Doublemint in the green wrapper...!
Grape flavoured chappies... (south african brand- not sure if it's anywhere else)
juicy fruit...yum:)
I don't chew gum, but if I just HAVE to choose, I'll take Juicy Fruit.
I like orbit bubblemint and and hubba bubba max.
I like the purple gum in the bubba pouch that looks like chewing tobacco. I dont really chew it anymore but it gives me good memories from when i was a kid. My brother and I use to chew it and pretend to spit and all. it was some good times.
Wrigley's new "Cobalt" sugarless gum.
the new and improved spearmint gum spearmint trident and trident x-pert care the green pack that hubba bubba ink blue stuff
Really minty gum... none of that tutti frutti stuff
Wrigley's gums..Doublemint, Winterfresh, Juicy Fruits. I also like Bubble Tape. Usually I like Orbit gums. The Wintergreen Mint and Peppermint flavors.
trident sweet mint - flavor lasts a long time
Extra-- Polar Ice.
Something minty.
Pre-chewed. As to flavors cinnamon, then wintergreen and at times good old Bazooka Bubble gum, likely dating myself on the last. As to brands -- can't say I have found any that are much more impressive than another.
Big Red.
SUGARLESS AND SUGARLESS ONLY esp. like Dentyne FIRE cinnamon!! oooooo also spearmint and once in a while peppermint. but always sugarless NO ONE NO ONE NO ONE SHOULD ever chew regular, sugar-loaded gum!!! EVER!!!!!! :-D
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