My antique four-poster bed (I also have the matching desk and dresser). My grandmother bought it for my mom when she was a teen, and my mom gave it to me when I was a teen. It's well over 150 years old. Needs refinishing, but I love it!
My rocking chair.
the entertainment center my dad built 20 years ago. I bought a TV to fit it perfectly.
80 year old cherry wood dining room set from my great aunt.
I was given an antique library table when my Grandparents passed away.
i have an antique sewing machine in my living room. similar to this: i don't use it for anything, but it looks nice. :]
this ... .
My gram's burled maple dresser. It has a lovely beveled mirror. The top drawers all have little built in boxes and dividers for lingerie and jewelry.
Not sure if it counts as furniature. But I love my piano. =)
This great armchair, photo at
A 9 foot tall rosewood on the outside, Birdseye maple inside Belgian/French armoire that is over 150 years old. And we also have a huge desk with gargoyles that has been in my husband's family for over 120 years, solid mahogany.
My computer desk.
My tables. Used to be my rocking chair but ex stole it.
My guitar amp. It was terribly expensive and it just sits there unused so it qualifies as furniture.
I recently asked my brother to make me a container for recycling. I was thinking of something like a toy box style piece. He made me a "recycling center". I love it and love is a picture of it while I was putting the finishing on it...the three drawers hold a garbage can for paper, metal and glass, and garbage....
Nice, huh?
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