When the seborrhea is on vacation I use a coal tar bar soap (the real deal not the fake stuff), and Silkience Silky-smooth Conditioner With Aloe. When the seborrhea is back I use Nizoral.
Well, I let it go gray a few years ago, so I use Jhirmack's Silver Brightening purple shampoo to keep it looking silvery, not yellowed. Then, I use Ogx conditioners, especially their extra-strength argan oil conditioner. Gray hair can be very dry and frizzy, so I use a lot of product to prevent that.
QV or head and shoulders .,gonna get some more expensive coconut oil shampoo and conditioner next shop .
Suave shampoo
Head n Shoulders
My hands. I try to use sulfate free shampoo, but will use bar soap if necessary.
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