An outmoded symbol of bigotry and racism that has no place in polite US society. +2
The Confederate states flags were never a part of the US society. Your damn yankee ignorance is showing. -
To me the Confederate flag is an historic relic that was a symbol of when the South seceded from the US over the issue of slavery that should be seen in historic context but relegated to history too -
The south did not secede from the Union over slavery but over unfair taxes. Not until Lincoln had to have a reason for his War on Northern Aggression did he make it an issue. Slavery was a minor issue at the begging except in the eyes of the Abolitionists. -
Hardcore Conservative
States' rights is what was at issue. And slavery, up to that point, was a state's right. -
Army Veteran
Slavery was not the issue. Slavery was on its way out, anyway. The fugitive slave laws were relegated to the 13 Southern states only and did not include the border states that practiced slavery, nor those involved with the Missouri Compromise. Lincoln himself said that the war was not about slavery.
My take is such: I love the flag, and see it as a symbol of pride for those with southern routes, but also, sadly, see it as destroyed and tarnished by those who've used it as a symbol of hate, many of those, not even from the south, and therefore, in the eyes of many who do not understand it, IS strictly a symbol for racism, and is basically politically incorrect for those who love it for the real reason it was created, to display their love for it, without scorn from the ignorant.
We have our National Flag; each State has their own Flag; but there is only one Regional Flag the Confederate Flag.
It is Not a symbol of racism! But part of US history.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Hey dude, the Civil War was about Slavery. Not about states rights. It wasn't about Taxation, or the legalization of marijuana. -
Army Veteran
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union and is not either to save or to destroy slavery." - in a letter written to New York Tribune editor Horace Greeley on Aug 22, 1862 in response to an editorial.
It is a part of history and a state flag, so it should be treated with respect and those who don't are ignorant.
Hardcore Conservative
And intolerant.
Only to be used as kindling.
Damn yankee
Who wants to be remember as a loser?
The South has never been a loser!
i find it ridiculous that you would Symbolize the south with a confederate flag, there are much better things that south gave us... alman brothers, nascar, good fruits & vacation spots... then why use a symbol of division & racism to represent such a great region?
Army Veteran
I think the people of the South in the post-Civil War days would be scratching their heads and asking "Alman Brothers? Who the hell are they?"
It is the historical flag of a group who were traitors to the United States of America.
Never traders but refused to be taxed without representation. The south did not secede because of slavery as the damn yankees want to say but because the south was paying more than their fair share in taxes. The same as the Boston Tea party and the Revolutionary War. -
You've repeated the taxation issue, but how do you reconcile that the slave states were given additional representation in Congress for 2/3 of their slave population while paying 1/3 less taxes on the same population? Morrill Tariff Act was, yes, an attempt to curtail slavery, but it was implemented as a tariff on importing slaves. Why should the slave trade have received tax breaks? Who exactly was being unfairly taxed per capita?
It is a symbol, but one of the right to dissent, trampled by buttinskies whose real purpose was merely the acquisition of power over other Sovereign States.
a sign of ignorance and pro slavery values
More ignorance! It runs rampant with ignorant Yankees.
I see it both as a symbol of a culture and a symbol of division. I don't think any level of government should use it as part of their flag, but I leave those decisions up to the citizens of each state. I don't think the people that fly the flag are necessarily racists or bigots.
I like it
Not my flag thankfully.
Good glad it isn't because you do not know what the Confederate flags stood for damn yankee!
I am Italian but I think that, in America, the Right to Freedom of Speech should NOT disclude the confederate flag. It's a symbol of people who fought for something they believed in. Sorry about 2 sentences. =]
It was the Flag of a proud people!
Are you asking about the Confederate States Flag or the Stars and Bars Battle Flag? The Confederate States Flag was for the states just as the stars and stripes are for the USA. The Stars and Bars Battle Flag was carried into battle because it could be recognized and not confused with the US flag. Neither flag had to do with racism but with liberty for all southern Confederate States. The damn yankees made it bad after the war as a punishment against the Confederacy.
A historical flag.
A flag that shows a continuing fight over taxation without representation.
So, which states receive back more than the taxes they pay in, and which receive less? Who's being unfairly represented tax-wise today?
The Confederate flag is an historic relic that was the symbol of the Southern states that seceded from the rest of the United States. These were slave states vs the Northern Free states Slave state , states that permitted slaves. Most people in the US and else where connect Confederate flag&slaves.
The Confederate flag is an historic relic that was the symbol of the Southern states that seceded from the rest of the United States. These were slave states vs the Northern Free states Slave state , states that permitted slaves. Most people in the US and else where connect Confederate flag&slaves.
Why don't you learn the truth of why the south seceded from the corrupt union. It was not because of slavery but because of unfair taxes. -
Where can I get the info either from the net or print material? -
If you can find it the book entitled: A Pictorial History of the Great Civil War, published originally around the 1870's. -
Published circa 1870s Sounds like it would be in a store that sells rare books. Ergo too expensive for yours truly, At any rate thanks for the info.
The Confederate flag is an historic relic that was the symbol of the Southern states that seceded from the rest of the United States. These were slave states vs the Northern Free states Slave state , states that permitted slaves. Most people in the US and else where connect Confederate flag&slaves.
Means different things to different people from pride to disgust, but for me it is a contentious symbol.
An outdated symbol of people still stuck in that era.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with it; freedom of speech and all that
It is a piece of our history and displaying it in a historical context is fine. Because there is a strong connection with supporting slavery it should not be displayed as a symbol of a current government over government buildings or facilities that do not support slavery.
Nice flag! But there's plenty of bigots who've got nothing batter to do!
Whatever you believe it means, whatever it actually meant (not debating it), it is now accepted and used as a symbol of racism. It sucks, like the Celtic Cross and Nordic runes being used by racists, Scottish being the lion's share of my heritage, Norse being significant. I have to deal with it just like proponents of the Confederate Flag.
A flag of losers for losers, who want to live in a past that never was.
The south never were losers! They were only out produced by the war materials producing war like Union. The Union has always been a war like government from the beginning starting many wars during its history. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
WRONG - the only time there has ever been a Union was during the civil war. Otherwise its called the US. Not the Union.
I understand its rich heritage to some but to others it is offensive and a symbol of racism.
Its kinda funny at drunken parties but not to be taken seriously. Its a relic of a by-gone day.
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