• If I live that long. 20 years or so.
  • Yes, since I sold my house last year.
  • i owe about 2300 right now... yeah it cant b that hard
  • Sure! Working on the last bit to pay off the house right now.
  • I plan to try and NEVER borrow. I'll save more money in the long run
  • I don't have any debt. But I'm 14, so I guess that's to be expected.
  • As far as credit card and other bad debt yeah sure in about a year. My wifes student loans probably in about 15 years. But as far as car and housing loans, probably when I die my wife will cash out my life insurance policy and pay it all off.
  • that's life! if we are living we have debt~i think the secret is not being "over-extended" in debt...i think there's a big difference; we worked like crazy for 2 yrs and now we have 3 cars (no they're not new) that are paid for and only 1 credit card that we keep only a 10% balance on (because someone said that helps keep your credit score up) and it feels good but we've got 3 boys so there is still mortgage, household expenses and college and retirement....eeeeekkkkkk ~hahaha......i guess what i'm trying to say is: out of debt? no, there will always be bills to pay but buried in debt......never again :)
  • No, I don't see myself getting out of debt. I simply have too much for the amount of money I make. They say you shouldn't blame your parents for that kind of thing. But when you, as a young person, follow their advice to the letter - ill-fated advice - shouldn't they bear the weight of the blame and not so much the responsibility? As everyone is in debt, shouldn't there be some sort of major reform in the finance industry to help those of us who are screwed for the rest of our lives?
  • Yes, it's a slow process. But it's a relief to be in control again.
  • Yes because I don't buy into the credit cards service. I can spend my own money without paying a fee.
  • ugh, if i ever stop spending money....ughh
  • Debt is relative. There is good debt and bad debt. Consumer debt (Wow, Dude. Nice plasma TV) is bad debt. Owing a million dollars on an apartment complex that brings in the income to support itself is good debt. I'm not really in debt to anyone.
  • I do, I only moved out of my parents house 2 years ago and the mistakes I've made in these first two years will take me the next 7 at my current income and lifestyle to pay off. Hopefully, I will be able to reduce the repayment time as I finish school and move on to a better paying job.
  • one day! =)
  • no. I had all my credit cards paid off and was doing good then my dog got sick and I got sick and now my credit cards are maxed again.. I had a savings's gone for medical bills. I have a student loan that will take me at least 30 years to pay off IF they don't go up on interest rate and I own NOTHING but a 10 year old no.. I will never get out of debt.
  • The word debt means owing. I guess we all need to owe at some point in our lives however living within our means should be a rule of thumb. Unfortunately we all want what we cant or others have, or we need to speculate to accumilate. Looking at debt this way can cause your scrotum to crunch up. I guess thats why im pink lint!! dont bother asking me for a loan!:) Moreover lets just all throw our money in a pot and drink it until we run out, eh!
  • In the 90s, I was over %25,000 in debt living in an old mobile home. Now, I am completely out of debt except for the mortgage on my house, which will be paid off very soon here.
  • Yep but only if you can give me $15,000.
  • I never get into dept. I only spend what i can afford. I could say i am indebted to friends for their support at times though.
  • Yes, one day. But due to one gigantic issue beyond our control it is going to take at least another 5 years. In the meantime, things couldn't be any worse. But we don't use credit cards, ever. We cut them up 8 years ago and never looked back.
  • Not really, even just having a utility service is being in debt, as they provide service during the month, and them we pay for it after the fact. But, Hubby and I are investors in real estate, and we could only be out of debt by selling off our holdings at a profit, which is not too likely at this time. We might have a lot less debt when we both start living off our retirement funds.

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