It could be that your son is suffering an outbreak of psoriasis: There are many treatments. Common ones for the scalp include coal tar-based shampoos (T-Gel, Denorex) and topical corticosteroid solutions. You should probably see a dermatologist to verify the cause of the condition. Good luck
Use a anti-dandruff shampoo
take him to a place that does hair
Go to Google. Type in 'scalp ringworm'. Click on images. If it looks like this, you got your answer....a dermatologist is needed. If not, try Selsun Blue (the kind with selenium) or Nizoral.
He needs to see a medical professional. Have your doctor refer you to a dermatologist. Don't try to treat it without medical advice. We are not doctors here, and you should NOT ask for medical advice here.
is dandruff.. go to a chemist and get a safe dandruff shampoo minus harsh chemicals..... many shampoos have bad chemical's
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