion as a medical procedure conducted to remove a fetus BEFORE it becomes a human being. It's all about perspective. You're not asking me what I think of abortion, you're asking me what I think of the statement. But I'm going to give my two cents anyway, even though I'll probably awake to an angry mob of right wing fundie neocon nutbags outside my house. Personally I would explore other avenues before having my s/o have an abortion, but that's my personal choice and I don't believe I, or the government for that matter, have the authority to tell other people what they can do with their own bodies. When we start dictating to other people what they can and cannot do to their own bodies, then we are heading down the path to totalitarianism. Criminalization tends to not work, but I do believe in REGULATION. I do believe there should be stricter regulations and requirements that have to be met before abortions are carried out, such as age, socio-economic status, etc. A 16 year old rape victim having an abortion is not the same circumstance as a 29 year old lawyer having an abortion because she wants to make partner, and I think we would be wise to understand that difference. We are a land that promotes freedom and liberty within reason, as long as that freedom does not infringe on the freedom of others. If you do not wish to have an abortion, you have the freedom to make that decision. If someone else does, it really has nothing to do with you and although you may disagree with it, that person has the freedom to make that decision as well. Let the downrating commence!
The way it's worded I'm not sure Sweet T. Normally I would have laughed, and disagreed, but it got me thinking. Great question!
I think murder is a little to harsh of a word for this matter. Women get abortions for different reasons its not a happy moment.Its a very responsible decision that women make for the better or worst. Murder sounds more like a criminal that in jail for killing a whole bunch of people and is happy about what he/she did! thats just my opinion!
Sweet T, the way you word it, kind of controls a directed response. People who are Pro-choice, faith based would certainly agree with your statement. On the other hand, there are those that have strong and personal choice beliefs that a desire to NOT bring an unwanted child into the world far exceeds any rationale over what kind of aborting procedures occur during any embryo stage of an abortion. Do you agree or disagree? Can we keep the attorney-client privelege, politically right comments to a minimum too, Yawn!
Only the legal implications of this question need be discussed. Definition of abortion, when legally permitted, definition of premeditated murder.
Agree. When you're having unprotected and unmarried sex, you know that one of the consequences could be pregnancy. Why not put the child up for adoption. Better yet, keep your legs closed until you're ready to use protection.
I have a firm policy about discussing hot topic issues socially. I don't need to convince anyone of what I think, nor do I want to be convinced. Of course, these topics come up on AB, and I'm always grateful when people can handle controversy in a respectful, polite manner. So, without getting into any personal opinion on this topic, I can say this. I think that the statement itself uses very harsh terminology that will instantly have both sides in opposition and discord. I think, from an entirely neutral stance of answering, that the above statement begs people to fight over the issue.
i think that abortion SHOULD be unnecessary because people should use condoms anyway. however, i do belive that they are ok because it would be cruel to put the woman under so much stress and agony during the pregnancy for something she did not want to have in the first place
I think it is a statement designed to provoke arguments and not debate. I think that legally speaking it is an inaccurate statement as murder is the act of one human being killing another and the fetus is not legally classed as human until it reaches a certain trimester and at that point they shouldnt be doing abortions.
A pro-life absolutist who likes to use inflammatory language would say that..beyond that, I don't think anything.
well, it is premeditated thats... for sure.... and it is killing
Reminds me of the popular answerbag question: "when is murder ok?"
A fetus does not have a fully functioning nervous system, that rules out pain. A fetus does not have any understanding. That rules out any thoughts it may have had upon 'wanting' to live. It's the same concept as pulling the plug on someone who is in an unconscious coma (the only brain activity in such a coma is that which is sparked by input from the lungs via a breathing apparatus)
I am pro-life but I do not like that statement and I don't feel like going into the nuances. Stating the obvious gets old sometimes.
If abortion were murder, then it would be necessary to issue a death certificate for every miscarriage that occurred. Of course it is not. 'Murder' is a term used purely to get an emotional response, and to call abortion murder is dishonest. If someone *really* thinks it is wrong - and I respect the arguments that say it is - then it should be argued in a rational way.
