That was some really good shit! :P -
man without fear is the man of my dreams well he'd be my love interest i mean i do love him. he is definately truly the sexiest superhero, he has the muscly body and big spread out legs and he's tall, even though he might not be as strong as superman because he gets punched around a bit he has got the looks, in terms of looks, i'd say he is perfect. considering he gets his ass kicked a lot by bullseye and even elektra, his looks make up for his not so super stregnth. a tight red latex costume to reveal his big toned body and his ever lustful stance where hes spread his legs standing tall on a new york skyscraper, who ever is in his love interest is a lucky person. i believe looks go a long way in deciding on which is your favorite superhero. just look at the photo (movie promo), hes got fantastic muscles and seexy legs. no superhero is like him at all, i mean, even though my gender states no, i wish daredevil was my alter ego, step into the shoes of him i'd be super sexy, tall but might get knocked around by enemies but its daredevil, he's worth pain. points i love about him - 1) legs 2) body 3) costume (design, color) 4) his posture 5) his fighting (despite he loses sometimes)
Ok, I'm straight and all but I agree with annonymous (assumming you're a girl?). Daredevil isn't such a bad fighter and all but yeah I suppose he is good looking for a superhero, I'm more interested in elektra though. I suppose, he'd be my favourite hero, most of the others aren't really my type, like I'm not into the whole cape thing. I like his costume too, suits him. Yeah, I'd probobly make him my superhero alter ego aswell, I'd be a 'sexy, tall, red and attractive superhero'. Hey, even though I'm straight and in my point of view I think he's attractive and sexy, I suppose it's his suit, body and height which says so. If in a fight though he could probobly beat say Spiderman but lose against someone like Superman who's more strong but he wears his underpants on the outside, not cool. Being Daredevil, ok you get punched quite a bit but you have red tights, big legs and a nice body. Daredevil has it cool, he's got the good suit and everything. I woulden't mind being him, being super sexy and red but getting punched and kicked around, doesn't matter, i still love him. <3 Summary, in the world of superheroes, it pays to have good looks and a nice body.
V. He's so polite, and intelligent. He believes in an idea, and will go to any lengths to make it a reality. He is just amazing. Watch the film, you'll love it!
I've got aggree with B.A.M. here and say V. He's just so danmed polite, and it's nice to see an obbsessive terrorist superhero for once.
The Hulk. He has been for a long time. I have always liked invincibility and strength, and he has it.
spiderman. his insecurities/doubts make him super-adorable and relatable. and he's in love. which is cuter still. yeah, i'd tap that.
Kato - The Green Hornet's sidekick... Flip power...
How could anyone answer other than Wolverine? He is the cool, brawny loaner that women would love to love...but for those damned adamantium talons!
I love Spidey too. I grew up thinking a lot about him, Mary Jane, and Stan Lee. Wondering if Stan was the recalcitrant boy-man that became the legend.
super man
Martian Manhunter. All superheroes should be so responsible and compassionate.
Captain America
WonderWoman, Lets take it to the woman ya'll!!!
spawn, he's pretty cool to watch in action, such as when he can change into any background such as a building or whatever. he was supposed to lead satins army on earth but instead he betrays satin and try's to get revenge on the man who set him up to die in a chemical plant explosion
Multiple Man or Iceman from X-Men, but not the movie cause they arent portrayed correctly. Or maybe Daredevil
The Dak Knight people, Wtf? The greatest detective in the world, ladies man, affluent, Batman. and the greatest villain the Joker
Wolverine for sure.
for me it's the Man of Steel....SUPERMAN!
Wonder Woman because she has a whip.
Batman, he's got super powers just gadgets natural strength and brains and he still kiks but
Wolverine and Spiderman.
Davey Havok... of afi. that or super man prolly.
THIS GUY...He is MY best super hero!
Blade rules. He's a vampire that can go out in the night AND the day. What isn't cool about that?
Robin Hood, he steals from the rich and bad, and gives it to the poor.
barney.... im just kidding... banana's in pajama's
Superman. For all of the superheros he is the only one who dons a costume when he is off duty. Batman, Spiderman, etc all wear a costume on duty. See Superman was born as superman, it is Clark Kent who is the second personality, the rest are the other way around.
Batman - because he isn't exactly super - he's human.
My favorite superhero on tv would have to be Batman!!!
i love the x-men. go wolverine!!!
