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Yes, 5-6 inches is the average for most men
HAHA, sorry just to let you know... if your actually 12, your making up stuff. Because a 12 year old average penis size is like 2.2 Inch NON Errect and like 3.1-4. Inch Errect. So don't lie, tell the truth (Unless your a freak) OH WELL I KNOW IM AVERAGE Size ;)
no im 12 nd my dik is 1 inch nd a half on flop (4cm nd 10 cm on hard (4 inch bonar is this small
If it's a girl, yes.
Wow! You are big for 12. Is that what you wanted to hear. My grandson 12 asked me that same question. when I told him it was big he smiled real big and stuck his chest out and said, "YEAH"!!! I lied but it made him feel good like a big man.
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