I'd think that someone is taking a moral high ground when the ball is not in their court. What do they know about the the physical state or the mental dilemma of the person how has taken this decision? Its not just unprotected sex which is a reason for abortion. It could be a much wanted baby but one that would certainly suffer all its life because of some kind of cognitional defect.Who are we to tell those parents you committed murder? We should just let these choices and their moral implications remain in the realms of the person making the decision.Finally they are the ones living with it and one way or the other bearing all the consequences.
That is true. A baby is a life and thinking about killing him or her before killing him or her is 1st degree murder.
I think it depends on the situation. If a person is raped they should have a choice, however try the 3 day pill! I don't consider it pre-meditated as there are a lot of thoughts that go into, should I, shouldn't I... It depends upon the rational for choosing yes.
It's obviously just a statement to shock you..."Oh no, murder is bad!" Yeah yeah yeah...moral crusaders make connections like that all the time to make things easier for them to attack, even though the connections aren't real
I believe the statement is narrow and focused to obtain a particular response, like the equally repulsive phrase, "partial birth abortion." Both terms were created by the press and spin-drs to obtain the visceral response wanted by listener. And neither takes rape into account.
I think its a harsh statement, thier are a lot of reasons for girls/woman to take that choice and its a hard and difficult choice for some.:)
What possible reason would be valid to kill a child? At what point do they become a child and not just another embryonic stage in development?
I think you are looking way to far into it!!! People have been doing this for years!!! Let people make their own decisions and you focus on yourself and the decisions you are making for your life!!! I think the world would be a better place if people focused on themselves for a little while insted of everyone else!!!
No I do not think abortion is premeditated murder unless it is used as a careless form of birth control. Some, probably only a small percentage of woman don't use protection and don't care if they get PG because they can just get an abortion...that is premeditated...maybe not murder though. I feel woman should have the right to choose and we should not judge them based on their decision. We all have our own obstacles to hurdle...why judge and we wouldn't want someone judging us fro our decisions. Who is this Dr.James guy? He probably isn't even a real doctor, just a Dr.Phil Hey Dr. James, how would you like to be a woman, just recovering from a brutal rape and pregnant with the rapists child? Would you want to be accused of premeditated murder just because you didn't want to have a rapists child? No one should judge unless they have been in the situation of a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy. And what about the women that get pregnant while on birth control and are told they will die if they stay PG and the baby will to.
Could we not argue that giving life is premeditated murder. We know that if we give birth to a baby it will eventually die. Should we not have kids because we know that we are causing a death, somewhere along the line. Abortion in many instances is the most mature, difficult and sensible decision that unfortunately some people have to make. Abortion is not premeditated murder in my opinion.
I agree with the statement in certain situations.
Debates that never get resolved do not mean anything to me.
It is an opinion based on emotion with no real concern for scientific fact, though often "supported" by "scientific fact".
I think it's a tagline meant to sway people's opinions on a matter. There are lines meant to sway them the other way, too.
I think its a true statement.
Abortion is clearly not premeditated can people judge one another in such insensitive ways???I think it is disgusting to liken the two acts, and to those who think abortion is murder, may I suggest opening your mind an inch and trying to understand what goes through a woman's mind when making that kind of decision. It is a brave choice and those women should be supported, not punished by the mindless words of the ignorant.
TRUE! condoms are bad too
not, true
yes it is
No it's not, I bet that came from some religious nut. Is wearing condoms murder because you are not allowing the baby to be born? Is ejaculating in the trash child abuse?
spoken by a man.
Absurd notion.
In general, I think abortion is being used as birth control by IRRESPONSIBLE women. This dilemma would never even come up if women behaved RESPONSIBLY and did not get pregnant in the first place. In this day and age sex education, condoms and birth control are FREELY AVAILABLE - so there's very little excuse for getting pregnant accidentally. There should be signs in female toilets that say "REMEMBER: UNPROTECTED SEX NORMALLY CAUSES BABIES". What about women who have abortion after abortion. This cannot be healthy even if only for HER health. The "what if she was raped" or similar arguments are obvious more valid than oops I forgot to take the pill so I'm going to have to kill this child inside me. Whatever happened to maternal extincts and managing your (sex) life responsibly? All this is of course only my humble solicited opinion. Have a nice day.
