• The really simple answer is "An ASCII file is a binary file that stores ASCII codes." This site explains the differences more thoroughly:
  • Text files contain only readable plain-text characters and binary files contain other data, normally programs which can be run on the computer. There are also encoded binary files, which use only readable text characters to represent the binary program. Examples of the latter are BASE64 and MIME.
  • Suffice it that you know one, the one you can read is the other
  • Binary, meaning two states, refers to ones and zeros. A 64 bit machine has 64 rows of 1's and 0's. In the 70's i worked with 8 bit machines that had a hexidecimal translation of those ones and zeros. 1=0001 2=0010 3=0011 4=0100 5=0101 6=0110 7=0111 8=1000 9=1001 A=1010 B=1011 C=1100 D=1101 E=1110 F=1111 So you can represent any legnth of binary with hexidecimal numbers. for example of this. 9D7A=1001,1101,0111,1010 This division defined the gradations of early memory(64k,128k,256k,512k,1024k etc.) Wow that was fun. learned that when I was a teenager. Guess my memory is working pretty well.

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