• Yes, this is possible. I'm assuming you meant with one guitar? Some pedals (for instance, my dad's chorus pedal [I would tell you the brand but it's so old it's faded off! ahaha]} have stereo outputs, allowing you to input into two amps as opposed to one. There are also some splitters you can buy, but generally I find these to be of dubious quality. I'm sure there are some good ones, I just don't happen to own one, and nobody I know has really bothered to look for a good one. If you meant with multiple guitars, I'm going to recommend against doing that, odds are it will sound awful that way.
  • splitters or direct boxes
  • buy alot of power cables (enough to connect the "amp out" jack into the "input" jacks in all of the other amps. you only need to hook up the pedal into the main amp you're using, and turn on all of the others.
  • Yes, it's something that can be very complex. The fact that you have to ask here means it is too complex for you to do. There are many factors such as speaker phase, grounding, noise and even getting electrocuted. Yes you can electrocute yourself by doing this when the grounding is wrong or missing and you become the ground.

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