In my opinion, yes it's premeditated murder. You know the child is living and you plan to terminate it. In our society murder is an extremely heinous crime, and yet every day, in secure medical clinics we allow it. I know people have many arguments as to WHY it's a "good" practice. But terminating a living being is never going to be fully justified. If the baby isn't someone you want to raise, by all means PLEASE give it up for adopting. My Mom just recently married a man who never had children and they tried and tried so hard, and now have chosen adoption. And you know what? They've been waiting months! Adoption is a wonderful, mature, and unselfish choice. Abortion is quite the opposite.
I agree.
The one at fault are men who rape women. Guys, just admit it. Unless she did give consent in a clear state of mind. Not when she is inebriated. Hey, this world is crazy! This is nothing out of the ordinary that such injustice still happen in modern society. Pls... We don't really care if the baby is innocent, if it were to be born and abandoned, I would rather say it would be better to nip the problem in the bud. This has nothing to do with christians, it applies to every female. Unless all christians r the same gender.
What do you think of this statement "Masturbation is mass-genocide"
If something is legall it doesnt means that it's right. In some countries it is legal to kill a woman in suspicion of beeing unfaitful - is it right? Isnt it a murder? Abortion is a murder, even if it is still legal.
i think it's meant to provoke and accuse and serves no purpose in furthering the speakers opinions
I agree. Abortion is murder and it is a decision that the mother does have a choice to do or not so by having an abortion I think that is something that is thought about before hand and scheduled to have, so yes it is premeditated.
BS. I think it also depends on the situation. If someone uses it as a form of birth control, thats wrong. But, lets say a women was raped and got pregnet... Then she should be allowed to. I don't really agree with abortion. There will always be someone out there who would adopt a baby.
i strongly believe it is but this is america the land of no absolute truth and wrongs
I agree, but like the people who kill to defend their life, somewomen have no choice.
No it's not--what about a rape victin who gets pregnant---every woman has the right to decide over HER body not some self-righteous right wing Christian fanatic.
I think it is an ignorant statement.
I absolutely agree, 120%!!
Killing someone rather they are a baby or not is murder ,, that is a statement to that statement, premeditated has many different circumstances so I am not sure about the statement, but abortion is killing no way to slice and dice it or sugar coat it. I saw a 23 week old fetus and it was truly alive until he passed away due to his heart was not strong enough for survival he had all the features and was sucking his tiny thumb and was precious as life could ever be... we lost him after only an hour and 45 minutes from the time he was born... so the baby is alive and when you terminate a life that equals murder..
It's bullshit.
An abortion is murder! its ending a life! People regret it afterwards but its their own fault really. should think more sensably
I think it's knee-jerk dogmatic. - "Not having the freedom to choose is premeditated totalitarianism"? - ;-)
Thank God we live in a country where a vocal few don't dictate to the rest of the masses what they are allowed to believe and not believe when it comes to their own bodies.
in fear of getting gunned down no comment
If you believe the fetus is a living form, then by definition it is a planned murder, ie premeditated murder. The question lies in whether or not a fetus is alive and can be murdered.
I'll tell you what I think about you, that is disgusting, think about other people.
Down rate me if you want. Things happen everyone does not wake up responsible. abortion as a means of birth control, NO. ABORTION because you made a mistake or you were raped, then so be it. I think it is more of a sin or a crime to have a child you cant take care of, making that child suffer throughout its childhood.
That it is true if and only if you define a fetus to be a living human being from the time it is a fertilized egg. Some people chose to do that. I guess they consider God a very evil being. he sure kills a lot of them. I wonder sometimes what they think of pregnant women who go riding, or play tennis, or carry a 2 gallon bucket or whatever other activity that may contribute to them falling or otherwise hurting themselves so the baby is lost. Should the woman this have happened to then be tried for negligent manslaughter ?
