I am in the accounting field and not so much. Not even a difference in pay. Other professions maybe, but for accounting I know there isnt much benefit. This is due to the requirements to sit for the CPA exam in many states exceeds the credit hours required to obtain a BSBA. Therefor for all those accounting majors, they just continue to get their MBA so they can sit for the CPA. Find out more on other professions though if this doesnt apply.
It seems that an AA or BA is not the best nowadays. An MBA or higher degree is needed.
College degree used to be a good start but now an MBA or higher degree is better.
The higher your degree, the more money you will make.
It really depends. In some cases it might be an advantage, but probably not nearly as much as it used to be and probably not in as many cases as it used to be. I guess better to have one than not, all else equal. But if you are looking at financing it yourself, it might not pay for itself for a significant number of years.
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