Spiderman. He is just too cool. I squash flies, mosquitoes, moths and most creepy crawlies but never spiders. I have been bitten by a spider and now this gooey white stuff comes out of my nose when i sneeze! It sticks to walls too! It's not quite strong enough to take my weight so i spend my days looking for the spiders big brother, dad or mum in the hope that i can improve the formula.
The Mask. Why? Cos he's ssssssssssssssmokin!
Jean Gray from X-Men. She can move things with her mind. WITH HER MIND.
David Hasselhoff, the ability to concentrate on saving lives surrounded by those chicks, superhero indeed.
Superman all the way and then some.
Capitan Planet, he's a hero - gunna bring pollution right down to zero! FIRE! WIND! WATER! SOMETHING ELSE! (I just remembered, its EARTH!)
The Amazing Spider-Man
Supergirl. : ) Because we all know girls do it better. ;) Haha.
Ghostrider is my fav superhero but i knew what you meant.
Howard the duck. OK, not technically a super-hero, but that's the only comic I could remember reading as a kid.
The Green Lantern was pretty cool but as far as a favorite I cant really say.
I love Batman.
The all time favorite Superman.
Mine would have to be "topless girl". She is from the planet areola. She has a sidekick named A cup. Her super power is to mesmerize the villian with her chest and then kick thier butts. GO TOPLESS GIRL!
Spiderman. Hands down.
The Tick.
Batman- a man who can do it without the aid of superpowers! Green Lantern- just 'cause imagination creating reality is friggin' cool! It's a tie.
I've always been fond of the comic "Excalibur" from the 1980's -- particularly of members Nightcrawler (of the X-Men) and Captain Britain.
Wonder Woman ! Lynda Carter sure looked GREAT in that costume ;-)
Batman, because he had to train and master all that stuff, and because Bruce Wayne is a millionaire he can afford all the technology he needs and use his money to help Gotham City. He's not some guy that was in an accident and woke up with super powers. And he gets really good villains.
Astro Boy.
Me! I kick ass all the time.
Easy. The Incredible Hulk. He could gain hundreds of pounds of lean muscle, and still fit into his size 34 jeans.
Thor and Dr. Strange because they encountered the most awesome beings.
Spawn... something about good coming from evil sounds great!
you are baby (boyfriend george)
Growing up my favourites were Spiderman and also Gambit from X-Men. Spiderman's acrobatics and web-slinging was always a secret desire of mine. Gambits accent, witty remarks and staff twirling were also much sought after.
I *heart* Spiderman!
Blackbolt. He took out part of the moon by shouting. Ow yeah and hes super smart, strong, fast and can fly :).
Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze)
Ghandi. No, wait. Ironman.
Kato WAS my favourite ... with Batman a close second ... but recently the two have switched places ... my current favourite is now Batman, with Kato a close second. Neither one are even "super" ... they are just regular humans with an exceptional set of skills.
I like batman because he is a stud and he uses his natural abilities and gadgets rather than super powers like lucky superman and spiderman.
Wonder woman, I liked putting bannana clips over my eyes and acting like I was flying through the house when I was little.
mine is not just one because they are a team : The X Men ( and women) They have every thing from telepathy ( Professor Charles Xavior) to laser eyes (Cyclops Scott Summers) with everything in between ie Rogue Anna Marie D’Ancanto who can absorb other powers from fellow and enemy mutants :)+++++
I've always liked Wolverine
wonder woman :D
zatanna, doctor strange an storm
the deadpool he's like a cool version of me who gets to do everything i want to do and we both suck with girls read the comic lol <font face="Verdana" size="1" color="#999999"><br/><a href="" style="font: Verdana">Deadpool</a><br/><object width="425px" height="360px" ><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="movie" value=",t=1,mt=video"/><embed src=",t=1,mt=video" width="425" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"></embed></object><br/><a href="" style="font: Verdana">Raymundo</a> | <a href=" " style="font: Verdana">MySpace Video</a></font>
OMG who else but Superman?????? always liked one else comes even CLOSE.........!!!!!!!!!
Kekko Kamen is mine. She wears matching red full head mask with long ears, cape and boots but nothing else. Her sexy dances paralyze male and lesbian villains who mutter, "Kekko, Kekko, Kekko
There is only one...Jesus Christ
i like them all, i dont have a favorite
i like them all
Super Grover
Wonder Woman
My favorite is Spiderman
i like thenn all
Its a toss up between Superman and Barman for me.
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