My opinion is to Ban
No, I think it would be just as effective if the government quite subsidizing tobacco farmers and they were encouraged to grow something else instead, even a biofuel crop. Then people that still feel they need to smoke can do so in the privacy of their own home and no one is dictating what those people should do at home.
NOBODY in the government is going to quit subsidizing tobacco farmers because the cigarettes/tobacco companies are subsidizing their lifestyle by bribing them daily!!! People are more than welcomed to smoke in their own homes, but they just can't do that!!! They are sooo addicted to cigs that they have to light up while out in public!!! Then they are rude by insisting on throwing the cig butts onto the public areas. Personally, I don't care how much people smoke. Since I don't smoke, I'd prefer that they stay at home when they do light up!!!
no, cause it would still continue like nothing had happened except for maybe fines here and there. all it would do would waste peoples time.
No not banned - but if you don't want us to smoke then stop selling them and make them illegal otherwise SHUTUP about it - sorry i need a smoke
It didn't work with alcohol.
No banning. I don't smoke, but others have a right to choose to do something that's harmful to themselves, and that second hand smoke thing still has no hard evidence of how it effects others surrounding a smoker. Should restaurants, bars, clubs, etc., have the right to ban or limit use in their establishment? You bet. Should the government ban my using that product in my own home whether alone or not? Of course not.
No, I say if you want to smoke go ahead.
No, I'm not a smoker but if someone wants to smoke 300 cigarettes a day that's their problem- not mine. If a non-smoker is bothered by cigarette smoke I believe they should move away or go to the non-smoking section. As simple as that- prohibition didn't work with, I'm not so confident it would work with cigarettes.
No. People would still smoke. It would be just like pot. You get busted with a pack of smokes and you go to jail for a year and pay a fine. If they ever do ban smoking it would only be to get revenue from the enforcment of a law that violates civil rights.
A lot of things cause harm to the people who use it and those around them. Where do we stop? In essence, smoking has been banned. There aren't that many places where you can smoke these days.
No I don' long as the smokers don't crap up my air they can kill themselves in any way they choose..too much alcohol, drugs, cigarettes..if they are adult it's none of my business. What is my business is the air I breathe..why should I have to inhale their refuse? The stench, the stink, the crap? Go into a big barn, keep all the doors closed, and smoke yourself to death..again, it is none of my business how to you choose to kill yourself. Just leave my air alone! :)
no.where would it end if they were allowed to completly ban smoking.what would happen to our freedom to choose.
No way! If cigarettes were banned there would be complete chaos. Also, all of the smokers would find something else to get addicted to that could possibly be more harmful. It's taxed and the government is getting money so I don't see this happening anytime soon.
No way is right, ban cigarettes then the tax on booze will increase.
Cigarettes, guns, stealing, murder, identity theft ....they all should be banned, for all the good it does. The government should subsidize the research into using tobacco as a bio-fuel. I hear it works even better than corn.
Completely yes! I cannot spray someone with toxic gas, yet smokers do that everyday..if they ban smoking completely addicts can still get their drug fix from chewing tobacco so i really don't see what the problem is. I don't care if people smoke in their own home (as long as children or people who cannot speak for themselves aren't there) but if they ban smoking it will stop them from taking it outside and not to mention the murdering of innocent people. so yes.
yeah sure... why don't we completely ban wild fires hurricanes lightning tsunami's and volcanoes too... then they will never happen again
No, cigarettes kill two birds with one stone. They taste great and they bring me closer to death.
Sure!! We need to also ban junk food & fast food.. look what it's doing to adults & children
No. It makes me uncomfortable to give the government control over such things. And besides, who wants to be around all those grumpy people. :)
everyone who smokes knows right from the second they light it up what its doing to them yet for w.e reason we still smoke honestly if u banned smoking think about how many ass holes would be out there... have u ever talked to a smoker who hasnt had a cigarettes in a not nice
I'm not a smoker, but I don't mind if other people are. Personal liberties such as that shouldn't be taken away. Besides, it's like just wouldn't work.
yes, what good does do? there is no need for it. its just another thing that helps you shorten your life.
No way. I'm not a smoker and hate to be around someone smoking, but I defend their right to do it. Anything else would be a scary step toward loss of our human rights. Where would it stop....?
No I don't. Smokers have rights too. Just like alcoholics who persistently get behind the wheel of a car and harm people everyday. Should we then also ban alcohol? or vehicles? 'cos it's not just the alcoholics, there are loads of extremely bad and uncareing drivers out there on the road everyday that KILL.
No. They tried to ban alcohol, I believe for the same reasons. Look at what happened. People will still smoke. It is difficult to find a place that allows smoking, in Minnesota, you have to be 25 feet from an entrance. I think the country has done a pretty good job of banning cigarettes.
