We did.
Moony McMoonerton
There seems to be a lot of, serious, debate on where the name Moon came from. After doing some research for your question I've seen two dominant schools of thought. One is that the word moon was derived from the word month, and viola month to moon. Of course then I found the opposite saying that the word month derives from the word moon. Since lunar calendars are based on the phases of the moon. The theory that month is based off the word moon holds more water with me since in ancient babylon the term "Honey Month" was used in reference to the month long celebration when of newlyweds when the father of the bride would give all the Groom all the mead he wanted for the entire month. Honey Month eventually formed into Honeymoon. And the Babylonian calender was a lunar calender, each month passed with the new moon. I hope this helps.
A Recent theory is, the Moon is a burnt out Sun! Might be likely.
funny joke answer: some one bending over * ahh the moon!*
Some lunatic. +4
Mister Spock.
Joe Paderaski
its mommy did
A Lunatic.
Lol...This is an old question from the original AB, but I too answered.
im not sure it was anyy one person, we just collectively began calling it something a long time ago and through the ages its passed through different languages for example from latin into english and whatever was before latolin
Frank Zappa.
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