• There are many variables you should consider when trying to determine water loss. Some of the factors include incline, temperature, wind, sunlight, and humidity. Potentially, you could sweat around 1/2 to 1 quart of water and electrolytes for every hour you walk in the heat. Here are some guidelines provided by the Grand Canyon National Park Visitor Information website. This fluid/electrolyte loss can even exceed 2 quarts per hour if you hike uphill in the direct sunlight and during the hottest time of the day. Because inner canyon air is so dry and hot, sweat evaporates instantly, making its loss almost imperceptible. Do not wait until you are feeling thirsty to start replacing these fluids and electrolytes. By the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Even this mild level of dehydration can make you approximately 10% to 20% less efficient, and this makes hiking a lot less fun. The more dehydrated you become, the less efficient your body becomes at walking and cooling. Your body can only absorb about 1 quart of fluid per hour, so drink ½ to 1 quart of some type of water or electrolyte replacement drink each and every hour that you are hiking in the heat. Carry your water bottle in your hand and drink small amounts often. And remember if you do not balance your food intake with fluid consumption, you run the risk of becoming dangerously debilitated and severely ill. Balance your food and water intake. Eat a salty snack every time you take a drink.
  • The Adiatic,Dead sea,Po River, Danube,Delaware, Brandywine,Atlantci,Pacific,The Med,English Channel,Lake Victoria (Africa) (Jumped off the 30 ft platform in NH in to Franconia Notch in February on a bet) Jumped off a ship into the Hudson River. PS Never learned to swim

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