A man in prison once said; take my things, my house, my car, my women, take my freedom away...but I'll fucking kill you if you touch my smokes. Ban it all you want, but you're going to have a hard time getting it to remain as such; fifty percent of the Western hemisphere are smokers, or at least close enough. Alcohol and tobacco do more health related damage than banished drugs like heroin or cocaine do, so I would wonder WHY all this isn't banned...but you have ANY idea just how much profit the government makes form tobacco products? It basically runs the friggin' economy; that's never going to happen. Although I am a smoker, I would totally be in favour for banning it though, but on the other hand it isn't for me to say what you can or cannot do; besides as far as harm goes, we still have cars and pollution that fuck up people just as much if not worse, wouldn't fix much of anything aside from more contraband issues for the government to deal with, not to mention that so many things people do everyday are just as nefarious. Tobacco is nasty, but unfortunately, it's a significant factor in society's systematic process, take that and alcohol away, and we have some major adjustments to make, which could take YEARS to get right. :/ And even then it would probably be replaced by something just as dumb. Smoking is a part of society, and I almost wonder who wouldn't walk into work on Monday morning with a machine gun and off everyone because they're nicking out lol. Bad example, but you get the point. Sad but true. It should be dealt with, if anyone ever wants tobacco to release its grip on people, and it would be possible i'm sure, and of course everyone would thank their health all the more. But i don't think the consequences would justify much of anything. :/ People will smoke anything lol.
sure and let's also ban factories, gas powered vehicles, pesticides and everything else that tops the list of "harmful" to the air we all breathe....i challenge everyone to look up just how far down on the list "second hand" smoke shows up as a pollutant in the air~there are several hundred things that come before it.....and the percentage is very very low~
Only if they Ban Alcohol! That Does more Harm to people!
yes, and the gays.
Only if they ban burning trash in burn barrels. I'm sure burning the crap that people burn, is much more harmful than cigarettes.
No..and so does alcohol, caffiene, cellphones, guns, rocks, the air we breathe..I mean where are the bans going to stop if you get them started.?
No. Start banning everything that "causes harm," and you'll soon be banning cars. It's a never-ending process. Remember what happened with Prohibition.
Absolutely not. BTW, I'm a non-smoker.
No as far as the second hand smoke thing goes, unless someone is blowing the smoke directly into your throat i don't think it has the same effect. no one said you have to stand right by someone who is smoking especially if the establishment has a designated smoking area.
If cigarettes were banned what would I do for a smoke? umm no. Should liquar be banned?
No! We need those taxes! Raise the prices! Mwahaah ;P
Only if we also ban cars and trucks as the exhaust is more harmful than smoking
No i don't think they should be banned. If they chose to ban smoking ciggarettes than alcohol should be banned too, and if either became banned it would be ridiculous.
yes i agree cigarettes should be complitely banned. It is not only tenager but also adult.
No, but stupidity should be! It should also be extremely painful.
I don't think it should be BANNED! I just find it a little crazy that cigarettes are legal and marijuana isn't.
Sure. Death penalty offense. Kick in your door in the middle of the night. Concentration camps. Gas chambers. The works. +5
I don't want to be on the planet when they decide that one because there are going to be a lot of pissed off people jonesing for tobacco and they are not going to be very nice.
Should high fat food be controlled, and obese idiots be restricted from access before they eat themselves to death, and have to be buried in a cargo container? Should old folks have their driving license suspended because they have slower reflexes, questionable vision, and could run over someone? Anslinger banned cannabis back in the day, and rabid airheads got alcohol banned once upon a time. End result was people still smoked pot, still got drunk, and if caught had to endure being abused, raped, or killed in prison. For what? So that nannyites of 'The Nanny State' (ISBN# 978-0767924320) could pat themselves on the back, for successfully using the law to force their BS on others!
No because (see: Prohibition). It would cause an increase in usage, organized crime black marketing of cigarettes, etc. Australia's plan of gradually increasing cigarette taxes until they become unaffordable and requiring graphic negative advertising on the cigarette packages themselves is far more clever...though eventually it also is likely to lead to a black market operated by organized crime.
yes , government have known that for donkey years but they like the tax they get from them so it wont happen
People do a lot of things that can cause harm to themselves and even to others. Drunk driving is a good example, but we don't talk about banning alcohol or cars. We simply regulate their use with laws. That's the best way to deal with smoking. Fewer and fewer people smoke (It used to be hugely common, but that's changed), and I think that eventually, it will more or less die out in the western world as a result of natural attrition.
I don't approve of bans, nor do I approve of the Democrat tactic of taxing undesirable products out of existence. They cause more problems than they cure.
Let people do what they wish - but when they need medical care as a result of smoking, they should be on their own.
I do think it is time to abandon them all together. As a smoker, I would find it not all that difficult to switch to pipe tobacco.
you better ban a whole heap of industrial chemicals first. I havent smoked this century but I enjoyed it for a lot of years its a free world people can smoke in their own backyard all they like. Do you want to ban wood fired BBQ's as well?
YES!!! However, that will NEVER happen as they bring in way too much money for the powers that be to actually push!!!
No, because it wouldn't stop there. EVERY TIME you give the government any power they WILL ABUSE it. Next thing you know they will ban fats and sugars because it causes obesity and heart disease. AND etc and etc as some others have mentioned in these answers. I believe in respecting each person's right to choose for themselves. Even God didn't didn't restrict our ability to choose for ourselves. And while we're at it they shouldn't get more than 10% of our income either!
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