Wayne Gretzsky
Hockey and being laid back.
Friendliness i think thats what i am told anyways
Maple Syrup =D
Excellent I love maple syrup! Nov. 19
Canadians are best known for their insatiable appetite for Kraft Dinner. In fact, more Kraft Dinner is consumed per capita in Canada than the consumption of the rest of the world combined. Kraft Dinner is so popular in Canada that during the 1940s there was a fad in Nova Scotia in which a number of newborn girls (and a few newborn boys) had Kraft Dinner listed as the official name on their birth certificates. One of those boys later went to Parliament and served Canada for many years under the stage name “Lloyd Axworthy.”
Bacon and Alex Trebek!
Being like their American brethen down south!
Hello there we were friends on the old site glad to hear from you. Nov.19
The movie "Strange Brew" aye.
snow, hockey, the lower drinking age, maple syrup, maple leaves, anything to do with maple really ..
We love our beer and hockey.
South Park & Shania Twain amongst the other stuff listed above
being snowed outside. EH? eva gotten ze boot? betta bootstrap that ERE CA befo ewe drive it, it be cold.
Their cuisine. Just kidding! :D Ummm...I'm gonna go with either hockey or their funny accents. Yah, sure, ya betcha...
maple leaves
Using the phrase "Maple Leaf" for lots of things.
Being the scapegoat on the southpark movie, blame canada...blame canada
Ice Hockey.
Their kindness and easy-going attitude.
Their ability to live through really cold weather.
Good beer EH! and of Misss Pamela Anderson!
For me Canada associates with - ice hockey, Kenny vs Speny, maples, and those two from south-park I forgot names :)
Canadians....hmmmm.....good looking, outgoing, very friendly, maple syrup, very very very patriotic. One of my favourite nationalities!!
ice hockey, eh?
First thing i think of when you say Canadian is Bacon.
Terrance and Phillip from south park and maple syrup
Beer and Ice Hockey.
For being good neighbors and for taking very good care of a beautiful land.
Ice Hockey
Degrassi and Maple Syrup
Living in Canada? Though for me it is the men of the 1st and 2nd Canadian armies who fought in western Europe.
Hockey and uhhh (relatively) free health care
Moose and Whisky.
I've said it before and I'll say it again; hockey, beer, maple syrup and axes. Seriously, everyone here has an axe for some reason, I seriously don't get it.
chopping off heads >:P
the alps
Pam Anderson. My 2 cents.
I know generally speaking they are great people ... but here in Australia they often make the news for their killing of baby fur seals ... Damn shame
Being overly polite to strangers. There was a TV series started and it was hillarious the way the Canadians(i should say we) were apolagizing for every thing.
Really good ham :D
Globally, we are best known for starting up the United Nations ... it was the idea of Lester Pearson back in the 50s.
Beer and hockey
Skating skiiing, winter sports in general, cold beer, maple syrup, funny actors, from Mike Myers to John Candy to Dan Akroyd, high taxes and left leaning liberal governments.
Beer, and are new pass on legalizing three grams of marijuanna.:P
Beer. :)
i would have to say hockey and stereotypically what we're known for is saying the word eh!
the northern hemispheres version of Australians!
Keith's IPA Hockey Laid Back 2 official languages but not equally spoken or allowed in each province/territory Crappy Political System that really is a job creation for the indifferent. Interesting how a country with 10X the population(USA) has only 100 people in government, where Canada has such a small population yet the government is huge in comparison
Hot lovers
Alexisonfire and Cancer Bats, they rank highly anywhere
Hockey, moose, snow, and the world famous ...eah!
5% alc. beer? beats out that woosie american 4%! :)
saying "eh"
Being nice!! Nov. 19
Drinking beer and eating beaver crumpets.
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