What do you think of this statement? "People like you should be put away before they commit murder"
my uncle pretty much knows EVERYTHING about everything and is an environmental biologist or something. he says that abortion is a good thing because it helps control the population. We are already starting to overpopulate. it sounds mean and it is but it's actually for the good.
I think the person who wrote it doesn't know the definition of murder, because murder implies premeditated. If it isn't premeditated it's just manslaughter. Aside from that it is hard to say honestly that a fetus isn't alive, the question is whether it has cognitive thought or feeling. I personally believe that a fetus can not think for itself. Therefore I don't think it to be truly "human" whatever that means. However I would never tell someone they should get an abortion. If I were ever to get a girl pregnant I would ask if she is considering it and if she truly wants to I would let her, however if not then I would raise the child with her. Regardless, it is her body and ultimately her decision, I think we should all focus on support and not badgering.
I think it's stupid.
I agree.
Its not alwase pre meditated.
I think that statement is ignorant
I think it's a ridiculous, untrue statement.
it means its boring and overdone to debate it.....
I agree...premeditated murder. Especially when done after the baby is developed then aborted and left to die in a room. They put the premature child that could live if giving the right medical care and the child suffers til it finally dies, all because the b***h who created the baby doesnt want it...if she didnt want the baby then she shouldnt have got pregnant or should have had it aborted before it was developed.
If you believe in God you will have to face Him in your decision. If you were aborted do you think someone killed you? Obviously, you would not know, but you also would have never known life. The action of someone stopping birth prevented the experience of a life that is no different from you. God forgives all, but our actions affect our quality of life. Our decisions affect who we are.
Adoption is always a choice if a woman is uncomfortable with abortion, but also knows she is unable to parent.
Where I come from people are really down to earth. Meaning, a baby is not a baby until you see it. I wont say aborting a pregnancy is okay when you are over 3 months pregnant (unless it brings the life of the mother and child in danger). But before that go ahead. I dont think it is murder. People always suggest giving it up for adoption. But they forget some people just dont see that as an option. I'd never go through a pregnancy knowing i'd have to give my child away. I believe in reincarnation so really do not feel guilty for having an abortion. I have one wonderful kid and I like to keep it that way.
I think "true."
kinda true, kinda not true. word to your mother
I think it's ridiculous. I don't get how someone can be pro-life and still eat dead animals. It's hypocritical in every way.
it is. I agree with the statement.
THAT IS SO FALSE!!! IT SHOULD READ "Abortion is state-sanctioned premeditated murder"
it's a distortion. It's like saying the death penalty is premeditated murder.
If "honor killings" are murder, so are abortions, even though both are legal in certain countries. The legality of an act does not change what it is.
i dont beleive in pushing my opinions on anyone. so in my personal opinion- it is murder. you are killing a life. you get a life, why shouldnt the baby? im not going to sit and lecture someone on it, but if asked my opinion, i have no problem telling you my views. i dont understand how you could abort a baby, just for personal gain. if you arent ready for a baby- then put it up for adoption. if your worried about stretch marks, and having to tell your parents, then i think its stupid to kill it just because your so self centered that you would do such a thing. just give it up to a family that would love it and see it as the blessing it really is, not a inconvience. babies are a blessing, even if they arent at a time when it would be easy for you:) me- ttc 3 years, 2 losses, finally pregnant, 10 weeks, and even tho its not a convient time(husband just got laid off) we feel very blessed and are so excited for this baby.
I agree
I think it is true in the same way that slaughtering cattle is premeditated murder.
Can anyone here honestly say they have never made a mistake? Some people make the mistake of not using protection & let it slip their mind, abortion might be a little cruel, but its not as cruel as bringing a baby into the world when you know you can't give it the best life possible, its selfish & its easier said than done to put a baby up for adoption. Im not saying abortion is ok to take advantage of and have over & over but I think its wrong to judge someone when they do it because they know it wouldn't be right to bring a child into the world when they can't provide & don't want them to feel like a mistake their whole lives because you put them up for adoption
Well, when one makes a conscious decision to end a human life, that's first degree, or premeditated murder. Abortion meets the criteria so, yes. That fits.
just like war and the witch trials .
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