• I just settle for eating everything and anything, my metabolism's ridiculous I even burn off fatty food with no problem. It's actually quite irritating i lost loads of weight because i wasn't eating properly and it took me over a year to get myself back up to a sensible weight.
  • Lots of red meats... eggs, tuna, shrimp.. foods with alot of protein..... but just eat and eat and eat
  • For some people gaining weight is close to impossible. You wake up and eat, go to work and eat, come home and eat and you keep weighing the same. The simple solution is that you need to eat more. The equation for gaining weight is: calories eaten must be greater than calories burned. If you stick by that equation you will gain weight. Your first step is to figure out how many calories you burn each day. You can use the Daily Calorie Needs Calculator. Remember that this calculator gives you an estimate. It'll take a week or two for you to get a better number. After you've used the calculator, 500 more calories than you burn each day. For example if the calculator estimates you burn 2000 calories per day, you need to eat at least 2500 calories to gain weight.
  • I know how you feel. My metabolism is so fast, I eat like a hog all day and only gain a 1 or 2 pounds a year. Plus no excersise or anything is helping me burn off food. I don't know what to do :(
  • SIMPLE....Eat more calories than your body needs,eat plenty of pasts,baked chicken,eggs,milk by the bucket load. Rather than eat loads 3times a day,snack 6times a day,you may find this easier 2do.

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