Chocolate brown can be nice.
Lavender and mint green (together) come to mind. Or a pale shade of periwinkle blue.
im not sure for a color but make sure your purse and shoes match ( colors be the same) and one more thing make sure that the shoes and pirse arnt the same color of the dress u will over wear the color
silver would look georgous
You could do it a few ways. Silver has already been mentioned, and would lighten the look up a bit. Pale blue or gold would also work for this. If you want something more dramatic you could wear a darker shade of purple accesories. It sounds a bit out-there, but if the dress is quite modern, hot pink might look quite cool too.
Pale pink
YES! Chocolate brown would be great. Maybe accent with a warmer red. Check this out. Colors for 07-08
shoes and bags do NOT have to match. that's a fashion faux-pas. as long as they are complimentive to eachother, it is fine. if it's a rich purple, an emerald green would go well, as well as anything in the the yellow/gold family.
same colour , i guess :)
black and gold would look nice for day maybe white and silver but for night black and gold.
I find gold jewelry suits purple nicely, especially against olive or darker toned skin. Metallic shoes might be interesting too.
Cheerful black?
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