If she's being abused she should probably try contacting a battered women's shelter or support group. They'll be able to help guide her through the process of dealing with the courts and police.
Regardless of what kind of abuse it is, she needs to get away from him. Secondly she has to document things, and have somethings witnessed by someone. IF he is hurting her physically, she needs to GET OUT plus have her picture taken, go to ER, and get a restraining order. NO woman deserves to be abused, and there are organizations out there to help her, besides our judicial system.
thank you for your answer,she had a retraining order but the judge made her let him come back home, the house is hers.
There's no way to judge anything based on so little information.
Were there witnesses? Photos showing abuse? Hospital records? and why doesn't she just leave?
He can afford more justice. Notice rich people can afford better lawyers so they get more justice. The court doesn't care what is right or wrong as long as the law is seen to be done. In my country if you have enough money you can molest as many children as you like is my observation of our leagal system the USA is an equal dud.
I think (I might be wrong) that the U.S. legal system DOES draw a firm-ish line at child molestation. It's true that a rich person can "settle out of court" if there is a law suit (see, for example, Michael Jackson), but if there is a CRIMINAL charge and investigation then the wealthy child-molester has a harder road, then the criminal must pay big money for an expensive defense team and HOPE that they can convince the jury that the crime did not actually occur. At least one very famous movie person (I don't remember his name, not an actor, a producer or something) has fled the US (for Canada) to avoid multiple child molestation charges, which indicates that (in the U.S.) even very big money just isn't enough to avoid the legal consequences of that sort of crime.
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