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Are you worried that you could be pregnant? Nausea, dizziness, and cramping can be symptoms of pregnancy, but they are also PMS symptoms. Vasectomies are not 100% effective, but it is VERY RARE for them to fail. The odds of pregnancy one year after a vasectomy are FAR less that 1%.
Yes, I am thinking I may be pregnant. I understand that those are symptoms of PMS but they would be unusual for me. The only time I have ever felt the way I feel now is when pregnant. I just am wondering how plausible it is to even think about it when my husband has had a vasectomy.
These are also symptoms of the flu...or a gastric upset.....
Post-vasectomy pregnancies are not typical at all. The chance of that happening is so SO slim. However, just about anything is possible... These are also the symptoms that I get for PMS so that would be totally normal to me. If its out of the ordinary for you to feel that way then I would see a doc and/or get a test to find out for sure.
far more likly to be a problem with your dinner but only your doctor will know the answer - call if you have any doubts
well since you say these symptoms are not normal for your period it makes me wonder about the possibility if i were you i would get a home pregnancy test just to be sure because it might be a slim chance that you could be pregnant
This has been going on for 5 days, don't think it is dinner. But thank you for your comments.
Well, I suppose I am going to have to be patient and take a preg test in a few days. I actually highly doubt that I am pregnant because of the vasectomy but I can't shake the familiar symptoms. I just think it would be so crazy if I were, but perhaps they are just randomly odd symptoms that mean nothing. If anyone out there has had pregnancy after vasectomy I would love to hear form you.
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