Yes by crazy boyfriend who now is my ex! I was really stupid!!!!!!!
i've received a few anonymous ones. only one finally told me who he was. and i've gotten one real love letter. where the person had true feelings, not just a crush. :]
nope I have probably well over 150 love letters love notes and sweet special occasion cards (birthday christmas etc) all from the very same Girl my beloved and very much missed late fiancee:(
So sorry for your loss:( Thank you for sharing:)
I was engaged to a guy in Nam and we sent many back and forth to each other.
na i havent.. lol.. i get really sweet txt msgs tho.
In 5th grade. Along with a friendship bracelet.
Not an official *STAMPED* letter via USPS, but a love note that was stapled shut with about 50 staples so I would be the only one to read it *sigh* :)
A nerd had a locker next to mine, and everyday for the entire school year I would watch him read anonymous love letters that had been slid through the vent holes and everyday I would stand at my locker looking busy as he read them, watching his reactions sometimes making me laugh. Last day of school, I was approached by a gorgeous girl, disappointment on her face. "I guess it doesn't matter now that the school years over, so here!" she said as she handed me the same colored note the nerd had received all the months past. Confused I read it, as she glanced over my shoulder & commented: "Oh God!, I thought your locker # was 266!, not 277!" We had a fantastic laugh...all this time she liked ME! but been putting MY notes into his locker!
Oh yes.
(SIGHS..) Actually I never have. =(
Yeah, in the 3rd grade, this chick named Trisha sent me a note that said "Do you like me?" with a yes and no check box. She was hot. =P Seriously, that happened though.
Yes! But a jealous boyfriend stole it years later :(
I did, kind of. It was a love email. From a guy in Italy. And it was X-rated. We used to "RP" together. He visited me for one weekend, but then he had to go home.
I have......a four paged one.
As a matter of fact, yes. Just last night. My schweetie left me a lovely love letter when I got home this morning (around 3AM) and I fell asleep with a smile on my face and joy in my heart.
Yes and every week i receive letters in the name of love. My sweetheart is in prison.
The day that it had been one month togather with this one girl, she wrote to me to tell me how much she loved me and how she never thought that she could fall in love so fast. She also attached this note titled, "31 things I've noticed" (1 for each of the 31 days we had been togather) and it just listed off things she noticed, I still kept the notes.
Yes, dozens. I was in a long-distance relationship for a couple of years during college, and my GF and I would send each other love letters at least once or twice a week.
yes a couple of them were from my ex boyfriend
Once, never written one myself though. :)
yes long time back when I was in 4th grade
Several. My boyfriend (ex) and I used to send love notes to each other all the time in school. I still have 3 or 4 of them.
my wife left me one in the office last night. I found it this am
No, but I once received a very nice text message. Does that count?
Yeah, a few of them.
I did. my paperboy had a crush on me and left a couple notes rolled up in the paper. cute huh? well, a couple years later he, his sister, and mother murdered their father and now he's doing life in prison. I used to attract all the losers.
Yep,but,then I was asked to bring that to my room mate... I was so depressed then(-_-)
yeahh. & i still have it. Its the one note I will never rip up. I lost the guy, but still. the note is really sweet =)
not yet....... want to try?....
a couple but i still haven't found out who it is from, same handwriting and everything. pretty handwriting.
Yes, yes I have.
Hey. When I was in the 6th grade a girl who was a freshmen in HS sent me a very sexual "love letter" and some flowers. Go figure. She told me things she was going to do to me. I mean downright filthy things. Things I didn't know anything about. I'm not gonna lie. I was intimidated.
Yes, only once. It was from one of students when I taught in private high school. I didn't reply her.
yes unfortunatly when they wrote it it was too late to work.:)
Yes. And we switch off all the time. I'll give him one then he will give me one. I love it, it makes me feel so special. They usally have a little note at the bottom saying "If you ever miss me or need me, hold this letter to your heart. I'll be with you."
unfortunately no...
Yes from the love of my life, my Blue eyed Brit who writes the most romantic love letters on cards,, texts and emails;)
Year ago when I was dating someone, I broke up because not only was he married, but his wife was pregnant. yeah, classy, huh? Anyway, he wrote some love letter that I refused to read, and his best friend said he ended up burying it in his back yard. ( He was 18, I was 17 at the time)
Many! Starting in grade school.
not yet
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