i do - i've even played the monopoly pub crawl in london!!
Yes. its my favorite board game
when a group of friends together we played it to enjoy the time...but not my favourites... i prefer others like cards,chess,or video games.
Stronger always use monopolistic tricks against the weak!
I have it as a game on my phone. I rule!
Yep. I have a few different versions of the game on my phone and the actual game itself. The oldest one I have dates from 1954.
yes,because it ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes i love it, risk as well.. unfortunately it is not that easy to find playmates
yes, i love monopoly.
Apparently the big-shots on Wall Street and in Congress have been playing for a while, with our money!
Can I be the shoe?
Yes and I keep my eye on the money as well!!!! LOL
My husband and I play the "John Deere" version. It has cute little tractors!
Monopoly = Epic.
i love monopoly. its my favorite board game. i have played it like 50 times already!
Yes i love it. I wont the new on with like credit cards and stuff, I sound fun!
Sometimes...I play it online sometimes.
Yes, I really enjoy the new one with the credit cards and the ATM!
I love monopoly! I'm a beast at it. I usually win! *grins* Would you like to play me? :)
Yes I do.
sure, I love Monopoly
when me and my husband both lost our jobs we would stay up all night playing monopoly. that was like 6 years ago. havent played since
Yes, I love the San Diego and Dog ones.
AOL used to love that game :)
yuuup! and im 20! love it ! we all decided to play it new years eve. didnt end up finishing till 2.30 am great fun though. :D
I play it w/ friends occasionally. You need to play it at a fast pace, otherwise the game drags on forever.
i've not played a proper game of monopoly for a 100 years, but love it..actually reminds me of spending time with my mom and brother and the daft arguments you have..and it takes SO long for someone to actually win as i remember lol
Are you kidding me? I love monopoly! I'll play forever if it wasn't for the fact that i have to eat.
Once in a while. When I was a kid, my friends and I spent countless hours playing Monopoly...some got pretty competitive too
Yes but not as often as I use to. We love monopoly at our house. I even bought the Junior Monopoly when my kids were little so they could practice up and become a good adult monopoly player!
I did as a kid... Now I am playing again with my daughter. its actually really a great ''Learning'' game. My daughter is 6 and she is learning to count and do simple additions with the Junior game.
Not as much as I used to but I love Monopoly.
I love it.
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