Myself, I am wearing a pair of DVS skate shoes.
Vans,yes im 40 years old and still wear vans.born and raised in, (i did sell my tony alva skateboard though)
Brown mock-suede knee high boots.
None. I am 'at one with nature'. I'm actually wearing grey hiking socks because all the nice ones are in the wash
Combat Boots. I'm in the Army.
No shoes, just rodent nibbled stockingettes.
None. I'm wearing black socks, but I was wearing beige and orange Sketchers today.
My awesome new pair of blue and silver Puma Future Cats! I just got them and I don't ever want to take them off.
Converse All*Star trainers. (Brown and Pink)
Black leather wingtips. Sorry, but I can't tell you the brand, as it is worn off. I bought these shoes new in 1986.
None, completly barefoot. (Or maybe I'm wearing shoes that look exactly like feet and just don't remember puting them on.)
Joe Boxer socks with holes in the toes.
Chocolate Chucks
None, I'm barefoot right now.
Im actually not wearing shoe sright now. I have two different socks on. One is green and blue striped with a silver dragonfly on the ankle and the other sock is a pink and white one.
I am wearing Sorel winter boots, beacuse it is winter here in Alberta, Canada Today it is about -25 C .... Too cold for me, thank-you
I am wearing none right now i am sitting in front of the computer in my socks which happen to be one red and green sock and one white, i wear different socks at least 4 times a week.
I am wearing black slippers.
You can wear a hat any old time, with any outfit, of any color. But when you want to look particularly sharp, make sure your hat color complements your suit or outfit. Brown hats look best with brown or green suits or coats. If wearing a dark blue or dark gray suit, a dark brown hat may also look acceptable.
Black ballet flats. Man I was so happy when these came in style!
Black leather Rockport clogs with multi-coloured striped over-the-knee socks. Feelin' good at the end of the day.
no shoes, just socks...
lavender tweed chinese slippers
Waterproof insulated work boots because its COLD outside & I just haven't had the heart to deny my toes of being toasty & warm just yet. lol
I'm not - I'm wearing socks.
none, i'm kickin' back and answering your great question lol :P.
faux fur lined beige slippers my Mom gave me... earlier today I had on Steve Madden tan (leather) boots
Nobodys, not even mine
Well, shoe. It's by t.u.k. ^__^
None, i am barefooted.
None; I'm asian so I don't wear shoes in the house.
I'm not, but I love my Uggs..!
None i rarely wear shoes in the house maybe rubber soled socks if it is cold
None. I have green fuzzy socks on.
I am wearing brown converse sneakers.
now, socks, outside, chucks.
Black Uggs
At the moment I am wearing slip-on Vans. Comfortable, and best of all -- laceless...
I'm not wearing shoes. I take them off to be comfy.
Loafers, no socks
A black pair of Richard Tyler pumps with a lucite "bow" and 3" heels. Very 40s. I just got home from work.
My 'cruel shoes'.
Invisible and unfeelable ones.
My new black Doc Marten boots. They're my first Docs, I worship them.
I'm actually barefoot. I had socks on, but my son left his pretzels with cheese on the floor and I stepped in it.
colorada, work shoes standard black ones
Nothing, i prefer to be all natural!
Nike AirMax.
None at all, I'm barefoot at the moment. I've never seen the point of wearing shoes indoors.
I be barefooted with my cute little toes...may be wearing my hiking boots when I go to the store though...
black sandals. my nice ones. it's sunday morning in sydney Australia and I am off to church in 3/4 of an hour...just getting some answerbag in before I
none, it is 101 degrees right now!
princess sleepers. man, that sounds weird
My sister's cowboy boots. They're so cool I might steal them.
Imaginary ones
Black dress shoes. Rockports.
None. Unless my feet are shoes in of themselves.
Brahma Steel Toes... if you really must know, the style is called Kane... that's one of the reasons I got 'em! He's one of my favorite wrestlers!
I am at home it is 1.13 am it is summer ... I am barefoot ...
Puma's.. they are orange and white.. i love them.. orange is my favorite color.. so i always have to have orange on my shoes..its kinda weird..but everyone has to be weird once in a while right? lol..
Rip Curl Flake. Black, suede boots.
None. I don't normally wear shoes while sitting at my computer.
A cheap pair of slip on deck shoes. I dont even think it has a brand name.
Black "Hillfiger" shoes. There comfortable for work.
None I always take off my shoes as soon as I arrive home. I have just taken off a pair of 'Red or Dead', high heeled ankle boots
Line 7 walking boots.
my feet are naked! no shoes
crocs..I have nerve damage in one foot..crocs are the only shoes that I can walk around in and not have spasms and I wear them whenever I can get by with wearing them...
Faded glory loafers. 5$, on-sale by Wal-Mart.
I'm home now, I don't wear shoes in my home.
Sheepskin moccasins
am not wearing shoes right now but i have my flip flop xD
I'm barefoot.
not shoes..I am wearing glow in the dark slippers..much more comfy than shoes
White tenny shoes.
no shoes, extra low cut bright green sox!
The non existent type. I hate all shoes. haha
Flip, Flops :)
black flip flops
i am wearing campers. i love campers.
Converse trainers
I am waring with my sneakers, they are getting old and foot odor is taking weapon of choice is deodorant but i'm loosing.
Brown Converse
none, just socks.
None; I just at my computer relaxing without any shoes on, thats it:) just chilling!!!
I'm always slightly suspicious of flip-flops. The noise they make sounds like they are tutting at me.
sandles or flipflops
I wear chappals
I am barefoot, which can apparently mentally scar young children. Just look at these babies:
Green and white suede adidas they are very 90s and I love them
at the moment im wearing my slippers.
I like to wear Ganter shoe. They are very good for the feet.
closed toed shoes cause im at work - the wheelchairs might run over our toes so we arent allowed to wear any open toed shoes
Flip-flops I love them but they need throwing away...
new balance 609
I am not wearing any shoes.
Yes i am
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