Personal opinion: I believe she's pretty but not as incredibly beautiful as some people make her out to be.
I think she is very beautiful
Very average looking. There is so much better. By the way J Anniston is very average looking to.
Pretty. But I think Jennifer Aniston is prettier ;)
When men and women idolize her..........then she truly has something special.
She isn't really my cup of tea. Don't find her attractive at all, actually. OK, maybe 5%, but that's it.
shes not ugly, but shes not pretty either.
I think she's lovely.
she would make a small dog break a big chain, and any guy on ab who says different is gay
I did find her to be naturally beautiful until last week when I heard she has had plastic surgery to get the look she's got...
I wonder if you mean her top or bottom lip.
I think she is downright HOT. One of the few women I would consider sleeping with...
I LOVE HER! She is a knockout! No doubt!
She's decent looking.
Her looks are very exotic and unique. I would not classify her as either ugly or pretty-she has that look that can't be catagorized.
She's pretty
Very attractive.
She beautiful. Not my type, but I wouldn't pass it up either.
Yeah, she's pretty.
I think she's pretty, but I don't think she's ALL that.
She is gorgeous
I think she's a very good looking lady. Very talented too.
I think she is very pretty.
Shes attractive but I think she could use a little weight. I cant help but to see Jon Voight, her father when I look at her and he is not attractive in the least bit.
I don't find her attractive. I know people who think she's hot and many who think she looks like a female Mick Jagger.
shes pretty but not gorgeous.
She needs to deflate those lips. I find it mind boggling why some women get surgical alterations to make their lips bigger *shrug*
She is pretty :-) !
She is not ugly by any stretch of the imagination, but there are so many women who are much prettier than she is.
I don't find her ugly and I don't think she's attractive. Those lips really bug me!
I wouldn't call her pretty, but I think she can be very attractive when she chooses. She has a very unique look & appeal to her.
She's got a hot bod and a pretty face but her lips are just too big for my taste.
I don't think she is ugly, but I most certainly do not find her attractive.
She is pretty when she smiles.
She's pretty, but not gorgeous.. A bit manly in the jaw, if you ask me...
i think shes HOT!!!!!
absolutely striking. she's very exotic looking and as far as i'm concerned one of the best looking actresses of today. My husband thinks she's hot even though she doesn't have much for boobs (his words)
she was cute way back when she was in Hackers but she is not all that. Granted she's pretty I guess, but not the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Something about her makes me think she's probably a real biotch.
I dont think shes pretty at all. she might have a unique look and all but i dont think its really atractive. especially the way she shows off her tatoos in evening dresses and the way she always purses her lips if u look at her pictures.
I think she was pretty in TombRaider. But right before she got pregnant she weighed like 70lbs and she looked really yucky. I think there are actresses that are much prettier. Like Charlize Theron, etc. But I'm a chick too so what do I know?
Many girls are much more beautiful than her.
i think she's beyond pretty....more like gorgeous!!!!
very pretty
Slammin' hottie is an understatement.
I think she is disgustingly ugly. Her enormous lips are extremely unattractive, she's clearly anorexic. She's just gross looking, eyuck!
She is exotic... exotically stunning. She is just too thin. Her pregnancy brought out a special glow and inner beauty... But yes, she rates a 10+. Just too thin.
She is one of he most true beauties in Hoolywood today.
She is OK She IS DEFINITELY NOT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON IN THE WHOLE WORLD. Media is gay... they dont know which girl is hot and which girl is not. One channel says this phrase "most beautiful girl" and SO an another channel also wants to say the same thing. And it goes on and on. The reporters must be gay... just look at her... do you actually think she is hotter than Gwyneth Paltrow?
She's ok, but someone that still doesn't stand out in my opinion.
Shes got her head so far up her ass that lump in her throat has got to be her nose.Anyone with the attitude she has is UGLY in my book.Like i said in another question about stars,she and Pitt run around talking about saving the planet and then fly around in a private jet making more pollution with 1 flight than i do driving to work for a month.She wants to adopt children?Whatever happened to charity begins at home?There are thousands of children in this country that deserve to adopted.
Neither. *shrugs* Eh, no big whoop. but +5 though because I know a few people that think she's the cat's meow, but I just don't see it.
I think if she didn't have those giant lips she'd be prettier. I think she can look pretty at times.
She is beautiful.
- bad but not wonderful..she's pretty to look at but not the prettiest thing..her eyes do it all for her..her nose is too pinched and too long..her lips are big but they just don't mix with the rest of her features..and her teeth don't go with those lips of hers..
lol that is a great question no ass hmmm no tits hmmmm well I think her face is nice.
I think she looks a tad strange, but her "heart" makes her beautiful :)
She is very attractive but her lips look too big to me. She reminds me of a duck.
In some photos she looks beautiful but some side shots show her having a rather large jaw.
I think she looks like Bianca Jagger, which is to say, like a female Mick Jagger. Not hot. Look at her done up as Marilyn Monroe on the posters for "Life or Something Like It" and then at the same photographer's (Douglas Kirkland) photos of the real MM. One of these women is truly beautiful, the other gawky and strange looking.
i think she is just lovely :)
I used to think she was very pretty and I guess she still is but now I can't stand her so I do not see her beauty. She is over rated anyway.
I don't like her lips.
I think Angelina Jolie is super hot, and she has a brain to go along with it.
I think she's very pretty but her arms need some meat on them!!!!!
I think she is beautiful!!
she is tooooooooo hotttttttttttttttttt
yes i think angelina is a very pretty woman and i love all her movies that she has ever done i just don't understand why so many people want to bag on her but o'well people have there opinions and i have mine
She is exotically beautiful and defies all categories as miteb states. She has that "certain something" P.S. I am a straight female and even I can see the attraction
I don't think anyone could say educational but perhaps just good fun to while away a couple of minutes
she's so beautiful and clever for me
dog rough with fishy lips
Angelina Jolie is not attractive at all, i just think her eyes are pretty but everything else is not working!
She is very attractive, Her lips are nasty.
She's a dog with fishlips.
Angelina Jolie is probably the most mixed in attractiveness... i know so many people that think this girls gorgeous and as many people that don't. Personally I think she's really pretty.
I think she's pretty
She's pretty but she is too full of herself.
No, she looks ugly after she's gota kids. I think she should put on some weight rathen than being skinny
i hate her
She is pretty but she is nasty. :P
she's pretty ugly.
shes wildly beautiful but loking at her bring me nightmares
i dont think shes the prettiest girl in hollywood. but shes no where near ugly
Fugly homewrecking whore and i'm sick of hearing about her and brad.. P.S.Team Aniston all the way..
I don't think it matters - she's crazy, and she's rich.
Duhhh ? 😲😲😲
I must be gay then./.. because I think her head is wayyyy to big for her body...
I think she's pretty, but not quite the hype that everyone gives her. Too skinny for me.
Her lips are amazing...She is a beautifully stunning woman and deserves a man of her calibur.
Whatttttttt ? 😲😲😲😲
She can look pretty sometimes, but she's nothing special to me.
She's pretty no question about it, however due to her lack of moral values who knows what kind of diseases she has. If I was a guy I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole!
i think she's not ugly but she's not as pretty as people make her to be....forget the lips..yeah she has nice puffy lips but that the only feature on her face?..i personally dont like way she doesn't have any cheeks...AT ALL!!...who wants to look like zoolander (especiall with his famouse face pose)
She's very ugly, her lips are nasty, she looks like Bubba from Forrest Gump. To top it all off, she made out with her brother on t.v. so that pretty much means she's slept with him. Yup, she's a real prize that's for sure.
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