• I'd suggest a year. Otherwise, it looks like you had the next suitor on the line while you were divorcing the first. Best of luck!
  • Two seconds. Why wait? Divorce means that the marriage is officially over.
  • Depends, some divorce cause one was cheating so they was already dating again.
  • I was dating before the divorce, hence the divorce.
  • it depends on your self confidence. whether you like to wallow in the past. like talk about your ex on your dates. or cry for no reason or cry when you see a couple in love. if you can totally forget your ex, then you can date. dates dont like to hear about troubles in your past.
  • Knowing that a divorce can take up to a year in some states, I'd say immediately.
  • As soon as you can find some one worth your time. Don't simply goout with someone just to look like this divorce was no big deal. If you think you're ready and that the person you're dating is worth going out with then go.
  • I think as soon as you meet someone your interested in. It's just when you feel comfortable, not when you think everyone is.
  • there is no rule book, you just do what you feel is right :)
  • It just depends on how you feel. Heck my mom is dating already and the divorce hasn't even been finalized.
  • The day the divorce goes through, after that, go for it!
  • If you don't feel confident that you could get through a first date conversation without saying "Well my ex......" or "Since my divorce....."
  • If the body is still warm, that is too soon.
  • i think whenever the divorce is final its okay to date. My parents divorce took a long time. I'm sure my dad was dating before it was final
  • I waited about 15 minutes. Only because I couldn't get a hold of my date. Of course, I'm talking about very casual dating. You can't put a timeline on serious dating... Everybody is going to heal at a different rate. The problem with attempting to date seriously too soon, is that you run the risk of hurting someone. They will end up becoming "transition boy" or "transistion girl". It isn't fair. So keep it casual.
  • I don't think there should be an actual time line as to when you should start dating after the divorce. Each person is different and while some may jump back into the proverbial swimming pool right away, it may take others months or even years to finally get back on the dating scene. I also think that you should not jump back into dating after the divorce, for the simple fear of being alone. It is in situations like these, that we sometimes tend to attract the wrong people....and being in that kind of really aren't thinking straight and you might subconsciously ignore the "little red flags" about that new person that you met. I recently went through a divorce so I should know. I got some of my information (and advice) from this site:
  • Why wait, I was dating a week after leaving my ex husband, you split for a reason and that reason is that you are no longer in love, date away and enjoy yourself for once
  • It depends on the person. For my ex he's probably just getting warmed up and we just split. (Not a divorce.)
  • Wait at least 18 months. Until then buy a vibrator. Or, you could call "Hire a Guy."
  • I agree with the idea of a year and a half.
  • It depends on several things... Do you have children? How old are the children? How will the children react to a new "father-type" figure in the family?? Children are more important than your love life or lack there of. if you have no children, then I'd say if you want a SERIOUS relationship or another husband, and NOT just a lover, I say wait at least half the amount of time you were with your EX would be the right time needed. If you were with him 6 years, wait 3 years; if you were with him 3 years, wait 1 1/2 years; if you were with him 10 years, wait 5 years; as so on... My humble opinion though.
  • It wasn't even a week for me. No reason to wait once the deal is done.
  • Depends... on the person and their individual circumstance.
  • As soon as you feel its right.
  • I think divorce is a piece of paper saying you are no longer married. But the actual divorce is like you are living with a husband who does not treat you like a wife and in the long run you will eventually go find a lawyer and make it formal. It all depends on who you meet and your accountability. If you are prepared to be responsible for your actions then that is all up to you. No one can judge you about that.
  • Whenever you're ready.
  • 10 days before its final
  • I think 6 months to one year is about right. Otherwise, you may be too emotional or not clear thinking. However, all individuals are different. One size does not fit all.
  • A divorce can take a long time. I was dating before the final paperwork was filed. It depends on you. I'd say when you are certain it is over and you become ambivalent toward your ex-spouse.
  • The usual advice is 18-24 months.
  • It took me 10 years of marital therapy to finalize realize that my marriage of 20 years would never work. My husband I and decided to separate (he asked for the separation). Within weeks I had fallen hard for a good friend in the same position. Against all odds we moved forward with our divorces, navigated the rocky shoals of crazed ex's. In time we introduced our children into the mix and now, 7 years later, we are happily married. We have the home and family we've always wanted - and my ex-husband and his girlfriend are welcome guests for the kids' events. Sometimes there is no right formula.
  • 2 second after the judge says it over
  • A divorce is the legal end of the marriage. The personal end gets determined by the couple when they agree to no longer work on the marriage. So in my eyes when it is agreed to end the marriage, dating is fair game. Just be mindful that being said that you might not be emotionally ready for it. As with everything you will know when you are ready... but mind you if it a contentious divorce then you could run into legal issues with the divorce not being final.

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