How to get the ball into the hole.
a visualization of the shot
Keeping the club in your hand in order to hit the golf ball.. lol
To remember that you're playing golf and you want to put that little white ball in that little hole in the ground. Otherwise you might smack it into the next township in frustration!!!
visualizing the ball going into the cup
"Don't miss!"
Send the ball home...
I'm not sure about MOST important, but keeping your head still, using just your eyes is very important. Then, you can move your head in your follow-through.
Putting the golf ball into the cup.
pace, most munis will be easy greens to read, dont be technical pick a line then the most important thing is pace (now if i can learn it) been thru 5 putters myself ive found out its not the putter
That the aim is to put the ball in the hole.
im gonna say make sure your aiming behind the hole not in front of the hole
Papajorgio doesn't know what he's talking about!
In most cases hit the ball harder then you think you should.
line it up and put it in the hole.
I would say it is a tie between relaxing and keeping your eye on the cup, or at least at the base of the flag, assuming, as indicated by the wording of the question, that you are, in fact, on the green. Also, in addition to the likelihood that you may have to hit it harder, you have to consider the slant of the ground and maybe the wind, power thereof, and the direction of it.
Keeping your eyes on the ball.
In the words of Chevy Chase "nananananananananananananana"
Concentration, just focus on getting the ball in the hole.Check if your aim is going to right and focus on not hitting the ball to hard or soft, just right.
Make sure you are lined up correctly, make sure you have the right velocity in mind that you are going to hit the ball with, then take a nice, smooth stroke and point the putter at the hole on the follow through.
Keep your head still! You move it and your ball is gonna wander off in that general direction.
That the golf ball always wants to go HOME!
Don't take your backswing past your back foot unless it's a long putt (as in 55+ feet) or if you're going severely uphill.
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