• It looks like a problem in the high voltage circuit. Had a similar Philips TV set which had some "hickups" and shutted down sometimes. When there's power leaking from the high voltage circuit, these TV's have a safety build in, which switches them off. Voltage leaks are mostly caused by accumulated dust. Cleaning should be done by a proffesional, since TV's can be deadly, even when unplugged. My Philips was beyond economical repair after only 3 years. The tube had a terminal failure inside...
  • Man, I also have the philips 34" HDTV (didn't check the model number) and I have the same exact prioblem. I mean exactly the same symptoms. Hey "tvnotworking" Did you ever fixed yoir tv? If yes, thean what was fixed?
  • When I moved my philips tv from the floor to the wall I no longer had it on a surge protector. After about a month I got the blinking light problem. I put up a surge protector behind it and turned it on and off. The first time it was on same problem except the screen flashed, so I unplugged it and plugged it back in again and now it seems to work. From what I understand the tv was in "safe mode" and the surge protector allowed it to "fix" itself.

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