There isn't always an easy way to tell. Sometimes the answer is obvious, like when my wife buried one corner of the car in the mud and packed the brakes full of gravel. Usually it isn't quite that obvious. Most of the time the easiest way to find and electronics problem is just have the garage test it. They have the equipment (OBDII code scanners, etcetera) and expertise to find that sort of thing quickly.
Thanks for the reply. I will borrow one of those gizmos and see if it pin points the faulty one. If not I will replace all of the sensors(which may not be a bad idea anyway) I'm pretty sure that each one of them will go soon.(110k miles on the explorer) just a matter of time. Thanks again for the reply.
An easy way to do it, is using a volt/ohm meter. Disconnect the sensor and find something to probe the plug. Paperclips work but be careful not to misshape the terminal. Hook the meter up to both wires and set it to A/C volts. Spin the wheel and if the sensor produces voltage, it is good. This doesn't work on all sensors but will on yours.
Just for the info of all who may have had this problem with ABS light staying on, My problem was the "Rear ABS Sensor". It cost $12.00 at NAPA and it took about 15 minutes to install. Thanks again for all who help me solve this problem. Sly Jackson
i have just replaced the brakes front and back thinking that was the problem, they were worn down to about 1/8" but the light did not go out
for 15$, i would just change the rear sensor to rule it out in as short a time as possible.
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